
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

CHAPTER 23- NTR to the Orc King. Humiliation.

CHAPTER 23- NTR to the Orc King. Humiliation.



Kei was brutally beaten by the enormous fist of the Orc Queen, who flew him out.

Drin caught him and prevented Kei's body from colliding with the Orc King, who was ready to finish him off.

Catching him, Drin quickly moved away from them, to catch breath.

"How can they be so strong ?!"

"Darling, we must escape!"

Kei does not want to and cannot escape. He does not want to accept defeat. Besides, the Orcs are very fast, they couldn't escape them.

Drin is a smart girl, who prefers to stay alive and harm her pride, rather than keep her pride and risk her life. But Kei is a Molfer, escaping a fight would damage his great pride as a warrior, that's why he doesn't want to escape.

The Orcs are wounded, but their wounds are small, insignificant.

Currently, Kei lost too much magic power and has only 10,000 exact life points left.

Kei Molfer.

Magic Power: 40681/512423

Hit Points (hp): 10000/72823

By the way, Kei was wearing his school uniform, as it is the clothing that best allows him to move around.

"Drin ..."

Kei looks around. The Orc King is in front of them and the Queen is behind them. They cannot escape using [Teleportation], as it cannot be used in fights. If they try to run away, the Orcs would reach them in seconds, they couldn't move too far. Possibly the Orcs can also fly, because they have demonic magic. The only choice they have is to fight.

"Drin, I'm sorry. We cannot escape."

"Don't apologize, darling."

Kei is using the "fake Dragon Sword".

The sword damaged the Orcs, but their wounds are small, the sword is not powerful enough to damage them seriously.

"The Dragon Sword is powerful, but only causes small wounds... Mierda! (Shit!) Drin, look out!"

The Orc Queen tries to hit Drin, but Kei hugs her and they move away from the Queen quickly, avoiding the attack.

"Thanks for protecting me, darling!"- Drin said, as she smells Kei's sweat.

"Do you have a plan, Drin?"

"No, I'm sorry, darling... They are Grifio's familiars. His familiars are as powerful as a demon."

"Ah, mierda... And I haven't awakened any hidden powers either... Mei is the protagonist and I will be the typical loved one who dies...? Wait…"

Kei realized something important that he had forgotten. His only special skill he can use in a fight. [Seduce women].

"The Orc Queen is technically a woman... Ah, esto será asqueroso. (Ah, this is going to be disgusting.)

"Darling? What are you planning to do?"

The Orc Queen tries to hit him and Kei jumps, avoiding the attack.

"Skill activated... Max Level."

Kei smiled at the Orc Queen and she blushed.

"Wow... Now that I realize it, you're very beautiful."

—... "Beautiful?"- Drin said, not understanding why Kei said that.

Kei landed on the ground and looked the Orc Queen in the eye.

"It really hurts me to fight with a beautiful Orc like you. Why don't you kill your husband and join me? I'll give you more pleasure than your husband."- Kei said, licking his index finger, horny the Orc Queen and Drin as well.

Kei is losing too much magic power in seconds. If he continues like this, he will lose all his power in 20 seconds, as he is using his skill on a very powerful monster.

The Orc Queen begins to tremble and Kei looks down, acting like a shy boy, although the shyness part is not an act, as he is actually dying of embarrassment at what he is doing.

The Orc King simply watches, not knowing what is happening.

"I-I'm sorry... Y-you are too beautiful... I-I can't look you in the eye."

Kei was feigning nervousness, so that the Orc Queen would lower her guard and his skill would work better.

And those last words he said, allowed him to make the Orc Queen fall in love with him completely.

The Orc Queen was completely red and the Orc King tried to hit Kei, as he got tired of seeing that.

Fortunately, the Orc Queen stopped his attack with her hands.

"Eh? Did she protect you, darling?"- Drin said confused.

"I think we have a 10 minute break. Let's think of a plan. Do you want something to eat, Drin?"

"I'd love to, darling! I'll never get tired of eating what you cook, darling!"

Kei and Drin know how to transform the food they eat into magical energy, which is why they never go to the bathroom. There is a limit, but at least eating will give them some extra energy they might need.

Kei and Drin sat on the ground and began to watch the Orc King and Queen fighting.

Kei opened his [Magic Storage] and took out plates with Spaghetti and meatballs.

"Since she's a familiar, my skill won't work for long. I used almost all my magic power on that... How will we defeat the Orc King?"

"He will be greatly weakened after his fight with the Queen. That Orc King is much more powerful than the Queen, but I think we can defeat him, darling."- Drin said, with food in her mouth.

Kei smiled at her, as that seemed very cute to him, and wiped her mouth with a handkerchief that he took out of his [Magical Storage].

"You look very pretty eating, Drin. Or as they would say in my grandparents' country: "Te ves muy hermosa cuando comes, mi amor". ("You look very beautiful when you eat, my love".)"

"Th-thank you, darling!"

—... "Ahhhhhhhh!!! I got distracted! W-We better keep thinking about how to defeat him."


In an office, Grifio was sitting at a desk, sweating nervously.

"Does my familiar not obey me? What is going on? It is impossible to break the contract... She is receiving punishment for disobeying my orders, but she doesn't care and continues to fight... Drin, did you become more powerful?"

"Wow... They really are powerful, darling."

Eight minutes passed and the Orc Queen stopped fighting, as she ran out of energy to continue fighting.

The Orc King and Queen were badly wounded, blood splattered everywhere and it stank horrible.

"If we had continued fighting, they would definitely have defeated us. You saved us, darling!"- Drin said, hugging Kei.

Unlike the fight they had with Drin and Kei, the Queen and the Orc King never stopped hitting each other, not even trying to dodge the attacks. It was a brutal fight, swapping blows between them. Fight won by the Orc King.

Considering that one of those blows was enough to take a lot of life points from Kei, that they were able to fight each other for 8 minutes, it makes clear how powerful they are.

"The effect ended. Come on, Drin."

The Orc King hit the Orc Queen in the face and she fell to the ground.

The Orc King shouted angrily and jumped on the Orc Queen's head.

"He is furious... The betrayal of his beloved wife hurt him too much... Does it count as NTR? Ouch. I feel disgusting."

"What is NTR, darling?"

—... "I'd better explain later."

The Orc King kept jumping on the Orc Queen's head, until he completely destroyed it.

A little blood fell on Kei's pants and he just closed his eyes and sighed.

"Your sacrifice will not be forgotten, Queen Orc... Bueno (Well)... One less... Great, I got points."

"Me too, darling."

"I think this is the first time I have received points for participating in a fight and not defeating monsters."

When a monster is defeated, the points are shared among the people who participated in the fight. The points they receive depend on their actions. If they participated more in the fight and contributed more to the victory, they will receive more points. But if they fought less than the others, they will receive less points.

Kei and Drin only received 30% of the points. The rest of the points were obtained by the Orc King. This means that...

"The Orc King became more powerful..."

After killing his wife, the Orc King grew 2 meters taller, his wounds disappeared and his body became more resistant and stronger.

"Ah... "Hey, Drin, I want to tell you something before I die. I love you, cariño."

"I love you too, but you won't die, darling! We can win! Thanks to the points we receive, we recover half of our magic power and our life points!"

"Yes, but that Orc is too powerful... Now I realize why Zius gave me such a powerful skill. "Double Points" is an incredible skill, but it won't be enough to defeat demons ... A simple familiar is defeating me."- Kei thought.

For Kei, receiving unique skills seemed very cliché, but good. But years ago, he discovered that heroes improve quickly and receive more points. His "Double Points" skill was only an upgraded version. It was nothing special... The only special skill is "Seduce women". He decided to get female companions and train them, that way, he believed, he could defeat the demons and, perhaps, Fravi.

"Drin ... Use your magic arrows and attack from afar. I'll fight him using the Dragon Sword."

"Darling, if you destroy the heart, it cannot regenerate."

"Yes, I know... I will use all my magic to pierce his heart at the right moment... But if I fail, I will die ... I must take the risk."

Meanwhile, far away from that place, the group of adventurers continues to fight with the Orcs. They've already defeated most of them, only 4 Orcs remained.

"Thanks to the fact that Crisfa and Nia kept the Orc King and Queen away from this place, the normal Orcs became weaker and slower."- Kiana said.

"Even we can easily defeat them... They are really weak."- Nerfa said.

"But why are they?"- Lena said.

"The Orcs were controlled by the Orc King and Queen... When they walked away, the Orcs did not know what to do... That is why they became weak."- Diria said.

"I see... Let's finish with the Orcs and help Crisfa and Nia."- Lena said.