
I'AM~Gecko Moria

As soon as Moria crossed over, Moria fainted with the cute “Thunder Eight Trigrams” on Moria face, and then he woke up and became the future Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gekko Moria. But this was not the worst. In the dim cell, Kaidou-crew iron whip spent countless days and months with Moria. Until one day, Shadow Shadow Fruit’s ability awakened, Moria finally showed a hideous face. Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Kaidou, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country,and because Kaidou his spent countless days be whiped, almost can't wait to get his revenge against Kaidou

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66 Chs

Chapter 64 Perona asks for help!


Marko was shocked and muttered to himself, a feeling of panic flashed in his heart.

Turning his head slightly to look at Whitebeard's tall and generous figure, Marco felt for the first time that it no longer reassures him.

He fears...

"It shouldn't be possible, father is the strongest!!" Marco hurried to Yaoyao to get rid of the fear in his heart.

No matter how strong Moria is, he won't be Daddy's opponent.

"What's the matter? Marco." Whitebeard asked with a glance at Marco.

"Ah… it's okay!" Marco waved his hand, and then asked with a smile: "Father, who do you think will win this battle?"

"Kura!" Whitebeard laughed and said, "Who will win…this kind of thing will only be known after the battle is over. Let's watch it now."

Marco smiled, not talking, watching the battle between Moria and Garp in the sky quietly.

Although Qiao Zi and others were also shocked by Moria's rapid improvement, they did not have as much as Marko thought.

In their view, Whitebeard is invincible, and no one in New World is their opponent.

Moria is just one of the slightly stronger people.




High in the air, the battle between Moria and Garp became more intense, and both of them fought frantically with the purpose of honing Armament Haki.


When the battle between the two came to eight o'clock in the evening.

East Blue.

Aokiji led four warships and surrounded Shark Island in four directions.

At this time, because of the time difference, East Blue Shark Island is about two points deep in Yoruichi.

Fortunately, the complexion is good tonight, the full moon hangs high, and the bright moonlight shimmers the sea.

Shark Island Crescent Bay is just five kilometers away from the exit. Aokiji and Ailong Rear Admiral are docked on the sea in a warship.

"Master Aokiji, before going forward, the sharks will start attacking warships actively."

"I wonder if it will disturb the group of pirates on the island?"

On the bow, Airon Rear Admiral, who was standing next to Aokiji, frowned.

Legend has it that the same type of murloc can communicate with the same type of fish. He is a little worried that the shark will expose them and let the pirates run away in advance.

"If this happens, then block their retreat first."

"When I freeze the waters around the island, let's go together."

Yawning, Aokiji didn't bother to lay out any tactics, and ignored Aaron Rear Admiral, etc. Marine with a dazed expression and jumped high into the air.

When Aaron was still thinking that Aokiji's freezing the sea was the kind of freezing.

"Ice Age!!"

Aokiji, who jumped a hundred meters in the air, faced the sea above, with his hands folded, sending out a giant icicle like Ultraman emitting light waves.


As soon as the icicles fall on the sea, the icy air that is emitted quickly freezes the sea.

In just a moment, the entire sea area within a 5,000-meter radius of Shark Island was frozen and turned into a continent of ice.



Where did Airon Rear Admiral and a group of Marine soldiers on board have seen this kind of natural disaster-like terrorist ability?

"Is this a human being!"

"This is something God can do!"

Everyone looked at Aokiji in the sky, and their eyes were about to fall.

They have never seen Devil Fruit power. Although East Blue is weak, Demon fruit power still has it.

But they had never thought of breaking their heads before to do such an unthinkable thing as Aokiji, freezing the sea.


Aokiji fell from the air and shook his head slightly to these Marines who had never seen the world before. Then he looked straight and ordered: "Notify everyone, attack!"

Hearing Aokiji's voice, Aaron waited for Marine to react and shivered suddenly.

"It's cold!"

Everyone said something subconsciously, and then obeyed Aokiji's order, disembarked and ran towards Shark Island.

In addition, the three warships surrounding Shark Island were also ordered by Aokiji. All Marine soldiers disembarked and rushed towards Shark Island.

On the sea surface, with the help of moonlight, you can also see the lifelike sharks frozen in the sea.

I have to say that Aokiji's Frozen Fruit is so easy to use on the sea full of water.

Just when Aokiji froze the sea.

On Shark Island, Hera and others who were resting in the cave shuddered and woke up coldly.

"not good!!!"

Perona was the first to react to this unusually low temperature.

As she and Moria observed Aokiji fighting over Vico Island, she knew that this sudden low temperature might be Aokiji's arrival.

Thinking of this, Perona's complexion changed, without hesitation, she quickly got out of the shadow attendant's arms holding her to sleep, and then said: "Hurry up and notify Moria-sama, there are enemies, and come back."

At the critical moment, Perona was very reliable, and when the three of Hera did not react, they had already made the most correct decision.

Shake people!

"Perona is coming from Marine!!"

Sister Hera and Gangmir's complexion changed, and suddenly reacted, Marine found here. And it made Perona nervous enough to immediately notify Moria to come back and save their strong man.

Perona didn't speak, and after seeing the shadow servant disappeared, he let out a sigh of relief, and then flew out of the cave.

Sidoro, Gangmir and Hera picked up the big bags that had already been packed, and followed Perona to the outside of the cave.

the other side.

In New World, Moria, who shook his fist and attacked Garp at high speed, changed his face slightly when the Shark Island Shadow Servant dissipated.

After that, without hesitation, his heart moved, and the other Shadow Servant who was still on Shark Island instantly exchanged positions and left.


The Shadow Servant, who had changed positions and appeared in Moria's original position, was blown away by Garp.

"Where is that bastard?" Garp looked around and watched around him. At first he didn't expect Moria to have left.

It wasn't until five or six seconds later that Moria was nowhere to be seen, and Garp was sure that Moria would not fight anymore and left.


Garp let out a roar, then frowned in the air, "Why did that guy leave suddenly."

According to Garp's feeling, Moria doesn't feel like it will stop if he doesn't fight with him for a few days or nights.

"Why did you leave?" Garp couldn't understand.

But Moria had left, and he didn't stay in the air much, Moonwalk flew towards the Marine warship.

"This is the end!!!"

"No way!!"

"Why not, Moria suddenly disappeared, and Garp is back on the warship."

"Damn it!!!"

"The battle has just begun, and the excitement has just begun. Why don't you stop fighting!"

Many people were dissatisfied, especially the guys from the news agency. They also wanted this battle to last for a few days and nights, and let them write a few more headlines to make money, but it ended suddenly.

And it ended without knowing who won, which made them feel as if they were forcibly broken.

"Mum! Mum!"

Charlotte Linlin smiled and said, "Let's go back."

Now Moria, she is no longer under the expectation of income, but the idea of ​​having a child with Moria is even stronger.

Charlotte Linlin's eyes flickered. From today's battle, she saw Moria's body is strong and she is also very tall, which meets her mate selection criteria of "big".

So she decided, she must get Moria into bed and become one of his husbands.

"Go back quickly and send someone to contact Moria, I want to marry him."

Charlotte Linlin, who was anxious to go back, gave the order to make Kata Kuri and others helpless, but did not object, because this is how they came to this world.

"Let's leave too!"

"Although there is no winner or loser, it is already the biggest win or lose for Moria."


Whitebeard laughed and turned around with Marco and the others.

Today's battle seems to have no victory or defeat, but there is no victory or defeat for Garp, which in itself is a victory.

It is conceivable that after today, Moria will step on the reputation of the Marine hero Garp and become another great pirate on this sea who is close to the throne of the One Piece.

At present, the world generally acknowledges that there are not many people close to the throne of One Piece. The closest is naturally Whitebeard, followed by Kaido Charlotte Linlin, and now it's time to add Moria.

Others such as Silver Axe and Ochoku, although their strength is also good, but the power is much worse than the top four, belonging to the third echelon.

"Why did the bastard leave suddenly?" Sengoku hurriedly asked as soon as Garp returned to the warship.

"do not know!"

Garp Kaidō: "It disappeared suddenly, there should be something urgent!"

Sengoku didn't say a word, but didn't entangle, watching Whitebeard and other pirates retreat, and ordered Marine to retreat.

As for whether to arrest the pirates at the scene, or not, Sengoku is afraid that these pirates will beat them together.

So Moria made an appointment to fight the Garp incident, and the curtain came to an end.

Marine and the pirate went back to their homes, each to their mothers, and everything was in peace.

It's just… tomorrow is destined to be a noisy day. So everyone who left thought.