
I'AM~Gecko Moria

As soon as Moria crossed over, Moria fainted with the cute “Thunder Eight Trigrams” on Moria face, and then he woke up and became the future Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gekko Moria. But this was not the worst. In the dim cell, Kaidou-crew iron whip spent countless days and months with Moria. Until one day, Shadow Shadow Fruit’s ability awakened, Moria finally showed a hideous face. Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Kaidou, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country,and because Kaidou his spent countless days be whiped, almost can't wait to get his revenge against Kaidou

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Chapter 43 Please Captain Mopa!


One night passed.

When the whole body of the sun was exposed, Hera in the cave had basically completed the operation.

All the broken bones have been taken out and the wound is being sutured.

Moria had woken up, Perona was still sleeping.


The surgical wound was also sutured. Moria walked to Hera, looked at Sidoro and Gunmir sleeping on the operating table, and asked, "Do you want me to inject life energy into them?"

"No need." Hera Yaoyao said in a tired tone: "The abilities of adults are not easy to be exposed, just let them recover slowly."

"That's fine!"

Moria didn't insist, looking at Hera's tired face, said: "You too go. Let's take a rest, and when everyone has recovered, I will tell you about joining the Pirates." After

that, Moria didn't wait for Hera to answer, and walked out of the cave, intending to take a good look at the island.


Looking at the back of Moria's departure, Hera looked complicated and turned around, but she didn't expect to become a pirate in the end.

Hera won't go back on what she promised, what's more, after what happened last night, she now understands.

Whether you become a pirate or not, it is not they who have the final say, but the navy and the world government have the final say, saying that you are a pirate, not a pirate but also a pirate.

Thinking of this, Hera no longer resented being a pirate as much as before.

"Let's rest first, and talk to them when Sidoro and Gunmir wake up."

Thinking about her promise to join the Moria Pirates for the two of them, Hera felt that she still needed to explain to the two of them.

Walking to the corner of the living area in the cave, there was a huge soft bed, and Hera lay down and fell asleep immediately.

the other side!

Moria, who came out, flew into the sky and looked down on this crescent-shaped island.

"There are many reefs around. It is difficult for boats to get close to this place. It is a secret base!"

"Also, it should be sharks moving underwater on the reefs."

After observing for a while, Moria concluded that it was a boat. and islands that are difficult for people to reach.

No wonder Hera took this place as a secret base for her own medical research, and it was indeed not easy to be discovered.


at around two o'clock in the afternoon!

The sun was high, and Hera and Sidoro, as well as Gunmir, had already woken up.

At this time, the five people were sitting around a huge stone table outside the cave, and the table was full of fragrant barbecued meat and delicate and delicious fruits.

Sidoro was not interested in the food on the table, his eyes were dull and he looked at the shadow attendant who was busy preparing the barbecue not far away, and then looked at Moria.

After turning his head and looking at it for a while, Sidoro finally accepted the reality.

"That is to say, what happened last night, what Sister Hera said is true."

Sidoro looked at Moria with a shocked expression: "The person who instantly killed the Vice Admiral and rescued us was actually from The big man in the new world, the best actor-Moonlight Moria!!!"


Moria said while eating the barbecue: "You can just call me Mopa. This is also my name and the name I will use in the future."

Speaking of what Moria told Hera, Explained it to Sidoro.

"Is this really good?" At this time, Hera worried: "My brother is not very good. If you reveal your identity, it will be bad."

"Hey!" Sidoro said dissatisfied: "Sister , I'm a navigator, how can my brain be bad, don't talk nonsense."


Hera frowned and wanted to speak, but Moria waved her hand and interrupted: "It doesn't matter, since I want to invite you all. If you join my pirate group, you will be a companion from now on, and it is only right for you to know." As

soon as the words fell, the anger on the table suddenly changed, and Sidoro's face was full of guilt.

Gangmir, who was eating meat silently, also stopped and looked up at Hera in silence.

If it wasn't to save the two of them, they believed that Hera would never agree to join Moria's pirate group.

Thinking of this, both of them felt a little heavy in their hearts, not knowing how to face the words Moria said.

"Although I joined the pirate group of Lord Mopa in your place yesterday, but if you don't want to..."

Saying that, Hera looked at Moria and asked, "I hope Lord Mopa can forgive them, I am willing to Give everything I have in exchange for their freedom."

"Don't!" Sidoro hurriedly said to Moria: "I am willing, I am willing to join Lord Mopa's pirate group."

"Me too!" Steel Mill glanced at Moria.

They know that Hera is a person who will not go back if she promises. In this case, they do not want Hera to sacrifice anything because of themselves.

And they didn't want to leave Hera, and they didn't worry that Hera followed Moria alone.

"You... alas!" Hera sighed, not knowing whether she should be happy or angry.


At this time, Moria suddenly burst out laughing, thinking: It's time to start showing the acting of the best actor.

"Let's talk frankly and honestly, I hope you join my pirate group sincerely, rather than being forced to join by kindness."

Moria put away her smile and said seriously: "If you don't want to, then It means distrust. Companions do not trust each other, so is it necessary to become companions!"

This question of trust made Hera silent for a while.

What Moria said was the truth, and she did agree.

But from the way she addressed Moria "you", it can be seen that being polite means an invisible alienation, an invisible distrust.

In this regard, Moria felt that it was necessary to convince Hera to join in. Both Sidoro and Gunmir are based on Hera, don't care.

"The reason why you have always resisted becoming pirates is because the people who burned, killed and looted Fishman Island were all pirates and human traffickers."

"Yeah!" The Hera siblings nodded.

Moria understood and said faintly: "The pirates have always played a role in hurting the murlocs in your hearts."

"Have you ever thought that since the era of the Great Pirates began, the Mermaid Island has not been destroyed by pirates. What is the reason for the destruction, and even the relative stability?"

"Yes..." Facing this question, the Hera sisters and brothers both fell silent after saying a word, and their eyes flickered.

In the minds of the two, a burly and domineering man with a crescent beard appeared.

"Although you were no longer on Fishman Island at the time, there should be reports in the newspapers."

Moria said solemnly: "A pirate named Whitebeard used his own name for Fishman Island in exchange for peace. "

Until now, there are still people from the Whitebeard Pirates stationed on Mermaid Island, guarding the stability of Murloc Island there."

"So why are you entangled in hurting the pirates of Murloc Island instead of being the guardian of Murlocs ?" What about the pirates of the island peace?"


Hera sister and brother's expressions changed, Moria's words were like a bell hammer, giving them a heavy blow to their hearts and making them silent for a while.

When Whitebeard announced that Fishman Island became his own territory, the sister and brother saw it in the news newspapers outside.

At that time, they thought that Fishman Island was ruled by pirates, so they went back a little bit.

Later, the sister and brother, who knew the actual situation, returned to the sea with peace of mind.

But knowing in my heart is one thing, accepting it or not is another.

Today, all of this was stabbed out by Moria, and some of the burdens that the sister and brother had imposed on themselves were completely ruthlessly pierced.


Moria saw the expressions of the two, he smiled and continued: "Pirate is just a name, it has nothing to do with people doing evil. It's

like the trafficker you hate the most, In the eyes of the Navy in the eyes of the world government, that is civilians. If you kill traffickers, you will be wanted if you kill civilians."

"So, it's people who do evil, and it has nothing to do with whether you are a pirate or not."

"Finally, I want to That is," Moria said with a serious expression: "Hera, your dream, you need to learn more knowledge, you need to walk a wider world, you need strong strength and the help of companions."

"There is no sailing skills of Sidoro. , There are many places where you can't reach, and you don't have the strength. Then you died yesterday, and your dream has really become a dream."

"So..." Facing the three of Hera, Moria invited again: " Join my pirate group, let us realize each other's dreams together."

After speaking, Moria solemnly reminded: "Please consider it seriously, I will not invite you again, you can refuse, yesterday's kindness can be Another way."

"I hope you really want to be my companions."

After listening to Moria's sincere words, even Gang Mire, who had always held an indifferent attitude, looked at it squarely. This was a man's sincerity, and he felt it.

Sidoro looked excited and trembled all over. He saw infinite possibilities in the man in front of him.

Maybe being by the side of such a man will bring out the suppressed fighting spirit in his heart. Sidoro thought.

Hera opened her mouth and refused to say anything after all.

She understands that her younger brothers Sidoro and Gangmir are both extremely fanatical people for fighting. If it weren't for themselves, they would have broken into the great route long ago.

Up to now, the inner demon was untied by Moria's words, so she didn't need to insist anymore.


"It seems good to go with your companions to realize each other's dreams." Hera thought to herself, her mouth overflowing, and she smiled softly.

I have to say that Moria's words touched her deeply.

"Sidoro, Gangmir!"

Hera, who had made up her mind, stood up, and both Sidoro and Gangmir looked at each other with a chuckle, and stood up together.

The three of them faced Moria with serious expressions and solemnly said: "From now on, the three of us will ask Captain Mopa!"