
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · Kỳ huyễn
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81 Chs

CHAPTER 24- Kei's grandmother.

CHAPTER 24- Kei's grandmother.

How does the magic power system work in this world? It's simple. At birth, people inherit magic from their mothers or grandmothers. And magic is enhanced with points earned by defeating more powerful monsters and enemies. The points vary depending on the danger the monsters represent to the person. If a weak person defeats a simple goblin with great difficulty, that person receives for example 100 points, but if an S class adventurer defeats it, she receives nothing, she must defeat 50 goblins to receive a single point.

With every 10,000 points, the status improves, depending on the configuration of the status. Kei has programmed his status to use his points to further improve his life points and magic power, as opposed to his strength, agility and intelligence, which he improves with physical training and studying.

Nobles possess the best magical affinity. They can get more points and improve faster compared to commoners. Commoners must work twice or three times as hard to improve themselves, which is why noble families are highly respected.

In this world, beauty and power are very important, which is why nobles strive to be powerful warriors... Well, only noble women. The noble men are in charge of managing the businesses and lands, or they are simply sent to other more important noble families to be the husbands of some important woman. Basically, sex slaves and pretty faces.

In this world, commonly, people can only use one or two magic attributes, but there are few people capable of using more than 3 magic attributes.

Reima Molfer, Sei Molfer's mother, was famous for her perfect control of magic. She can use all magic attributes. Sei Molfer can only use 7 magic attributes.

That is why the Molfer family is famous.


Kei was hit by the Orc King's huge fist and went flying, but managed to keep his balance and land on the ground.

The Orc King began to laugh as Kei's legs trembled, but his legs only trembled from exhaustion. Kei's face does not reflect fear, it reflects joy and confidence, as he has a smile on his face.

"Wow, wow... Interesante. (Interesting.)"

Kei gave a lick to the wound on his right arm, tasting his own blood, while his eyes analyze the wounds he inflicted on the Orc King with his sword.

The Orc King only has two fairly visible wounds, and they are located on the Orc King's shoulders, the others are smaller and do not bleed as much as the shoulder wounds.

"I see... The weak point is his shoulders. Drin, use water and darkness magic!"

Drin was using a magic bow to shoot magic arrows she created herself, distracting the Orc as Kei attacked him. Thanks to that, Kei had enough time to attack him in various parts of the body, looking for the weak points.

"Of course, darling!"

She readies her bow and a magic arrow appeared.

The tip of the arrow was surrounded by a black liquid. Water magic combined with darkness magic.

While she was getting ready, Kei was fighting with the Orc King.

He was very exhausted and the Orc was practically unharmed.

Kei protects his body with magic, so he was almost not injured, he only has small wounds on his arms and face, but nothing serious. Why doesn't he wear armor? His magic protects him much better. Armor is worn by people who do not know how to use magic on their own bodies, but in Kei's family they are experts in that subject.

The Orc King roared furiously and tried to hit Kei.

He dodged the fist by ducking and looked the Orc King in the eye, furious.

"Your mouth stinks! Don't you know toothbrushes?!"

The Orc King clasped his hands together and tried to crush Kei, but he again dodged the attack.

"You are not the final boss! I will not lose to you, cerdo con esteroides!! (Pig on steroids.)"

Kei jumped and the Orc King tried to punch him in the air.

Kei used his wind magic to propel himself again and jump. It's like using the double jump in a video game.

Thanks to that double jump, Kei dodged the Orc King's attack.


An arrow shot by Drin, pierced completely through the Orc King's left shoulder and he began to scream in pain, giving Kei a couple of seconds of advantage.

Kei took his sword with both hands.

"Final attack! Dragon Attack!"

Kei used all his magic power to enhance his sword attack.

Using all his magical power and strength, Kei pierced the Orc King's chest with his sword, destroying the Orc King's heart.

"Eh? Lo logré?! (Did I make it?!)"

Kei couldn't believe his plan worked... Although the Orc King was not giving up yet.

The Orc King hit Kei hard with his fist and smashed him to the ground.


Before dying, the Orc King continued to hit Kei hard with his fists.


Drin hurried and tried to rescue Kei, firing a last arrow at the Orc, who pierced the Orc King's right shoulder.

The Orc King had no strength or energy left. He stopped hitting Kei and fell to the ground, dead.

Of course, as Kei no longer had magic power, he could not protect his body from the attacks he was receiving, but fortunately, the first blows he received were not so dangerous, as he was left without heart, the Orc's strength decreased greatly, as he used his magic power to improve his fists, improving his strength, but as he was left without heart, he could no longer continue using magic, as without the heart, magic cannot be used.

Although the blows he received were less powerful, that doesn't mean Kei wasn't harmed.

He has broken bones, his lungs have been punctured by his bones, he can't breathe, he's losing too much blood and his vision is blurred. A normal human would already be dead, but Kei has a strong body and is able to withstand powerful attacks.

[Life points remaining: 17.]

"17 hit points? Wow, wow... T-that was close."- Kei said. His voice could barely be heard.

If he could cry or scream in pain, he would. He is suffering too much. Kei is very used to pain, but that doesn't mean he likes to feel it. Because he is used to pain, he can move and keep fighting while his body is in pain, but that will never take away the fact that Kei is in pain and doesn't like it.

"Healing magic!"- Drin said, stroking Kei's chest.

A red glow surrounded Kei and his wounds are quickly disappearing, but that only lasted a few seconds.

The glow disappeared and Drin clenched her fists tightly. She is frustrated. She no longer has magic power and feels useless, but Kei caresses her hands, to calm her down.

"Don't... don't worry, Drin."

Kei slowly raised his right hand and 10 magic potions appeared in front of him. Potions are flasks of red liquids. They are very expensive, but effective. Only a noble can afford to buy them.

"I-I must drink them quickly..."

Without wasting time, Drin took one of the potions and opened it.

"Sorry, I ran out of magic power, darling."

She helped Kei drink the potions.

Kei drank the 10 potions and got up from the ground, as if nothing had happened to him.

All his wounds closed and he flipped back to celebrate.

"I'm feeling ever so much better! I must buy more healing potions. I told you, Drin. Although we have healing magic, we must have emergency magic potions."

"You are very smart, darling! I will never doubt you again!"

"Well, although having magic potions is very common."- Kei thought.

"But potions are very expensive... And we will receive very little money."

"Don't worry, Drin. The potions are worth 1,000 gold coins each, and we will earn only 10 gold coins for doing this mission. But remember, Drin, we don't do this for the money, we do it for the fame. Besides, my family is one of the richest in the country. And my two fiancees belong to wealthier families than mine. If we run out of money, I can simply borrow from them."

"It's true. Fufu. I like the way you think, darling."

"I think my power as a protagonist is to have good luck. I only had 17 hit points left. I am really lucky... Although I would rather be more powerful."

"By the way, adventurers are coming. I can hear them."

"Thank you. I'm going to put the sword in the [Magical Storage] and change my clothes."

By the way, the potions Kei took are very expensive, but they are of high quality, that is, they are very effective. In other words, objects so ridiculously expensive, that only elite families like Kei's know where to buy them.

The adventurers stared in surprise at the corpses of the Orc King and Queen, while Kei and Drin ate on the ground, trying to regain energy. Transformation magic does not use too much magical energy, so they can use that magic even if they are very weakened.

"Did they really defeat them?!"

"They are very powerful!"

"I wanted to see them fight! We're late!"

"Nia, Crisfa, you are amazing!"

Kei, in his form as an adventurer, approached them along with Drin, who was using her form as an adventurer.

"I defeated the Orc Queen, and Nia defeated the Orc King. Well, I'll save the corpses. Let's go."

The adventurers were having a normal, quiet day at the guild, but that quiet ended when "he" arrived.

"Where is the employee who thought I couldn't defeat an A-class monster!! Get your ass over here, I want to make fun of you!! Adventuresses who laughed at me, get in line and call me "daddy Crisfa"!!"

As he entered the guild, Kei shouted that.

Kei was dying of shame for saying that, but that's something Crisfa, his character, would say, and that's going to set him apart from Kei Molfer.

Drin pulled him by the ear, though it hurt her to do so. She only did it because Kei told her to.

"We don't have time for that, Crisfa."

"Ah, that's right. Guild master, come here!! We finished a Class A mission in record time!! Where's my prize?!!"

"Hey, Crisfa, no need to shout."- Said the guild master.

She walked over to Kei and crossed her arms.

"Do you have any evidence of what you're saying?"

"Fufu. Of course, cutie. And tell your employee that I want a written apology and for her to shout through the streets: "Crisfa is the best!!!" If it's not too much trouble."

Kei crossed his arms and began to laugh.

"Today begins the legend of God Crisfa!! You should start praying to me!! Girls, I give you permission to fall in love with me, but I warn you that my heart belongs to the food!!"

"Who in their right mind would fall in love with you, ridiculous?!!"- An adventurer yelled at him.

"Your mother!!!"

"Do you want to fight?!!!"

"Nope, I don't want to hurt the daughter of the woman I love."

"You bastard!!!"

An adventurer jumped on him and they started fighting, although Kei is simply dodging her attacks.

"Wow, daughter, you can almost touch me. Oh, the kids, they grow up so fast."

"You are dead!!!"

The guildmaster sighed and gave both of them a blow to the head.

"Kya! It hurt me!"- Kei said, complaining, as his body is still hurting.

"Stop wasting time and come with me."

"Yes, yes."

Kei turned to see the adventurer and winked at her.

"Goodbye, daughter. Say hello to your mommy for me."

"You better watch your back!"

"Oh, how threatening it sounded. Are you at your rebellious stage?"

Drin pulled him back from his ear and forced him to walk.

"Stop wasting time."

"I-I'm sorry, Nia."

Kei and the girls followed the guild master, and the adventurer snapped her frustrated tongue and returned to her table, along with her companions.

"Tsk. What an annoying man."

"He is a rather ridiculous man."

"Although I think he is very funny."- Said a fairy girl, speaking very quietly.

"Funny? Did you call him "funny", Angmia?"

"Y-yes. I-I thought he was a funny man."

"Tsk. He's just a disgusting insect."


Mirkia was looking at the corpses of the Orcs, and the Orc King and Queen, while Kei and Drin cross their arms proudly.

Kei and the adventurers met her at the back of the guild, where the corpses of monsters are kept.

The meat of some monsters is edible, so the guild keeps the corpses in this place to later sell their meat.

"From now on, you will all be class D adventurers!"

A big jump from class F to class D, considering it's the first day for all of them.

To move up to D class only requires achievements such as defeating B and A class monsters, so they had no difficulty in moving up, but to move up to C, B, A and S class, they must meet certain requirements, and only give the opportunity to those who the guild master thinks they deserve it.

The adventurers celebrated their achievement and Kei simply yawned, while dying of embarrassment inside.

"Uwaaaah!! Why did I have to design my character with that weird personality?!!"- He thought.

He sighed and took Drin's hand, surprising Drin, who blushed as she felt Kei's soft hand.

"Nia, let's go. Girls, collect the reward, tomorrow give me my share. I need to rest."

"Wait! We want to celebrate with you."- Kiana said.

"Thanks to you, we are class D adventurers." - Nerfa said.

"I'm sorry, but I need to rest... Have another party tomorrow. I really need to rest."

Drin watched them with an intimidating look, activating her bloodlust.

"He almost died. He needs rest."

They all began to tremble with fear and Kei stroked Drin's head.

"Don't get angry. Let's go."


Mirkia was watching Kei too much, quite happy, for she realized that Kei is more powerful than she imagined.

"According to the report, Kei defeated the Orc Queen... He really is Sei Molfer's son."- She thought smiling.

Kei, in his normal form, entered his house. Drin, in her cat form, is in his head.

"Good night. Is dinner ready yet? I am starving."

A woman similar to Sei Molfer, but older, approached Kei.

She looks like a 50-year-old woman, although she's older than she looks.

"Welcome, Kei."- Said the woman, smiling diabolically.

Hearing her voice, Kei began to tremble in fear.

"W-why is she here? I must escape!"

Kei was about to run away, but she caught him and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you, Kei."

"She's an enemy?! An evil relative ?!"- Drin thought.

The woman began to give Kei kisses on the cheek.

"You're still just as cute, Kei!"

Her personality changed. She looked like a wicked and scary woman, now she looks like a good and kind woman.

"H-hello, grandmother."

"She's Kei's grandmother?! The Legendary Reima Molfer ?!"- Drin thought surprised.

(Author's note: This story belongs to the "Humans Against Demons" universe. It is not necessary to read it, but I recommend it, because the story is much better. If you like Isekai, you are going to love it. Leave comments, plox. :,v)