
I'm a celestial dragon in One Piece

Ethan Mars, a Celestial Dragon in Marie Geoise, seeks revenge after a pirate's attack shatters his privileged life. As he trains to become stronger, he struggles with the responsibilities of his lineage and learns the true meaning of strength, facing his destiny with courage and newfound purpose. DISCLAIMER : I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS FROM THE ONE PIECE ANIME OR MANGA EXCEPT FOR THE OC. THIS IS MY FIRST NOVEL, PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW ON WHETHER I COOKED OR NOT.

Cronos_512 · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Chapter Two: Skepticism and Revelation

Hancock's Skepticism

Hancock stood in the lavish room assigned to her, her heart filled with fear and uncertainty. She was skeptical of Ethan's intentions. She had suffered greatly under her previous owner, a cruel Nobel who had treated her and her sisters with unimaginable cruelty.

Her previous owner, Lord Agon, was a monstrous man. Tall and broad-shouldered, with a face marred by deep scars and a permanent scowl, Agon was a tyrant. He derived pleasure from others' pain, and Hancock had been one of his favorite targets. His death at the hands of a pirate had been a small mercy, but it had only led to her return to the auction house.

Ethan's unexpected kindness puzzled Hancock. She couldn't understand why a Celestial Dragon would show any interest in her well-being. Her skepticism grew as days passed, but she knew better than to openly defy her new master.

The Conversation

Ethan was bored it was one of his free days and he was growing bored of Hancock's cold demeanor he thought she was going to talk to him soon after he bought her but she didn't ,he couldn't understand why he gave all of them a house and food his grandfather told him that was was all that minors need to be happy and grateful with him, so he decided to talk to her. He started to search for her around the property until he found her in the garden, tending to some flowers.

They are a beautiful flowers isn't Hancock," he called out.

She stiffened at the sound of his voice but turned to face him. "Yes, Lord Ethan they are"

I'm curious about something, why were you at the auction house again?"Ethan demanded. to know 

Hancock's eyes narrowed. She didn't trust him, but she thought that she had no choice he was celestial dragon and her his slave thought bitterly. "My previous owner, Lord Agon, was killed by a pirate in Sabaody. That pirate sold me and my sisters back to the auction house."

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "And why do you think you were bought again?"

Hancock hesitated. "I don't know, Lord Ethan. Perhaps it's my fate."

Ethan frowned. "Fate is something vague, some build it like me and others have it written since birth. Which one you think you are Hancock?"

Hancock bit her lip, unsure of how to respond. She decided to avoid the question and instead of she decided share more of her previous owner , hoping to appease him. "Lord Agon was a cruel man. He enjoyed inflicting pain. When he died, I thought we were free, but it seems we were only traded from one prison to another."

Ethan nodded thoughtfully. "And you think I am like him?"

Hancock's eyes widened. She didn't dare to speak her true thoughts. "I... I don't know, Lord Ethan."

Ethan sighed. "You are kinda free to speak your mind here, Hancock.."

Hancock ask"Kinda what those that means?"

Hancock looked into his eyes and saw a glimmer of sincerity. It was a strange, unfamiliar feeling. "I don't know what to think."said Lord Ethan.

Hancock response"I honestly have no idea"

Ethan nodded. "It means that you are free to speak good about me and my family but if you dare to even sigh ill of us minor you are going to miss your previous owner. Whatever that is fair enough. Trust is earned, not given say my Grandfather. But remember this – you and your sisters are under my protection now. No harm will come to you as long as you are with me."

Hancock's skepticism remained, but a small part of her wanted to believe him that him would hurt she and her sisters if they didn't try to reveal to him. It was a flicker of hope in an otherwise dark world.


That night, Hancock lay in bed, thinking about Ethan's words. She had spent years being treated as nothing more than property, enduring unspeakable horrors. The idea of a Celestial Dragon showing a bit of kindness was alien to her.

She thought about her sisters, sleeping peacefully in the next room. They deserved a better life, free from fear and suffering. If Ethan could provide something like that, maybe – just maybe – she could find a way to trust him.

But trust didn't come easily. It would take time, and Ethan would have to prove himself to her. Though Hancock, she resolved to keep her guard up, watching and waiting.

As she drifted off to sleep, her thoughts lingered on Ethan's words. It was a small beacon of light in her dark world, and for the first time in a long while, she allowed herself to hope.