
I'AM~Gecko Moria

As soon as Moria crossed over, Moria fainted with the cute “Thunder Eight Trigrams” on Moria face, and then he woke up and became the future Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gekko Moria. But this was not the worst. In the dim cell, Kaidou-crew iron whip spent countless days and months with Moria. Until one day, Shadow Shadow Fruit’s ability awakened, Moria finally showed a hideous face. Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Kaidou, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country,and because Kaidou his spent countless days be whiped, almost can't wait to get his revenge against Kaidou

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Chapter 53 Accident! Kaido is here!

three days later.


Skull Island.

Ten kilometers from the island, three naval observation ships docked on the sea.

The people on the warship were observing Moria's whereabouts with binoculars, and at the same time reporting to the Navy Headquarters at regular intervals.

"Report, the current situation is as usual."

"Understood, continue to monitor."

A sailor put down the hung up phone bug, took out the binoculars and continued to look at Skull Island.

On the island, Moriah sat on a lounge chair and slept leisurely.

This is what he snatched from a pirate and put it in the shadow space. It is especially comfortable to sleep with, and it is shaken.


Moria suddenly got down from the reclining chair, stood up and looked over the navy warship.

"I didn't expect that Garp didn't wait, but the scumbag came first."

"But... it's the same for anyone who comes, and whoever comes will fight!"

Moria smiled. Above the three warships of the navy, a blue dragon appeared. The spiral was entrenched, and Kaido arrived first.

With his character, he actually came, but he wouldn't wait obediently for Kap to come and make an appointment with Moriah.

The battle was inevitable, Moriah thought about it and was ready.


"Why is the sky dark!"

At this time, the navy on the warship felt his vision dim and found something unusual.

A huge figure enveloped the three warships, and all the navy soldiers looked up.

"This is... Beast Kaido!!!"

Seeing a blue dragon hovering high in the sky, all the navy soldiers suddenly became terrified, and cold sweat couldn't help flowing out of their heads.

The shadow of the tree of human life, Kaido's name is also a lawless existence in the eyes of the Navy, and killing is more commonplace.

"Get out of here!!!"

"Quick! Hurry up and contact the headquarters!!"

Seeing Kaido's huge dragon head looking at them and opening his mouth from the center of his circling body, the expressions of the navy soldiers on the three warships changed, and they suddenly panicked. a group.

"Heat breath!"

At this time, Kaido in the sky didn't give the navy too much time to react, the dragon head pointed directly at the warship in the middle, and he opened his mouth and a hot dragon breath spurted out.

"Boom!" In the

sky, a red light flashed, and a warship was instantly destroyed.



Two more fires flashed, and the remaining two warships were also destroyed by Kaido's heat.

On the sea, the heat waves were turbulent, and those navy who were lucky enough to jump into the sea could not escape the fate of being scalded to death by the heat waves.


After destroying the naval warship, Kaido turned his head and flew straight towards Moria.

"Heat breath!" On

the way to fly, Kaido's big mouth opened again, and a flame of Stanley, with a high temperature breath, came directly to Moria's location.

"I'm not what I used to be, Kaido!"

"This kind of attack is useless to me!"

Moria grinned as she stretched out her right palm in the direction of the heat.

"Shield of Shadow Stream!"

As soon as the voice fell, a shadow circular shield with a diameter of fifty meters condensed in the air fifty meters in front of Moria.

"Boom!" The

shadow shield just condensed out, and the hot fire column collided with it.

"Hey...!" The

heat burst like a stream of water hitting the steel wall, and the flames shot out like flowing water, scattered around Moria like a goddess scattered flowers.

"This guy is quite capable!"

Seeing that the heat attack did not cause any trouble to Moriah, Kaido's eyes flickered.

After that, he recovered his human form from the air and landed fifty meters to the left of Moria with a mace, and smashed two footprints on a ten-meter-wide rocky ground.

At the same time, Moriah also controlled the Shadow Stream Shield to return to him.

"Shadow golden body!"

Moria snorted lowly, and her body quickly merged with the shadow under her body, turning into a dark golden giant seven meters high.

Although this height is not as tall as Kaido, the difference is not very big.

"Shadow Shadow Fruit still has this ability!" Kaido was amazed when he saw this scene, and then his eyes flickered.

Looking at Moria who was about to fight him at this time, Kaido narrowed his eyes slightly, suddenly a little unhappy, and said solemnly: "Little devil, have you forgotten the previous lesson!"


Molly A frowned, knowing that Kaido was talking about the fact that he was ruined by a trick of thunder and gossip.

"I'm not what I used to be, Kaido!!"

Moria's face turned straight, his legs pressed down, his armament turned domineering, his right hand clenched his fist to close his abdomen, and Ling Lie's eyes shot directly at Kaido.

It is useless to talk too much at this time, some humiliation can only be washed away after the battle.


On the opposite side, Kaido put down his mace, twisted his neck, and then clenched the mace that condensed the domineering armament color in both hands, looked at Moria, and said domineeringly: "Then come, I will make you feel our relationship again. The gap between the two."

Hearing this, Moria's eyes flashed coldly, and he said solemnly: "You will feel it!"

Falling alive, the two started at the same time, and instantly disappeared in place.


When they reappeared, the two of them were already close, and one of them swung a mace and twisted his waist to help blast the other.

One person leaned forward with his waist and abdomen, and his right fist and arm were pulled back to the maximum, as if the bow of the full moon instantly bounced towards the opponent.

"Thundering gossip!!"

"Shadow King Fist!"

With the roar of the two, the mace and Dark Gold King Fist collided.


"Kakaka...!" The

moment the attack collided, a terrifying invisible force fell around the two of them like a mountain, and the uneven rock bottom was instantly crushed into a circular depression full of spider web cracks.

"Da Da Da!"

In the middle of the depression, Kaido's face was shocked at this time, and the mace in his hand transmitted a terrifying force, making the mace shake like a pile driver, and his hands were almost unable to hold. Living.

"How come?"

"In just over a month, at most two months, how did this guy's power increase so quickly!"

"Where did this terrifying power come from? What happened during the period?"

Kai His heart was shocked and puzzled, and Moria's strength improvement seemed unreasonable to him.

"This is my current power! It's really terrifying!"

Moria smiled. In this state, his power is even more terrifying than Kaido's. In addition, Kaido's armed domineering is not stronger than him to the extent that it collapses with a single blow. Naturally, he can't resist his power. .


Moria growled, pressing her body forward and swiping her hands vigorously at the same time.


An even greater force struck, Kaido's expression changed, he was powerless to stop, and was forced back a few steps by Moria's power.

"Do you feel the power gap between us!"


Using the time when Kaido took a few steps back, Moria quickly approached Kaido, and with a loud shout, smashed with a punch. on his chest.


"This is..." Moria's face suddenly changed slightly. At this moment, he felt as if his fist was hitting a piece of muscle rubber, not his flesh.

"Damn!" With a secret curse, Moriah swung her fist out.



Kaido was blasted away by Moria's punch, like a huge human bowling ball, on the rocky ground "Bump..." The catapult smashed a dozen gravel pits, and finally landed on the skeleton The edge of the island almost fell into the sea.

"What's wrong with this guy's defense??"

Withdrew his right fist, Moria looked uncomfortable and unhappy. His full blow felt that Kaido was useless at all.

"My strength is so great that I didn't leave any damage on him."

Although Kaido, who had fallen in the gravel pit in the distance, hadn't gotten up yet, Moriah knew of his attack and didn't do anything to him. Do a little damage.
