
I'AM~Gecko Moria

As soon as Moria crossed over, Moria fainted with the cute “Thunder Eight Trigrams” on Moria face, and then he woke up and became the future Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gekko Moria. But this was not the worst. In the dim cell, Kaidou-crew iron whip spent countless days and months with Moria. Until one day, Shadow Shadow Fruit’s ability awakened, Moria finally showed a hideous face. Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Kaidou, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country,and because Kaidou his spent countless days be whiped, almost can't wait to get his revenge against Kaidou

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66 Chs

Chapter 59 The Terrifying Sakura Domineering Shockwave


Ling Lie's wind sounded, and Karp didn't give Moria a chance to breathe, and instantly caught up with the air.

At this time, Garp's fists were covered with a thick layer of Liu Ying's domineering, just getting close, Moria felt the terrifying destructive power contained on it.

"Tear!" The

iron fist tore the air, and Karp approached Moria for a moment, and his right fist slammed out.

The fist waving at high speed, in addition to Liu Ying's domineering air, also brought a layer of white air.

Needless to say, at the moment when Moriah had just recovered his right hand, facing the iron fist that Karp slammed, he slammed a punch with a domineering and domineering aura.

The speed was also very fast, and the fist slid through the air to meet Garp's iron fist with a layer of white air.


It was another powerful collision in the air, the force overflowing between the big and small fists turned into terrifying wind pressure, blowing all around, spreading out over the entire island, setting off a wave in the sea more than ten meters high of huge waves.

"Boom! Boom!"

As expected, Moria's right hand cracked again, and countless blood spurted out.

With a thought, Moria devoured life energy again to recover from the injury.

But Garp's Ryu Sakura continues to destroy his right hand with terrifying power.


Garp threw his fist and pushed it hard. Moria, whose right hand was injured, was inferior to Garp in strength. He swung his right hand to the right, and the neutral position was suddenly revealed in front of him.

Taking advantage of this moment, Kapfei stepped forward, and when Moriah had no time to react, he slammed a punch directly at his head.

Karp's goal has not changed, and he still wants to kill Moria with one punch.

"Damn it!"

Moriah's pupils shrank sharply, Garp's iron fist expanded rapidly in his eyes, and his head was thrown back desperately.

However, Garp's iron fist was with him, and he was about to hit Moriah in front of him soon.

Moria's mind moved, and her head instantly condensed with a domineering and domineering look.

At the same time, there was a change in the chest, and a sharp thrust instantly stabbed Garp.


Karp's straight iron fist stopped in front of Moria's head, covering Liu Ying's domineering and Moria's face only two centimeters away.

"It's dangerous!" Moria let out a sigh of relief.

At a critical moment, the protruding thrust point from the chest hit Garp's domineering chest covered with armament, preventing him from moving forward.


At this moment, Moria's complexion suddenly changed, and a huge shock wave emanated from Garp's iron fist.

But it was the moment when Moria felt relieved, when Garp saw that his body was blocked, and the domineering Liu Ying condensed on the fist he threw out almost hit Moria.

With a thought, the domineering sakura all over his body suddenly resembled a flowing air cannon, using the fist aimed at Moria's head as the muzzle, and poured out instantly.


Moria could only feel a burst of blue-white light filling his eyes, and then a condensed and domineering shock wave passed through his head and shot straight into the sky behind him.

"Om!" The

space seemed to be overwhelmed in front of this blue-and-white armed-color domineering shock wave, and a piercing sound was emitted from the distortion.

"call out!"

Everyone watching the sea around Skull Island saw a blue-white beam of light penetrated Moria's head and shot into the sky.


Sengoku's face was filled with joy, he stepped forward and grabbed the railing of the ship, his eyes fixed on the figures of Karp and Moria in the sky on Skull Island.

No one could catch Garp's domineering attack with a single blow from Garp's head.

Moriah will pass out even if he doesn't die, Warring States said.


Marko looked at Whitebeard and hesitated, wanting to ask if he wanted to save Moriah.

Whitebeard didn't answer, just looked at the silhouettes of Moriah and Garp in the sky.

Marco understood what he meant and stopped talking.

For Whitebeard, if Warring States and others attack Moria, he will save Moria.

But if Moriah himself lost the battle with Garp, he wouldn't care.

After all, they have nothing to do, Moriah is neither his subordinate nor his friend.

He didn't need to risk fighting the Navy for Moriah.

the other side!

Charlotte Lingling, who also saw Moria being penetrated by Garp's domineering shock wave, changed her face.

"Napoleon!!" The

hat instantly turned into a big knife and was clenched by her hands, Zeus and Prometheus also surrounded Charlotte Lingling.

Everyone in the Bigmom Pirates was instantly ready to snatch Moriah.


Only Katakuri clasped his arms around his chest and didn't move. His arrogance and domineering had already seen some pictures of the future, so he was fairly stable.

As stable as Katakuri is Kaido.

The huge dragon head sticking out from the clouds looked in the direction of Moriah and Garp, Kaido was not worried that Moriah would be killed or stunned by this blow.

He, who had fought with Moriah, saw it clearly just now that if Karp's punch was solid, Moriah might be killed or knocked unconscious.

It's not enough, but it's not enough to send out a shock wave of Liu Ying's domineering in the air.

The same is true.

Garp's domineering shock wave attack turned into a blue-white beam of light that penetrated Moriah's head and quickly disappeared.

Moriah was not killed or knocked unconscious, but was seriously injured, bleeding from eyes, ears, nose and mouth.

The head is "buzzing" non-stop.

"Sure enough, it's still a little short!"

Karp sighed slightly when he saw Moria's sober eyes.

Then Karp stepped forward to bully him, and the domineering flow of the cherry blossoms flowed again. He wanted to take advantage of the moment when Moria was seriously injured, and another shock wave of the domineering and domineering of the cherry blossoms just now.

As long as there is another blow, even if Moria's defense is strong enough, it will definitely not be able to resist.

Moriah also understood in his heart, but how could he give Karp another chance.

"Go to hell, Karp!!!!"

Moria's eyes narrowed, her left hand clenched her fist and slammed into Karp on her head.

At this time, Karp's fist hadn't hit Moriah's head, and Moriah's fist was even.


Garp didn't care about it, didn't want to give up the hard-won opportunity, his body was covered with armed domineering, and he punched Moria's head, ready to resist Moria's attack. , and also kill or stun Moriah.


Karp's expression changed, he underestimated Moria's speed, Moria's fist hit his right body first. A huge force struck, causing his fist to deviate from Moriah's head, which he did not expect.


Moria roared, twisting her body to face Skull Island below, and at the same time, her twisted left fist also pressed Garp towards Skull Island.

"Don't underestimate people!!"

Moria shouted loudly, and punched down with her left hand.

After all, Karp underestimated Moria's current strength, and was punched by Moria to Skull Island.

"Hey!" A

black shadow flashed obliquely in the air, like a black line, leaving several circles of white airflow to spread through the space.


The entire Skull Island composed of rocks was finally overwhelmed, and instantly the figure that was smashed down by Karp from a flat shape was smashed into a downwardly concave hemisphere.


In the middle of the hemisphere, under the huge force, Garp was blasted into the position ten meters below the Skull Island, and the surrounding rocks were all shattered instantly.

Then the entire concave hemispherical Skull Island collapsed like shattered glass in an instant.


"Boom!" The

sea turned upside down, and the sea broke through the collapsed rocks and flowed into the deep pit smashed by Garp.

After a while, Skull Island disappeared, only the waves were still rolling backwards.

With just one blow, the entire Skull Island sank instantly!

this moment.

Most of the onlookers lost their voices. This terrifying power shocked them.
