
I'AM~Gecko Moria

As soon as Moria crossed over, Moria fainted with the cute “Thunder Eight Trigrams” on Moria face, and then he woke up and became the future Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gekko Moria. But this was not the worst. In the dim cell, Kaidou-crew iron whip spent countless days and months with Moria. Until one day, Shadow Shadow Fruit’s ability awakened, Moria finally showed a hideous face. Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Kaidou, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country,and because Kaidou his spent countless days be whiped, almost can't wait to get his revenge against Kaidou

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66 Chs

Chapter 25 If you want me to work overtime, I can…I have to pay more


"Garp, didn't you say that Moria is not on the island!"

"Who is that?"

During the battle, Captain John and Garp confronted each other, then retreated for an instant and looked at Moria, who was falling in the sky, and said with a smile.


The kid unexpectedly returned, and Garp was a little surprised.


"One slash!" Seizing the moment Garp thought, Captain John struck Garp with a sharp wave of slashing.


Garp swung his arm and punched Captain John's chopping wave, opening a crack in the ground beside him.



Then the two fiercely fought together, and instantly fought a few tricks.

The collision between the iron fist and the long sword, because of Armament Haki, erupted like a fierce, steel-like head-on sound.


Garp lowered his fist on Captain John's sword, wrestling with each other, and the air made the invisible sound of "Kazkaz" lightning.


"This lunatic is here too, it's really troublesome."

Garp doesn't blush or breathe. Even shortly after the battle with Bullet, he still firmly suppresses Captain John.

Kaido's arrival made him frown, and he tilted his head to look at the dragon behind Moria in the sky, his heart slightly solemn.


Captain John and Garp suddenly used their hands and moved away.

"Garp, our goal is Moria. Let us take it away. There is no need to fight with us."

Captain John held a knife in his right hand and pointed at Moria, who was getting closer and closer in the air, and smiled: "Also, let us pirates kill each other, isn't it what you Marine has always wanted to see!"

"Garp," Sengoku Metamorphosis Buddha shot off Crimson Bone Deron with a shock wave, came to Garp's side and looked into the air and said, "The guy Moria is coming here, and we will give priority to him later!"

"Hey Hey hey!"

Garp hasn't responded yet, and Captain John suddenly exaggerated his expression: "In front of me, it is okay to discuss and resolve my companion first!"

After all, Captain John rushed to Garp, Deron rushed to Sengoku, and the other cadres fought fiercely with Kizaru who had come for reinforcements.

The battle started instantly, and Deron relied on the strong defensive power conferred by the fruit ability to resist Sengoku's shock wave, making it impossible to solve him for a while.

Kizaru still has that indifferent attitude and fighting style, shouting "It's terrible" in his mouth, and his movements are not slow at all.

But if you look at it carefully, one of the pirates has not been killed and has been walking.


In the air, the strong wind straightened Moria's haircut. At this time, he had reached the height of one thousand meters in the sky of Vico Island.

The form on Vico Island can probably be seen clearly.

"There are people from the Auntie Pirate Group!"

Moria glanced to the east of the battlefield, saw some strange soldiers, and guessed that they were from the Aunt Pirates.

"The guy who fought Aokiji should be Kata Kuri."

"Just right!"

Moria smiled, Aokiji was also entangled, plus Garp, and later led Kaido to Sengoku, Nadron would be freed, and Akainu would deal with it.

In this way, no one on Bullet can stop him, perfect.


Seeing Moria fall straight down in one direction, Kaido chased behind and opened his mouth to condense a hot dragon's breath.


"That's even better!"

Feeling the high temperature coming from behind, Moria's expression changed slightly, then smiled, and the speed was a little faster, the direction of falling did not change, and he shot directly at the place where the civilians gathered.

"That bastard!"

"Against the civilians, I must kill him this time!"

Looking at Kaido's hot dragon's breath and Moria's direct shot in the sky, Garp suddenly understood Moria's evil intentions. With an angry expression on his face, he punched Captain John hard.

"I'm coming, Garp."

"Kizaru don't be lazy!"

Sengoku stopped Garp before he could do anything. By the way, Kizaru turned into a giant Buddha and jumped up, intercepted the air where Moria shot the civilians directly, and then pushed it out with a palm.


The condensed spherical shock wave instantly enveloped the rushing… Shadow Servant.

At a critical moment, Moria and Shadow Servant exchanged positions.

The Shadow Servant dissipated instantly, but Sengoku's shock wave did not end.


The scorching hot flames collided with Sengoku's transparent spherical shock wave, the space was slightly distorted, and the hot wind pressure spread to the surroundings, blowing up a pile of rocks.


Sengoku, who had just landed, had not had time to find out where Moria was, and a terrifying power had already struck him.

"Thunder Eight Trigrams!!!"

After the heat was over, Kaido's big move to transform back into a human form took Sengoku's head straight.

Moria's matter can be suppressed for him.

"This lunatic!!!"

"I was a fighting lunatic during the Rocks, and he is still!"

Sengoku cursed inwardly, but didn't dare to look down upon it. Faced with Kaido, who was falling rapidly from the air, he swung his mace, clenched his fist and blasted it out.


The moment the fist collided with the mace, the terrifying force and shock wave overflowed, and the surrounding space seemed elongated, and the figures connecting Kaido and Sengoku looked strangely distorted.


The violent wind pressure hits like a typhoon, and the surrounding area is in chaos.

Zheng! Zheng!


The battle became fierce and fierce in an instant. Sengoku and Kaido went head-to-head, both of which are capable of Zoan Eudemons, with unparalleled defense. Even if Sengoku's Armament Haki is stronger, they cannot defeat Kaido in a short time.

Kaido is here to hone his body, and sometimes he even chooses to resist Sengoku's attack.

This made Sengoku call "Madman!"


In the fierce collision, the battle between the two was stalemate for a while.

the other side!

During the fierce battle between John and Garp, he hesitated to Deron who was fighting Kizaru, and said with a cold voice: "Go to Moria, take him away…or kill!!"

At this moment, Captain John and Kata Kuri made the same choice, not to get Moria's heart and people, nor to let others get it, the best way is that everyone can't get it.

Then kill Moria, when this person has never appeared before.


After Deron finished speaking, he quickly got rid of Kizaru, let others make up, and ran toward the middle of the town.

The reason why Moria came to Vico Island, everyone knows, is for Bullet.

So, as long as you stay with Bullet, Moria will come to you.

However, as soon as Deron left, Sengoku's expression changed, and while fighting, he shouted at Kizaru, "Salino, don't let them leave alone, stop them."


Kizaru, who was in a leisurely battle, heard Sengoku's roar, his face turned, and he sighed helplessly.

After all, he has been working overtime on this island for one day and one night. He hasn't received more salary, and he has to be yelled at by his boss.

Kizaru-kun said that if you want him to stop people… you have to add money!