
I'm just a normal Doctor (Completed)

When a young man was prepared to propose to the love of his life, an unexpected meeting changed his life forever! Also this isnt a translation idk who you know that knows 82694 languages but i dont speak mandarin or any of that lmfao why would i go through the trouble of translating even if i did? What a waste of time if its not my writing then its not on my fucking page you guys are so stupid its a bit worrying…

Monkey_Godking · Phim ảnh
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117 Chs

Hey! I have fans too!

Viktor laughed and scratched his head with the hilt of Kikoku, saying "Well, you know… Doctors are supposed to save lives." Before anyone could say anything, reporters rushed over, taking pictures of Viktor and asking a ton of questions.

Viktor covered his eyes with Kikoku's hilt, asking with a chuckle "Could you turn your flashes off, please? It's still bright outside."

The reporters smiled embarrassingly and turned off their flashes before taking more pictures.

A reporter stepped up and asked "Could you answer a few questions, sir?" another one asked "Are you a superhero like Iron Man!?" and another "What's your relationship with Tony Stark!?"

Viktor pulled Emma in close, covering her as he smiled "One at a time, please. This is my first interview with so many people…" Happy stepped in and acted as a bodyguard, saying "Alright, alright, enough! Back off, can't you see we're busy here?"

A reporter shouted "Who is the mysterious Whiplash!?"

Viktor asked strangely "Whiplash? The guy with the whips?" Everyone quieted down and the reporter who asked, nodded. Viktor chuckled and answered "I don't know exactly, but he wasn't very friendly."

The reporters were more bold now that he answered a question and Viktor did what he saw in movies, pointing at random.

A reporter who was pointed at asked, "Are you a Superhero?" Viktor shook his head and said "I'm just a Doctor." before joking "Did you see me flying around with a metal suit? Next question. You, in the glasses and expensive 3 piece suit."

The guy in question asked, "Who are you?"

Viktor was stunned and laughed, "Can I not answer? Listen guys, I'm sure you want to know a lot of things, but to tell you the truth, I just don't know. I saw injured people and went to save them, I'm only a doctor. Tony is my friend, I'm not the next Iron Man… If you want to know about Tony's insider info, don't bother asking. I don't even know myself, how can I tell you?"

The reporters were stunned by Viktor's frankness. When had they interviewed such an honest person? A little girl with big glasses and freckles, asked timidly "Um, sir. Why do you have a sword with you?"

Viktor smiled at her and replied "It's a family heirloom. Though, where I live is a bit dangerous so I take it with me at all times…" he curled his lips wider and joked "I'm not Tony Stark and I don't have a bodyguard so I have to protect myself."

The crowd chuckled sporadically and Viktor waved "Alright, thank you for your attention but I really don't know anything else. I don't want you guys to waste your time. I saw Justin Hammer at the track, he might know something…"

The reporters' eyes lit up and they thanked Viktor before leaving, the little reporter girl with the freckles, said in amazement "You're my idol, sir." before running off with a red face.

Viktor was dumbfounded and Emma teased "You have a little fan~" Viktor shook his head and laughed, saying strangely "I just did what a doctor should do, that's all. Didn't Tony save the day in the end?" he waved his hand and didn't care too much.

Natalie pursed her lips and crossed her arms, saying suddenly "What a Doctor should do?" she turned to Pepper and asked "You ever see a Doctor run out onto a racetrack, pull drivers out of their wrecks, and perform emergency surgery to save their lives?"

Pepper shook her head, saying honestly "No. I don't think that's in the job description either…" Natalie said surely "It's not."

Viktor said helplessly "Please, I'm not a Superhero, okay?" Emma looked at him and said lovingly "You're MY hero~" Viktor looked at her and smiled gently, scratching her nose and replying "Always."

Natalie, Pepper, and Happy's faces turned ugly with jealousy and they turned away, cursing the couple in their hearts.

Even 'Natalie' was cursing with extreme jealousy.

Actually none of them noticed that Viktor replied to all the questions in a different language…

Only the little reporter fan did.

Her admiration sky rocketed.

The reporters only noticed when they got back and they were shocked.

The next day

Viktor was on the news and his interview was seen around the world. There were subtitles and everything.

Viktor was sitting on Tony's plane and sighed, saying "Look, now I'm famous… What a disaster." Tony sat down and drank, saying "You should've worn a helmet." Viktor rolled his eyes and retorted "So they can call me 'Ironboy'?"

Tony replied seriously "I was thinking 'Iron Lad' instead, what do you think?" Viktor rubbed his forehead in dismay, completely not happy that he was in the news. Emma watched the broadcast with relish, saying proudly "You see that? That's my husband! Haha!"

Pepper and Natalie rolled their eyes and spat through gritted teeth "Congrats." Emma smirked smugly at them and even faintly sneered, making the two angry.

Viktor and Tony wisely pretended not to see it…

As for Happy?

Well, Happy was a pro at playing oblivious…

The news changed and Senator Stern came on the screen talking about Tony and how he was an idiot playing games with a weapon, etc etc.

Even Viktor had to say this guy was really fucking annoying.

A Hydra fly buzzing around everywhere…

Who's gonna slap it to death?

Viktor looked at Tony and pushed his tongue against his cheek, jerking his head to the side.

Tony and Viktor moved to the other side of the jet.

Viktor leaned forward and said "Don't worry about what that clown says, you know." Tony leaned back and said with a smile "I'm not. By the way, you like Venice? I think we should go there for a bit."

Viktor pulled Tony's shirt, looking at the spreading poison, saying "How much is it at?" Tony pulled his shirt back up and said "Anybody ever tell you it's rude to pull another man's shirt down?"

Viktor said seriously "Tony." Tony frowned and said with a slightly ugly face, "71%" Viktor said "I can do another round of-" Tony said "No need. I'll be fine." Viktor frowned and took out the black kit.

Tony pushed the kit down, looking at Viktor as he said "I said it was fine." Viktor suddenly asked, "Are you giving up?" Tony fell silent before changing the topic "How about you stay in Malibu for my birthday?"

Viktor stared at him in silence for a solid minute before leaning back in the chair and pinching the bridge of his nose, giving a deep sigh.
