
I am a genius,but I look like a brute

Daniel is a student with a vision of an ideal him. Strong, smart ,tall , and big. the Apocalypse is initiated, and he fulfills one of the criteria for an ideal him passively. join him on a journey with the insane. who else but the insane can survive a ruined world.

DaoistNii · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

Chapter 24

Daniel was very on guard , he hadn't felt it's presence until it was too late , all thanks to Eric he was still alive . Truly the opponent's ego was an was sometimes a saving grace..

Daniel wasn't taking any chances he picked up a rock and flung it adding spacial propulsion. This was so deadly it would have insta killed the blue bug. Before Daniel had spacial impossiblity, he used Normal propulsion to dent the carapace of the blue bug.

Now not only did he have spacial propulsion, he also had a stronger body . The stacking of power was of an exponentially increase . That rock he just flung would have absolutely gauged out a hole in the blue bug with ease .

The only reason he didn't use this on Eric was he wanted to test his ability to fight , and he was certain he'd win .

But he didn't know what that thing was ,

Zoom. BAM

And he was proven right . The worm had insane defenses ! Upon contact the rock that was supposed to rip through the body ,sunk into its skin like gum and just flung the gigantic worm out of the ground with full force .

But Daniel was intelligent enough to pay close attention to Eric . He'd read novels and watched shows were the main character stood by watching the stronger opponents fight and take advantage of distractions to kill two birds with one stone.

Only for him to come to find that Eric never stayed behind and was flying away in a particular direction

" Well that was anticlimactic" Jay said to Daniel as he himself had been watching Eric the entire time .

" Let's kill this thing then . " Jay slashed down his arm and a blueish barrier sliced right through the worms defense. It wasn't clean and the worm didn't die completely.

" So kinetic projectiles don't work but energy attacks do? " Daniel whispered to himself.

The power Jay used wasn't even as close to what his carried in power . To be honest this kind of defense was kind of shabby .

How could it have a body impervious to piercing kinetic projectiles but weak to energy attacks? . It made little logical sense .

Daniel saw the gigantic worm wriggling in pain and had the urge to investigate it's biology.

Jay watched as Daniel got up to the helpless worm with a gash on its belly / body , bent down and grabbed it by its tail end that had dirt and all manner of disgusting elements and open his mouth wide

The worm wriggled more intensely as it understood that it's prey had become its predator.

But it's struggling proved futile as it was slowly being invested by a human many times smaller than itself.

" Ugh UGH ! "Jay vommitted his breakfast out


He watched as his childhood friend slurped down the worm many times larger than himself whole .

" Aaaah, " Daniel licked his lips like he'd just had a satisfying meal. This was of course a lie. He'd put it in his biomass storage organ .

" Why would you do that ."

" I was hungry".

Jay looked at him with skepticism.

" You are my friend I'd rather burn your body than swallow you whole "

" Great, I'm at ease " Jay sarcasticly mocked , but he was in fact at ease . Daniel was a man of his word . So having him say that did in fact get rid of the fear of being eaten alive .

" I forbid you from eating humans whole " Jay added later on .

" Don't insult me , do I look like a cannibal?" Daniel frowned at him.

" Could you still be considered human after what I just saw you do?" Jay asked

Daniel didn't answer though .

" What now ? " Daniel asked Jay .

To be frank he wanted to go back to the building. The day had been long . His project was still waiting for him and Eric was probably going to kill all those in the building.

" I don't think Eric would prioritize killing off all those in the building until he's permanently gotten rid of us. So let's continue towards the warehouse.we aren't short on supplies just yet , but we will be soon if nothing is done about it."

" Hmm , okay let's hurry then .

Daniel held on to Jay as he folded distances.

Soon they got to the warehouse . Funnily enough Daniel also ran into a Agriculture factory, the kind that produces farm equipment like harvesters truckers etc .

He really didn't plan on pursuing conventional technology, but having access to engineering technology as a reference point could be helpful.

So right after he dropped Jay off at the front of the Goddard warehouse, he made an excuse that he had to throw up the worm cus his tummy hurt and sneaked off to steal some mechanical parts.

Daniel got his hands on

Engines Transmissions Hydraulic Systems GearboxesDriveshaft Axles Bearing Belts and Pulleys Clutche. Brakes Chains and Sprockets Cylinders (Hydraulic and Pneumatic) Cutting Blades and Discs Springs Tines and Teeth Rollers and Drums Tracks and Tires Fans and Radiators. Augers PTO 's

It was a bountiful harvest . And he stuffed them into his inorganic storage organ .

Not everting could fit though , so he had to let go of some items to pick up on a later date.

Meanwhile Jay found himself in an awkward situation. Before him was a intimate scene between man and women . Plural because there was only one man and about fifteen women. All in the very center of the warehouse.

To get into the locked building he used a smaller energy barrier to slice through the metal doors locks . And upon finding almost no one , he thought may were not as smart as Daniel was expecting them to be .

But he had to figure out a way to get all this good stuff back to the building. He saw some industrial equipment, and the trucks connected to the dock and knew what to do .

So he picked up a pallet jack and had to figure out how to operate it. But then the faint sound of clapping and moaning came from the center of the warehouse.

Jay frankly had no clue what he was hearing until he got close enough to hear the wet noises.

He understood immediately, and was embarrassed.

'Can't you do it more privately?' he thought to himself.

He didn't know what to do , should be announced his presence of wait for them to be done .

' fist let's see who it is ' Jay rationalized to himself before taking a peak .

And my was he in shock .

One man was doing so many women!

Jay was so shocked he had come out into the open .

He started at them and they stared back .

But the man didn't pause his love making.

The man was handsome , he had a handsomeness that put him on the same level as Captain Hudd. Jay might be handsome, but he really couldn't compare to this one .

Each of the ladies were beautiful in their own way , as if they had been intentionally picked for their diversity in beauty .but even after being caught only two to three felt embarrassed and looked away.

' While I almost died twice today this bastard had been enjoying life ' Jay couldn't help but feel righteous indignation .

*Cough* *Cough* he interrupted them again , trying to gain their attention.

" My name is ––" he was cut off by the man who despite the interruption hadnt looked up at him in the eye once .

" Can't you see that I'm busy ? Leave this place before I force you out"

Jay looked embarrassed. He was in the wrong here , but he was also in a hurry to get back to safety and relax.

" If the madams and sir could just give me a bit of your time ––"

" Do you not have ears or are you determined to watch me make love ? "

Jay turned red in anger .

He was about to do something impulsive, ( such as kill this playboy ) his hands lifted up only for it to be grabbed from behind.

It was Daniel .

The sudden appearance of hulking figure full of powerful muscles naked waist up and wearing seductive shorts immediately caused the playboy to be on high alert he stopped immediately and back tracked .

" Guests forgive our earlier rudeness " the most mature looking woman in full nude apologized quickly .

Daniel looked around , at each of the girls and came to understand that they were willing participants in this fuck fest . If this was how it was, he and Jay had no right to intervene.

' this was probably the paradise Luke his homeroom teacher was dreaming about.

"You can continue with whatever you were doing we are here to collect some resources and will be on our way ." Daniel explained

" I see ....." She said frowning a bit

" But we need all the supplies here , the guests can go check the other places?"

Daniel cocked his head sideways as he tried to understand how much little she feared him .

" What is your name ?" Daniel asked in curiosity.

" Jessica "

She replied

Daniel looked at another woman

" Audrey "

Then another .

"Cynthia "

Until he got all the women's names .

Then he looked at the only man in their group .

" Yours first . "

Daniel's face hardly twitched when the man found himself chocking in Daniels grip.

He saw how his position wasn't at the same place anymore and fear gripped his heart .

" Sam Sam !" He immediately cried out .

" I see , we will be taking some supplies then , come help us after dressing."

Daniel had adequately put them in their place .

Jay stared at him intensely while Daniel tried to get the scent and body fluids of intercourse off his hand .

" Your ' impossiblity ' is broken . You can basically teleport yourself and others and there are no limitations. How can something like that possibly exist? . How is that fair?"

Daniel after successfully getting the scent off his palm responded .

" Why do you think I call it an impossiblity? It's impossible. It shouldn't exist. It is a law of the material world broken. "

And his was also further from that . He had a flame and not a spark .

But he could tell that it wouldn't grow past this point naturally. And he didn't know any method to improve upon this impossiblity. But for now it served him well.

Daniel and Jay watched as all the women with fine physiques run around in the nude .

It would be a lie to say they weren't tempted to have a taste .

But both had a bottom line , and almost dying twice after a week of peace wasn't really good for the mental state.

Daniel took the opportunity to check on the products available with his speed . Jay not having stamina decided to check the trucks they'd be using.

But even in such a relatively peaceful warehouse Jay hadn't let down his guard once.

He had done that before with Eric and almost died . If not for Daniel , he wouldn't be there in the realm of the living.

So when a thin sword came stabbing at his back , Jay could respond quickly


The impact was soo great the barrier shook! This hadn't even happened when Kayden punched his barrier from above!

Not only that , but the thin sword had penetrated his barrier a bit !

Jay reacted quickly using the dome barrier as the launch pad for a impact energy attack!.


The attacked was shocked that Jay managed to block the attack, and became even more weary when Jay immediately attacked no questions asked.

The attacker managed to slice through the energy attack but the pressure still pushed them back a bit .

Into the lighted area where Jay recognized the attacker.

To be honest his first thought was Sam after all he was the only man there , but he became aware of his internal bias when the opponent turned out to be one of the women .

" Audrey?" He remembered her as the second lady Daniel had asked the name of.

" Tch , how did you block that . My sword has never failed before" her demeanor wasn't demure as when she was in the nude now that she had clothes on .

" And may I be privy as to the reason I'm being attacked? "

" Intruding into someone's home , interrupting an intimate moment between lovers , and even bullying the house owners into servants! How can I not kill you given the opportunity." Her logic was twisted , Daniel might have held the neck of their boy toy , but he knew his friend, and no harm was going to come to that man .

He might have intruded , but so did they . He knew for a fact that this wasn't their property.

And interrupting their intimate moment , well that was a mistake he made out of shock and embarrassment.

" We only came for essential items . We'll be on our way once we're done. There is no need to come to blows ." As always Jay tried the diplomatic approach to handling human to human interaction.

" How do we know you won't come back when your supplies run dry ? Why should we even trust you ?"

" Because the only other option is to die " Jay said this in such a compassionate tone that one might not even catch it if they didn't pay attention to his words .

Jay had always been an advocate for the carrot and stick , but right now he lacked the carrot , and only the stick was left . So why not give them the option in a manner that mimiced a carrot and stick without there actually being a carrot in the first place.

hello , sorry for the late updates , my webnovel account had been logged out and I was struggling to remember the password I used . when I got back into my account, my draft was empty so I had to start over again, which I hate . but thank you for reading this chapter.

DaoistNiicreators' thoughts