
I'm in Pirate, Iron Fist Garp Cried At The Start

Crossing the pirates, I just want to be a salted fish. What? Dragon, the most vicious man in the world, is my father? Naval hero, Iron Fist Garp is my grandpa? That Emperor Luffy who gets into trouble everywhere is my brother? Ask: Born in this ** troublemaker family, how to survive? waiting online, very urgent! Fortunately, the standard gold finger is here. Pick up attributes to become stronger! Since then, a scary eight-year-old general was born! --------------------- First time translating Trying my best to be readable and understandable open to criticism open to suggestion Thank you

I_am_a_BigBoy · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Chapter 8: Chief Instructor

"This is impossible?!" exclaimed Tom, stunned. If the new soldiers couldn't see it, how could he not?

"He's cutting through steel with a wooden sword! If he wasn't holding back, these new soldiers would all be dead!"

"A swordsman? A swordsman!"

"A seven or eight-year-old swordsman? Is this Vice Admiral Garp's grandson? He has already crossed the threshold of a swordsman at such a young age. What kind of monster is he?!"

"Tom is also a swordsman! An experienced one, at that! But he's already thirty years old! And what about Vell? A seven or eight-year-old child who has already successfully comprehended the aura of all things and entered the ranks of a swordsman?"

'Gulp!' Tom instinctively swallowed his saliva and stiffly turned his head to look at the two of them. "Vell, how long have you been practicing swordsmanship?"

Koby smiled at Tom, seeming very satisfied with his reaction. "It turns out that I'm not too naive. Vell is just too strong! Look at this. Even the Lieutenant in the headquarters was shocked by Vell's strength."

"Well, if I remember correctly, Vell once said that it took him about two weeks to become a swordsman, right?"

"What?!" exclaimed Lieutenant Tom, shocked beyond words. "What a monster! Vell became a swordsman in just two weeks? Such a genius, such a freak! It's frightening!

On the field, Vell, who had defeated dozens of new soldiers with a single move, seemed to consider it a trivial matter. With an indifferent gaze, he looked down at the screaming crowd and spoke up. "Now, I'm joining the ranks of the new soldiers. Who is for it, and who is against it?"

The examiner remained silent. Who could oppose it? Anyone qualified in the Doriki test had been beaten by Vell. Now, the only new soldier left standing was him. Who else could possibly oppose it?

As everyone remained silent, the examiner was about to announce that Vell could join the new soldier training camp through practical training when a loud voice suddenly echoed through the air. "I object! What are you talking about? Does he belong in the new soldier camp? Tomorrow, I will report to the old man's advanced training camp. This is your admission document!"

A huge figure then descended from the sky and delivered a loving iron fist to Vell's head. The people began to speak again. Tom couldn't believe it! If the new recruits couldn't see it, could he still not see it?

As he spoke, Kap waved his hand and was about to take Vell away. Shocked, the people watched as Vell left. Kap's voice, which was not disguised, deeply shook them.

"You, kid, are causing trouble for the old man as soon as you arrive. Why are you bullying a group of new recruit children?"

Children? Who can participate in the headquarters recruitment? Everyone there was at least fourteen or fifteen years old. Seven or eight-year-old children bullying fifteen or sixteen-year-old children? It's simply outrageous!


The next day, at the marines Headquarters Advanced Training Camp.

Lieutenant Tristan, the instructor of the advanced training camp, looked at Vell in disbelief and asked, "You said your name is Vell? The new recruit this year?" He was puzzled by her presence.

"You must have gotten lost; this is the advanced training camp, not the basic one," he added, still looking at Vell in confusion. Vell didn't say anything but instead showed him her entry permit.

Tristan examined the document and was immediately surprised. It was clear that the admission documents couldn't be forged. The permit had the names of Fleet Admiral Sengoku and Vice Admiral Garp, making Vell's presence all the more intriguing.

Tristan was confused. Was Vell seven or eight years old? Could a child so young even enter the advanced training camp? His understanding was completely shattered. Could Vell be another sea monster, an existence comparable to the Three Admirals?

Stuttering, Tristan asked, "What... what's your relationship with Vice Admiral Garp?"

"Oh, he's my grandfather," Vell replied.

"I see! So Vell is Vice Admiral Kap's family member! It wasn't surprising that such a powerful family had a member in the camp. Alright, go back to your team. Later, Chief Instructor Zephyr will come to select people and everyone will showcase their abilities!" Tesgrad released a wave of goodwill and led Vell forward.

During this period, the marines didn't have any particularly famous individuals. Only Koby and Helmeppo smiled and greeted others, while most of the others seemed nervous.

Today was the day when Chief Instructor Zephyr would come to select the candidates. Only those who were selected would have the qualifications to enter the elite training camp. Those who could enter the elite training camp were undoubtedly geniuses and the future of the marines!

As Chief Instructor Zephyr walked towards the crowd, he could sense the nervousness in the air. "Hey, how many of you came today? Are you eyeing someone in particular?" he asked. Many new recruits were taken aback by his directness. Viola, on the other hand, recognized him as the current naval chief instructor who lived in the same era as the resourceful Warring States general.

Despite retiring from the front lines, Chief Instructor Zephyr was still a big shot at the Marine Headquarters. His presence alone caused a great stir among many new recruits. The arrival of Vice Admiral Kap and the Chief of Staff of the Marine Corps only added to the excitement. Everyone was eager to showcase their abilities and be selected for the elite training camp.

There was no reason why they wouldn't be excited. These four individuals had created their own era in the sea! Anyone who wanted to join the Marine Corps would worship them. They had personally put an end to the era of the Pirate King.

How could such characters not be exciting? Even Vell felt a slight excitement on her face, but it was different from the cult-like fanaticism of the others. Vell noticed a very bright light shining from the side of the Warlord and the others. It was a diamond-level attribute! And another one was a platinum-level attribute!

if there are mistakes or anything to improve please comment. thank you

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