
I am forbidden

Odetta is a tribrid child whose parents were killed in front of her as a young child. She is out for vengeance. But having a demon mate was not what she planned for. King Orion is a bastard child of the kingdom. He killed the king and queen who has treated him horribly. Nobody in the kingdom knows he did it except for the king's true mate who cursed him for killing her mate. A seer informed him that only his mate and Tribrid can uplift the curse. ______   Odetta is a tribrid of werewolf, witch and elemental. The council are wicked people who kill anybody too powerful. Odetta's parents were killed when she was just 8years old, she was meant to be killed but her mum helped her escape. Odetta is being hunted by all the kingdoms, both big and small. But she got it all covered.   But meeting her mate was not what she planned for. Not being able to ignore the mate bond, distractions came and Odetta lost all focus and her life became more confusing.  Lying to her mate. Trying to avenge her parents death. Agreeing to a wicked deal of an evil witch. Trying to get a jealous ex concubine off her back. Will Odetta finally get her happy ending? WARNING!! THIS BOOK IS GOING TO CONTAIN RAPE SCENES AND SMUT! AND THERE WON'T BE ANY WARNING AT THE CONTINUATION OF THE BOOK!

Subbystar · Lịch sử
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37 Chs

Chapter 21


It has been 3 days after the throne room situation. I told Orion that since he is too busy to handle some palace affairs and his generals are incompetent that I will handle the missing people situation. So that is why I am here now in the village wearing a black robe with a hoddie that is covering all my face. I don't truly know where to start from so I decided to start by asking the villagers when the last kidnapping took place. According to what they said, they said 4 days ago 2 men went hurting and did not come back. They sent a group of people to search for the men but they were not found. I went to the direction of the forest. I entered the forest but nothing seem out of ordinary. Everything was looking normal, I went further into the forest everything still seem normal. That is until I heard a noise coming from my right. I turn to the direction.

'Who is there' I said with my sword which I made myself outstretched. I did not hear any sound. Everything was eerily quiet. I was not hearing any noise. Not even a bird noise.

'Odetta' I heard multiple voices whispering. I turned around.

'Who is there! Come out and stop playing hide and seek!' I said. Then I heard the voices laughing. Something hit me in my waist, I looked at what hit me it was a rope. It was tangled, it hit me again in my back. It hit me hard I feel but stood up fast. Everything was quiet again, I stretched my ears. The rope was coming again at my right I quickly turn and cut it. The rope kept coming with it attacking me and me cutting it off. Then for sometime I did not hear anything, then the rope came very fast and tie my legs together then another one came and hit the hand I was using to hold my sword. I dropped my sword then the rope tied me up to my shoulders. I couldn't balance on my legs then I fell down losing consciousness. The last thing I heard is.

'I finally got you oh so powerful and mighty Tribrid'


I have been in the study since. Odetta has gone out to look into the case of the missing people. I know she can handle it that is why I allowed her to go. What happened 3 days ago with my demon I was not proud of it. I did not want Odetta to see that part of me that only come out when I am extremely angry. I was disappointed at myself for not been able to keep my demon in check. But thankfully Odetta had handle the situation well and I was happy that she and her wolf accepted my demon. Nobody likes my demon everyone fears him due to his animalistic ways. So I was happy they accepted him.

5 hours later

It has been 5 hours and Odetta has not come back. I was starting to get worried. I tried mindlinking her but it was blocked, that made me very worried Odetta never close our mindlink even if we don't really use it, it was always opened. I stood up and went outside.

'Get one of the horses ready' I told the guard'

'Yes your majesty' he said bowing. I went to my quarters to change to a casual robe so i don't get recognise by the villagers. After changing I went to the entrance of my palace where 2 guards and 3 horses were waiting for me. I am riding a casual horse as my royal horse can be recognised. All royals has their own special horses. I mount the horse then I moved with the two guards behind me. I went to the village I wonder where she is. I went to one of the forest looking around trying to find her scent. I am the only demon that can smell her scent as she is my mate other demons can't smell her except wolves as they have the ability of telling people scent. I looked around I didn't get any scent, I went to the other part of the village. Then I smelt something, it was Odetta scent. I quickly followed the scent. I entered deeper inside the forest her scent getting stronger. Up ahead I saw something on the groud. It was Odetta!, I ride faster. I got closer and quickly come down from my horse, the guards also stopping. I bend down shaking her.

'Odetta, Odet!' I yelled. I slapped her face slightly then her face scrunched up.

'Odet wake up' I said. Then her eye's started opening slightly, then she fully opened her eyes.

'Your Majesty!' Odetta said jumping up. Since when did she call me with a title. I chuckled.

'Odet when did you start calling me with a title, did you hit your head?' I asked checking her face. She nervously laugh. What is wrong with her?

'Sorry Orion, I did hit my head something attacked me. But I am fine now' she said.

'Okay let us to go the palace so you can explain what happened to you' I said.

'Okay' she replied. Then I assist her to stand up. Then placed her on my horse. We all ride back to the castle.

Should have noticed I carried the wrong queen.


I lazily opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings. Where am I? I was in a room with very high walls and Windows. There are two doors. I tried sitting up and I was hearing chain sounds. I looked down, I was tied up with chains. There was chain in my two hands and my ankles the chain is connected to the wall. I tried to remove my hands but I couldn't. I tried using my power but it was not working. What is happening?, my powers never fail me. I tried again it was not working at this point I was becoming confused.

'Louisa! Louisa!!' I yelled in our mindlink. There was no answer in fact I can't feel her. I started panicking. Then I heard the door opening and a man came in. He was very tall, taller than Orion. His eyes as red as Sebastian eyes. He was a good looking man, if i didn't have a mate and I met him, I would have liked him.

'I see you are awake' he said. A cigarette in his mouth.

'You know you should really stop smoking that, it is bad for the body' I said laying on the wall. He chuckled, a very humorless chuckle that sounds oddly familiar.

'I see, behaving like a wife material already?' he questioned looking at me.

'Who are you?' I asked.

'Well my name is Ryker and I am a tribrid. Just like you' He said with a big smirk on his face.