
I Am Doom (Marvel)

Upon his death a comic book fan finds himself reborn as one of his favorite characters, who he thought could have achieved so much more if he simply faced some harsh truths and changed his ways slightly. Victor Von Doom/Dr. Doom Now having become Doom the man will strive to become what he considers the best possible version of, in his opinion, one of Marvel's greatest characters. Turning the world on its head and crushing anyone who stands in his way. For nothing will hinder the path of Doom.

ArifuretaForever · Tranh châm biếm
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109 Chs

Chapter 37: Recruitment Drive III

[University of California, Berkeley]

Having just finished his final lecture of the day Dr. Bill Foster headed to his office. So he could collect a few belongings before heading home for the day.

[Insert Image of MCU Bill Foster Here]

Reaching his office he opened up the door and entered it.

Only to stop in his tracks when he saw a man sitting behind his desk the moment he stepped inside.

Looking at him the man smiled. "Hello Dr. Foster. A pleasure to meet you. My name is Victor Von Doom, and I've come to speak with you about a job opportunity."

"Well breaking into my office certainly wasn't a good way to make a first impression." Bill spoke. "Now leave. Or else I'll call campus security and have them remove you by force."

"Come now Dr. Foster. No need for such threats. Especially because if you agree to come and work for me you'll be able to finally cure Ava Starr." He spoke. The smile never leaving Victor's face as he did.

Unnerving Bill Foster even more than he already was. Especially now that the man had mentioned Ava.

"I'm sorry Ava who? I don't know what you're talking about." Bill spoke. Trying to blame dumb.

Hearing Bill's reply Doom lightly chuckled. "Marvelous Dr. Foster. Truly. You're acting skills are quite good, and against any normal person they would work." He spoke. Victor then put a serious expression on his face. "Unfortunately for you I am no ordinary person. So please don't insult my intelligence any further with your lies. For I know the truth. About Ava Starr. About her parents. About your work with Dr. Hank Pym and project GOLIATH. I even know how Ava is basically a slave in all but name to SHIELD. Keeping her on a leash with the promise of a cure I can assure you they are never going to create. But if you and her come and work for me I promise you, she will get that cure she is longing for." He spoke.

Stunning Bill Foster.

"Of course I know you cannot decide anything without speaking to her first. So go ahead and do that. Then once you have both come to a decisions please contact me." Victor spoke.

He then reached into his suit jacket pocket and placed a white card, with nothing except a single phone number, atop Bill Foster desk.

"My card." Victor said. He then stood up. "Well then Dr. Foster goodday."

Victor then opened a portal, stepped through it, and then closed it in seconds.

Bill Foster completely and utterly at a loss at what he has just witnessed.

But the man knew one thing for sure.

He had to contact Ava immediately.

Since they had just been given a lot to consider and discuss.


Sitting leisurely in a chair, that had been provided for him, Victor stared down Bill Foster and Ava Starr/Ghost.

[Insert Image of Ava Starr/Ghost Here]

The three of them inside of the same cabin from the Ant-Man & The Wasp film Victor had watched in his previous life.

A week had passed since Victor made his proposal to Dr. Foster in his university office, and now here the three of them are.

Bill and Ava ready to give Victor an answer to his proposal.

"So, what have you two decided?" Victor asked.

The two of them then shared a quick look before focusing their attention back on him.

"We've decided to take you up on your offer." Ava spoke.

This bringing a smile to Victor's face. "Excellent."

"But if you don't cure Ava then we walk away. No if, ands, or buts." Bill Foster spoke.

"Of course." Victor replied. "That was part of the deal in the first place and I shall honor it. For Victor Von Doom is nothing if not a man of his word." He explained.

Victor then worked out a few more details before leaving Ava and Bill.

Ecstatic he had secured to more recruits.


[Alkali Lake]

[Alberta, Canada]

As the VTOL they were in, landed 20 miles away from their target Zemo and Lucia finished the last of their preparations before they, and the men and Doombots, who had accompanied them set out to complete the task given to them by their king.

[Image Here]

To attack and destroy the base of one Colonel William Stryker.

A sociopathic ex United States military officer who had started his own rogue operation.

Whose soul purpose was to experiment on and kill those formerly known as Mutants.

At least in Latveria.

Since Victor had created a new term to describe Mutants and those with superhuman powers. Whether they gained their abilities from scientific experiments or through their genetics.

The term being EVO's.

Which was short for Evolved Humans.

A term Victor had stolen from a television show he watched in his previous life called Heroes.

Though only he knows that.


Once their final checks were complete Zemo and Lucia looked at each other and nodded.

They then stood up and walked to the rear of the VTOL, whose rear ramp had already fully lowered.

Coming to a stop the pair turned and faced the soldiers and Doombots who had accompanied them.

The former, like Zemo himself, wearing Victor's newest invention to help strengthen the LDF forces.

Power Armor.

[Image Here]

Which Victor based off the designs of the armored exo-suit's schematics and data his Doombot had acquired from Oscorp.

"You all know your missions. So let us go and complete them." Lucia spoke.

"Yes. For Latveria. But most of all for our glorious leader! For his majesty the king!" Zemo exclaimed.

"For the king!" The human soldiers exclaimed.

Once they did all those in the VTOL set out and started heading towards their target.

Each ready to fulfill their assigned duties.

Zemo and the human soldiers tasked with rescuing the EVO's Stryker was currently holding inside of the base.

While Lucia and the Doombots were to eliminate Stryker himself, retrieve any and all useful data, and lastly acquire the rare metal Adamantium Stryker was in possession of.

A task Lucia would not fail at accomplishing.

Zemo feeling the same way about his own task.

Since they did not want to diminish the trust Victor had placed in them.

In no time at all both groups reached the Lake.

Once they did their mission began in earnest.

Stryker having no idea what kind of shit was about to rain down on him.


His gun held out in front of him Zemo expertly shot down any enemies in his path.

His men backing him up.

After entering the base they split off from Lucia's group and began carving a path to their own target.

Which they were very close to.

Based on the schematics of the base they had been supplied with for the mission.

Putting a bullet between the eyes of the last enemy soldier Zemo lowered his gun.

He and his men then advanced forward to the door straight ahead of them without any impediments.

Upon arriving at it Zemo and his men opened it and then walked through.

Finding the holding cells of the base.

Along with the prisoners of Strykers they had been tasked with rescuing.

Of which there were six.

Jubilation Lee.

A young female EVO with the ability to generate, and partially manipulate, Energy Plasmoids, or Lumikinetic Explosive Light Blasts.

Sonya Simonson.

A female EVO with the ability to scan, implant, remove, and manipulate memories.

Tabitha Smith.

A female EVO with the ability to generate balls of highly-concentrated plasma energy.

Marco Diaz.

A male EVO with the ability to absorp and manipulate photons.

(A/N: Marco and Sonya aren't OC characters. They are from the Fox X-Men show The Gifted for any who didn't know)

Julio Richter.

A male EVO with the ability to manipulate the various energies of Earth itself. Allowing him control over plants, lava, and even seismic energy.

Finally there was Armando Munoz.

An male EVO with the ability that gives him a physiology capable of adapting and evolving to meet virtually any kind of situation he finds himself in.

The moment Zemo and his men entered the room the six prisoners aimed their gazes at them.

"Who are you?" Marco asked.

"We're here to rescue you." Zemo spoke.

Then immediately after he did he and his men got right on that.


Standing in front of the bases main computer, a hard drive connected to it, Lucia downloaded all information on the bases servers.

The corpse of Stryker, a laser blasted hole in his chest and a bullet hole in his head, lying right behind her.

Since the man has been pathetically easy to dispatch.

The real problems were his his son Jason and bodyguard Yuriko Oyama.

Since Victor had instructed them to be brought back to Latveria alive if possible. Given that he learned Stryker was employing mind control and those two might be victims of it.

So that meant Lucia and the Doombots had use capture instead of kill methods.

Yuriko being trouble.

Given her Adamantium nails.

She was able to take out two Doombots before putting subdued.

As she was Lucia now understood why Victor wanted Adamantium for himself.

The metal was something else.

Moving on.

As for Jason, given his condition it was easier.

The Doombots simply handles him.

Lucia making sure to avoid any and all contact until he was out.

Given the report she read on Jason telepathic abilities, and what the boy had done to his own mother.

Honestly she didn't want to bring him back to Latviera.

But her king had ordered it so she would comply.

A few more minutes passed before all the files finished downloading onto the external hard drive.

Once they did Lucia disconnected it from the main computer and contacted Zemo over the comms.

"Zemo. I've got the data. Stryker is dead and we've secured both his son Jason and bodyguard Yuriko." She quickly explained. "How are things on your end?"

"Good as well. We've secured the prisoners and are making our way back to the ship." Zemo replied.

Hearing that Lucia nodded.

Once she did she and her remaining Doombots moved out.

Locating the Adamantium on sight they secured it.

They then placed explosive charges all across the base before exiting and returning to the VTOL.

Where Zemo's group was already waiting for them.

Getting on board, and then after a quick headcount, the ship took off.

Lucia activating the explosive charges in the Alkali Lake Base right after they did.

Blowing it to kingdom come.

Successfully ending the mission to elimate William Stryker and demolish his plans.

Along with obtaining valuable information in the process.

So overall a resounding success.

Knowing this both Zemo, Lucia, and all the other soldiers knew their king would be pleased.

Very pleased indeed.


If you want more go to my paetron, where there are up to five advanced chapters of this story.

Here is the link: patreon.com/ArifuretaForever