
Hypnos: A Dreamy Journey (Donating)

This book is being donated, if you want this book for yourself to continue writing it, contact me.

Holo_Lover · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

A Scared Girl

In Japan, a high school student ran to the bus stop to get away from the heavy rain.

She wore a school uniform and a beige overcoat. Her hair is medium-length black, and her eyes are a golden color.

Arriving at the bus stop, she dried her hair a little and faced the cloudy weather.

''Wow, It's pouring.'' She commented quietly.

She then looked at her clothes and sighed.

'I'm all wet. My skirt is soaked too.' She thought.

While looking at her wet uniform, she notices something in front of her, and slightly raises her head, and sees something disturbing and frightening.

In front of her lay a large, fat man with black slits for eyes. He carried a backpack on his back as if he were a student himself. His mouth was open, and there seemed to be an emptiness in it. Most frightening, however, was his stomach completely exposed, with his viscera sticking out.

He looked at her with his black eyes, and said in a sickening voice, [Can you see me?]

The girl stared at him for a few seconds without reaction, and then looked ahead to the road, looking for the bus that was to come.

[Hey...Can you see me?] [Can you see me?] [Can you see me?] [Can you see me?]

The girl, however, didn't seem to see him. She takes her cell phone out of her bag, and mutters a little loudly, ''Oh, I forgot to reply.''

As she looked at her messages on her cell phone, the fat man fell silent. He then turned and walked away while muttering [She can't see me...]

When he finally left, the girl's body began to shake uncontrollably, and her once neutral expression was now painted with terror.

'Oh my god, I panicked! What the hell was that?! I can totally see him! I can TOTALLY see him!!' She thought in fear as she tightened her skirt tightly.





At home, the girl was already in her pajamas, and would soon go to sleep. She then went to the bathroom to brush her teeth, and as she looked at herself, she remembered what had happened.

'I saw something pretty crazy today... I'm probably going to have nightmares with him.' She thought as she brushed her teeth.

'Maybe I'll leave some salt out before I go to bed.'

After finishing brushing her teeth, she drank some water and spat it into the sink. However, when she lifted her head, she saw something in the mirror that wasn't there before.

There was a man right next to her. He wore a suit, along with trousers and dress shoes. However, his neck was much longer than usual, and that same long neck was completely twisted, causing his face to be upside down.

''Ow! Ouch...My eyes hurt...'' The girl said and then massaged her eyes.

Lowering her head, she turned on the faucet and washed her face. She looked calm on the outside, but she was terrified on the inside.

'Shit. Shit. Shit. I can't take this!'

Her body started to shake in fear, but she quickly began to suppress her body's natural reaction.

'Don't react to this!'

'Calm down, it's okay...In horror movies, those guys are always gone when you look a second time.'

Building up courage, she turned off the faucet, wiped her face, and opened her eyes.

The creature was still there.

'He's still here!' She thought in desperation.

''M-My eyes still hurts...'' She said, trying to ignore the creature she saw in the mirror standing right behind her.

The creature didn't go away, but she didn't give up. Ignoring the creature for nearly twenty minutes, it finally walked away. She then left the bathroom and went to the kitchen, and immediately grabbed a bag of salt.

''All right...' She muttered a little hope at the sight of the salt in her hands.

Arriving in her room, she put all the salt in a pot by the door.

'Salt's ready.'

She got up and went towards her bed.

'Even if I see one of these things again...They'll leave if a just ignore them...It'll be fine...'

Taking a deep breath, she sited up in bed. But instead of sleeping, she takes out her cell phone, lies down, and started researching anything about exorcism.

''A Rosary...''

After a while of not finding anything useful, she put down her cell phone and sighed, ''I should just go to sleep.''

Getting ready to lie down, she lifted her blanket to cover herself, but she then sees something that shouldn't be there. Something that looked like a child was under her covers, but with slits for eyes, and a mouth so wide it could swallow her head.

[Mama...] The creature said.

The girl's expression darkened, and without much reaction, she covered herself and lay down on the pillow, but didn't close her eyes.

Tears started to gather in the corners of her eyes, and she tried not to cry.

'I'm going to buy a rosary tomorrow...' She thought as she tightened the blanket tightly.

She wouldn't sleep that night...or so she thought.

Do you know who this girl is? hm?

Holo_Lovercreators' thoughts