
Miss Red Can Address Me As Sir

Robins smile was big, reaching her big hazel brown eyes, she bowed and welcomed every customers.

The restaurant management had called her and told her she was hired and should resume the next afternoon.

She went and they did a little introduction between the staffs, the nice security officer was like an uncle to her and has been nice to her but that meeting gave her a big shock.

The people she have a thing, a negative thing with at her past restaurant are all here. Debbie, Mrs Tracy and the love sick security man that keeps proposing to her.

Robin had an inkling that someone was behind this trying to make her life miserable by hiring her and this people together but she need money to pay her rent.

Zach had begged her not to go and to stay with him at least get to know him better and she accepted on conditions. She would pay her share of the rent, although not half the amount but still pay and she would participate in the cooking at dinner,since she would reach the apartment an hour before him and there is a clear line between them unless she accept him as her boyfriend no suggestive moves.

Robin accepted his offer because,one,he makes good food,two he is a really good friend and she is sure he won't try to take advantage of her and three she wanted to torture Mae a little more.

" good evening" Coming back to the present Robin bowed to the couple that just entered,the man was old and wrinkled while the lady was young and sexy with a very curvy body and her damn red and black dress clinging to those curves.

She hugged him tightly while her fingers played with his chin. Robin didn't fret over it because it is very common and this was the third couple now with the same dynamics.

" Mr Thomas your table is table ten and please enjoy yourself" Robin gave that her fake smile but this time it didn't reach her eyes.

The wrinkled man smiled slyly and placed his hand on Robin's which were on the desk. Robin removed her hand from his weird rough hand.

"please refrain from doing this again our rules don't allow it" Robin calmly tell the man as he kept throwing her those dirty looks 'is the one beside you not good enough?' Robin said inwardly.

" when you get off work how about some alcohol and pass the night with me?" Mr Thomas said his old wrinkled lips curved up with a dirty smile.

Robin calmly smile and pointed towards the dining room her gesture telling him a big fat no!

Mr Thomas smile got wider" I love the hard to get" he winked and leave.

Robin's expression changed for a brief second as the anger passed her eyes before replacing with that big fake smile of hers.

" if I keep this up I wouldn't have a real smile and get terrible jaw ache instead" Robin muttered caressing her lower jaw. All the customers were in the dining room so she could drop her smile and relax a bit. She checked the guest book and everyone was here and she made sure to treat them nice with her smile so she deserve to not smile at least for the rest of the night.

She leaned back to relax on the wall behind her when someone walked in.

His mighty aura immediately cloaked her and his powerful steps to where she stood. He kept his head down for a while so she couldn't see his face but how can't she recognize that person. Even if he did plastic surgery she would still recognize him.

Damien walked over to where Robin stood looking up he was taken aback for a few seconds shock reflected in his deep blue circles before replacing itself with calmness.

Robin gave a big smile to her worst enemy, the smile reaching her big brown eyes" good evening sir,how may I help you?" she asked knowing his name wasn't in the guest list.

"I came here with a friend" he replied he noticed how she quietly heaved a sign of relief.

"who might that be?" Robin heaved a sign of relief,the only reason he could be here might be because he was one of the investors but yet again this restaurant had no investors it was established by someone powerful enough and Damien fell into that category. The owner's name was not made known to the public or the staffs so she was a little worried it might be for Damien and he lured her here to have his revenge.

" Mr Thomas Barns" He replied.

Robin fingers twitched and her calmness falter for a second before she recompose herself.Of course Damien is involved with that wrinkled man that kept throwing the disgusting glances from the dining room.

" let me check" She went to ask the man at the dining room.

"change your mind my dear?" Mr Thomas gave her a small wrinkled smile but it was still far from been just a grandpa smile.

"is mr Damien Strong your guest?" Robin asked giving the man a sweet smile she was sure he wouldn't lie to her.

"a man as my guest!" he raised an eyebrow angry"never, I already brought my guest as you can see" He wrapped his hand around the lady still clinging to him like a leech.

Robin frowned at this 'was Damien lying?'

"Mr Strong is with me" A man walked up to her and she immediately recognized him as Mr Barns.

"sorry, I guess I got the wrong Thomas Barns" Robin flashed an apologetic smile to the man.

" no worries,things like this are bound to happen once in a while" Mr Barns beat the air telling her it is okay.

" I will go bring him right away" Robin bowed a little and left back to her post.

" you can go in Mr...err..what should I refer you as?" Robin asked,she didn't want to be unprofessional and start saying names which can lead her to been fired..again!

" Miss Red" He zeroed his eyes to her name tag.

Robin frowned her face thinking he was checking her cleavage.

"Miss Red can address me as sir" he replied and leave his lips curved up to a small smirk.

Her fingers twitched and she gritted her teeth just he wait.