
I'AM~Gecko Moria

As soon as Moria crossed over, Moria fainted with the cute “Thunder Eight Trigrams” on Moria face, and then he woke up and became the future Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gekko Moria. But this was not the worst. In the dim cell, Kaidou-crew iron whip spent countless days and months with Moria. Until one day, Shadow Shadow Fruit’s ability awakened, Moria finally showed a hideous face. Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Kaidou, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country,and because Kaidou his spent countless days be whiped, almost can't wait to get his revenge against Kaidou

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66 Chs

Chapter 62: A Great Disgrace!


A huge force acted on Garp's left side and pushed him to fly to the right.

"Ha ha!"

Garp showed a successful smirk. He didn't resist the force of Moria's tail, but instead used this force to grab Moria's right hand and flick it.

Just like Moria just rolled his tail around his waist and threw him into the sea.

This time, Garp used the same method, grabbing Moria's right hand and shaking it hard.


Moria's face changed, because the sudden change was so sudden that he didn't expect Garp to still play like this.

At this moment, he couldn't react, and as his eyes changed, he could only feel a huge force dragging him towards the sea below.

"call out!"

Twisted and bent over and fell back and shoulders, Garp threw Moria into the sea below in such a posture.


During the extreme fall, Moria wanted to control her body to stop, but the force exerted on her body was too great to stop immediately.

And he had no time, almost instantly, his body came to the surface of the sea.

"Shadow Servant!"

At the critical moment, Moria's heart moved, and a Shadow Servant rushed out of her body quickly, and then he immediately exchanged positions with the Shadow Servant that appeared.


The Shadow Servant, who had exchanged positions with Moria, seemed to have also endured the horrible power, and instantly slammed into the sea, exploding ten meters high waves.


In the sea to the east in the distance, Sengoku rejoiced again.

As long as it is Demon fruit power, the sea is the nemesis, no matter who it is, once it falls into the sea, it will be instantly weak and become a lamb for slaughter.

But Sengoku was destined to be disappointed, and soon, as the spray dissipated, he saw Moria parked on the sea.

"How on earth did that guy do it?" Sengoku was puzzled.

Others onlookers were puzzled, only Hawkeye and Garp saw the moment when Moria and Shadow Servant exchanged positions.

"so close!!!"

Moria's heart was still beating fast.

"It's almost done!" Moria had a lingering fear.

If it wasn't for the last moment, thinking that the shadow had been integrated into the body, it should also be a channel for summoning the Shadow Servant.

Finally, if you summon the Shadow Servant to swap positions.

Then… Moria can't imagine! !

"That won't work!!!" High in the sky, Garp frowned slightly when he saw the scene just now, secretly regretting.

"But, come again!!"

Although it was unsuccessful this time, Moria was almost eliminated, and Garp thought he could try again.

"As long as the speed is fast enough and the distance to the sea is close enough, Moria will not be able to react."

Thinking of this, Garp must be in his heart, one turned over and ran down towards Moria.

"call out!"

With the help of the falling gravity, Garp was fast, and after passing through two white circular air waves, it instantly approached Moria.

"It's too dangerous to fight on the sea!"

Seeing Garp's rushing figure, Moria's heart moved, and this time he didn't attack Garp.

"call out!"

The moment Garp got close, Moria pulled away and flew up to a hundred meters high in the air.


Unexpectedly, Garp, who Moria would avoid, was stunned for a moment, and then the whole person could not stop at high speed and plunged into the sea.


Another huge splash of water exploded on the sea.


Before the water spray dissipated, Moria's legs were turned into sharp blades at a height of 100 meters. With a stroke left and right, two condensed and sharp Tempest Kick chopping waves flew towards the sea where Garp had fallen.


The two chopping waves cut through the sea almost at the same time, slashing towards Garp in the sea.

Although Garp is in the water, his strength is not limited much.

Saw his legs kicked out like a sharp arrow, and his left and right fists blasted out, directly smashing the two chopping waves sent by Moria.

Then the "bang" burst into the sea, and Garp flew out from it, and Moonwalk flew towards Moria with "stomping" speed.

"call out!"

Moria flew into the sky diagonally above. After the incident, he felt that the altitude of 100 meters was not safe. If he encountered the situation just now, he was afraid that he would not be able to react.

"So… let's go to an altitude of two kilometers!"

In my mind, Moria flew high into the sky at great speed.

Garp chasing from below, seeing Moria's actions, naturally understood the meaning, and couldn't help cursing inwardly: "Cunning kid."

"However, it can't be what you want!" Garp thought to himself, then his face was straightened, and his whole body was mobilized.


The combination of shaving and Moonwalk is used again, this time the power is stronger and the speed is faster.


The air exploded in an instant, and Garp rushed at a speed that Moria couldn't avoid.


Moria cursed inwardly, but she couldn't avoid it, so let's fight.

Facing Garp's fast rushing fist, Moria slammed into the match.


There was another fierce collision sound, Moria's right hand broke again, a moment of weakness, and the body flew backwards under this huge force of Garp.

However, at this moment, Garp grabbed Moria's right fingers again with both hands, and then turned his back to Moria and faced downwards, ready to throw Moria into the sea below again.

"Come again!!!"

Seeing this exact same action by Garp, Moria felt furious and felt humiliated.

Garp didn't know Moria's mental activity, but saw that he had his feet facing Moria at this time, head down.

This time, Garp was prepared to no matter whether Moria's tail was entangled with him or not. While throwing Moria towards the sea below, he would use a combination of kick and Moonwalk to fly towards the sea below.

Anyway, he is not Demon fruit power, he is not afraid of the sea. Garp thought.

"Not afraid to attack!!!"

Seeing Garp's movements, Moria also somewhat guessed what Garp meant, and then her eyes grew cold.

Looking at Garp, whose feet and butt were facing him, Moria's eyes were cold, and he said with a bitter hatred, "I don't believe it. You can still remain indifferent if these two places are attacked."

Just do as he thinks, Moria's heart moved, and the two sharp tails, with the sharp wind piercing the air, instantly pierced Garp's legs back and forth.


Garp felt a chill, and the chrysanthemum tightened, and he couldn't help but burst out a terrified roar that he himself couldn't understand.

Even with Emission Haki covered all over, he still did not dare to take Moria's two tail stab attacks.


Garp roared, and instantly let go of Moria's right finger with both hands and kicked both feet.


In the sound of a burst of air, Garp subconsciously covered the front and back with his hands and flew down.


"See if you dare to rely on your Emission Haki to ignore my attack!"

Moria stood in the air and smiled at the flying figure of Garp.


Below, Garp stopped on the sea, and Moria, who looked up, burst out a sharp resentment that seemed to be violated.

The faint resentment of this voice made Moria chrysanthemum tensed, her complexion changed slightly, and she hurriedly flew into the sky again.

"I'm going to kill you!!"

Garp was furious. He had never been so humiliated in his life. If he didn't kill Moria, why Garp would be a man.


The air burst, Garp kicked his feet and used the combination of Shaving and Moonwalk again and flew towards Moria.

"White rays!"

Moria drank lightly, with four tails behind him, all pointing towards Garp who was flying diagonally downwards, using Finger Pistol's technique to shoot countless white qi energy at high speed.


Garp resisted countless vigorous attacks like white lines, his speed was naturally slowed down, and he couldn't catch up with Moria for a while.


Moria flew diagonally upward while attacking Garp with countless white vigor with her tail.


Garp didn't choose to keep advancing with the attack, but used Moonwalk to avoid the attack, and then chased Moria.

But in this way, it is natural to not catch up with Moria.

Garp didn't catch up until Moria stopped at an altitude of 3,000 meters.

Then the two fought fiercely again.