
HxH: Principles of an Assassin!

In a world where darkness thrives and society's leaders recoil in fear, Ash, an assassin, is targeted for elimination by the very powers that govern Earth. His ruthlessness and disregard for life have drawn the attention of those who seek to maintain control. And an unforeseen event transpires after they had success, transporting Ash from the clutches of death into the fantastical realm of Hunter x Hunter. Reborn into the prestigious Zoldyck family, he finds himself in a world where strength and power reign supreme. Driven by an insatiable thirst for dominance and armed with his sociopathic inclinations, Ash seizes the opportunity to rise to greatness in this new world. With the Zoldycks as his new lineage, he sets his sights on becoming the strongest individual in existence. Embracing his twisted nature, Ash embarks on a journey where bloodshed and cunning become his allies. He navigates the treacherous world of assassins, taking on jobs and challenges that test the limits of his abilities. Each kill fuels his hunger for power, propelling him closer to his ultimate goal. As he climbs the ranks, Ash encounters formidable adversaries and forges unexpected alliances. The line between friend and foe blurs, and he must carefully tread the thin line of trust in a world of manipulation and deceit. Yet, as Ash pursues his ambitions, he is haunted by his dark past. Memories of the world he left behind linger, reminding him of the forces that sought to end his existence. He grapples with his own morality, questioning the consequences of his actions and the toll his sociopathic nature takes on his soul. Will Ash succumb to the darkness within him, embracing the role of a true monster? Or will he find redemption and discover that there is more to life than the pursuit of power? In this gripping tale of twisted desires and ruthless ambition, witness the rise of a sociopathic assassin as he seeks to leave an indelible mark on the world of Hunter x Hunter. Prepare to delve into the depths of a tormented mind, where the boundaries of right and wrong blur, and the line between killer and hero fades away. Warnings: (Gore, Violence, Utter Disregard for Life) YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

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31 Chs

All-Consuming Hatred!

"Master." Chronos spoke with a hint of anticipation, "The time has come to bestow upon this mighty weapon a name that reflects its true nature. A name that embodies its relentless hunger for conquest and the indomitable spirit it possesses."

Ash paused, his gaze fixed upon the crimson blade, as he contemplated the significance of this moment.

With measured deliberation, he began to immerse himself in the essence of the blade, seeking a name that would encapsulate its essence.

Meanwhile, as Ash immersed himself in this task, his phone suddenly rang, breaking the silence of the moment. He swiftly answered the call, engaging in a seemingly urgent conversation.

His demeanor shifted, his expression growing tense as he absorbed the information conveyed through the phone.

As Ash's monotonous expression remained unchanged, he swiftly navigated through the hallways of the Zoldyck Manor.

Without hesitation, he rushed past the imposing walls and soared into the sky with his wings of darkness, Shadow Glide.

For three days, he ventured through unknown territories, following the coordinates that had beckoned him.

Finally, he arrived at the designated location, only to be greeted by a scene of utter carnage.

The battlefield was littered with the lifeless bodies of hunters from various backgrounds, their remains being devoured by merciless creatures.

Amidst the chaos, Azrael, the sole survivor, stood tall. His weary eyes met Ash's as he uttered words of relief,

"Glad you made it. We were all almost wiped out, those things are called Revenants.

They regenerate with speeds seemingly impossible, no matter how fatal. It will regenerate in front of your eyes as soon as you cause it."

Azrael's hand pressed against his abdomen, revealing a massive and gaping hole that had torn through his stomach area.

Chronos swiftly analyzed the extent of Azrael's injuries, providing Ash with clinical details. A portion of his rib cage and organs were missing, while his lungs suffered significant damage, impairing their functionality.

Desperation flooded Ash's emotionless gaze as he turned to Chronos, seeking a solution. But the AI's response shattered his hopes.

"Master, I regret to inform you that Hemovampirism cannot heal others. It can only be used on yourself."

With each futile attempt to aid Azrael, Ash's was getting angry at Chronos's uselessness. But Azrael pushed him away, accepting his fate with resignation.

He requested Ash to deliver a message to his daughter, Kenzie, expressing his regret for being an absent father.

As Azrael showed Ash a picture of Kenzie, his voice trailed off, his eyes closing forever. Ash's previously non-existent emotions stirred within him, ignited by a newfound sensation of hatred.

It consumed him, overwhelming his consciousness with an intensity he had never experienced before.

In the midst of his internal turmoil, a notification from Chronos interrupted his thoughts. Enhanced Aura Production, a new gene, had been activated within him.

But Ash's mind was already consumed by the all-consuming hatred that coursed through his veins.

His aura surged, wings of darkness unfurled, and he unleashed the full power of every gene within his being.

Bloodbound Eternity was unsheathed, and his eyes bled, turning pitch black. In a whispered mantra, he muttered, "Pacem invenies in morte tua, nam tu reddes!"

Chronos desperately warned him of the dangers, urging him to maintain a calm mind, but Ash's hatred was unstoppable.

Blinded by his wrath, he charged into the horde of Revenants, wielding his blade with unmatched ferocity.

The Revenants, grotesque and fearsome creatures, bore the unmistakable marks of their regenerative genetics.

Their bodies, mangled and torn, displayed the scars of countless battles, yet their flesh mended and healed with unnatural speed.

Their skin, pale and pallid, seemed almost translucent, showcasing the pulsating veins beneath the surface.

Their eyes, devoid of life, glowed with an eerie intensity, reflecting the torment of their existence. Jagged fangs protruded from their twisted mouths, stained with the blood of their victims.

Their limbs, elongated and sinewy, moved with an uncanny grace, their movements an amalgamation of predatory instinct and savage power.

Razor-sharp claws adorned their hands, capable of rending flesh and bone with ease.

Despite their disfigurement, the Revenants possessed an undeniable aura of menace. Their mere presence emanated an aura of dread and despair, casting a shadow over the battlefield.

As they engaged in combat, their bodies twisted and contorted, reshaping themselves to withstand the onslaught of Ash's attacks.

Limbs severed in battle regrew, wounds closed, and bones snapped back into place.

Their regenerative powers transformed them into formidable adversaries, capable of enduring relentless punishment and emerging unscathed.

Though they lacked a unified appearance, the Revenants shared a common trait—their insatiable hunger for destruction and their relentless pursuit of prey.

Their nightmarish forms stood as a testament to the horrifying potential of cellular regeneration gone awry, an embodiment of the very forces that Ash had dedicated himself to eradicating.

Ash's battle for meaningless revenge had begun,

Day 1: The battle commenced, and Ash engaged the Revenants with unmatched determination. Their regenerative capabilities proved to be a formidable challenge, but Ash remained relentless.

His strikes were precise and calculated, severing limbs and leaving deep wounds that impeded their healing.

Day 3: The horde of Revenants grew in number and ferocity. Ash's fatigue became evident, yet his resolve remained unyielding.

He adapted his strategies, targeting vital areas with unwavering precision. Each strike brought him closer to victory, but the Revenants continued to regenerate, making the battle an arduous struggle.

Day 5: Ash's Bloodbound Eternity blade and his Nen strings worked in perfect harmony. With each strike, the blade sliced through the Revenants, stealing their life force and blood essence.

The stolen life force disrupted their regenerative powers, rendering their attempts to heal futile.

As the numbers of the Revenants swelled, Ash's battles became a relentless struggle, with fatigue weighing upon him.

However, the accumulated runes on Bloodbound Eternity made the fights slightly more manageable, as each rune absorbed their life force, bolstering his own vitality.

Day 7: Ash's proficiency with Bloodbound Eternity and his Nen strings grew exponentially.

The blade's edges glowed with an ominous crimson light as it cleaved through the Revenants, stealing their life force with each strike.

The stolen blood essence hindered their regenerative abilities, causing their wounds to remain open and preventing them from healing.

Although the overwhelming numbers of the Revenants posed a challenge, Ash's relentless assault and the accumulation of runes on his blade made the battles slightly more advantageous.

Fatigue began to take its toll, making each encounter increasingly difficult.

Day 13: The runes etched upon Bloodbound Eternity shimmered with a vibrant glow as Ash faced the hordes of Revenants.

With each swing of his blade, he unleashed devastating strikes that not only severed limbs but also drained their blood essence.

The stolen life force disrupted their regenerative powers, leaving them vulnerable to Ash's relentless onslaught.

The accumulated runes on his blade absorbed the life force of fallen Revenants, fueling his own strength and stamina.

However, the prolonged battles and the fatigue that accompanied them made each fight more challenging as his energy waned.

Day 19: The accumulated runes on Bloodbound Eternity pulsated with a crimson radiance as Ash confronted wave after wave of Revenants.

With each strike of his blade, he stole their life force and blood essence, hindering their regenerative abilities.

The increasing number of runes on his blade rendered their attempts at healing nearly useless. The stolen vitality fortified Ash's own strength, sustaining him amidst the relentless onslaught.

However, the battles grew more grueling as his fatigue intensified, testing his endurance and requiring him to summon his inner reserves of willpower.

Day 24: Ash's mastery over Bloodbound Eternity reached its zenith. The accumulated runes on his blade shimmered with an intense crimson glow as it cleaved through the Revenants.

With each strike, he not only severed limbs but also drained their blood, impeding their regenerative powers.

The stolen life force coursed through his veins, rejuvenating his weary body and empowering his strikes.

The relentless assault and the diminishing regenerative abilities of the Revenants allowed Ash to gain the upper hand.

However, the prolonged battles and the mounting fatigue challenged his physical and mental fortitude, pushing him to the limits of his endurance.

Day 30: The runes on Bloodbound Eternity radiated with an ethereal brilliance as Ash faced the final onslaught of the Revenants.

Each strike of his blade stole their life force and blood, leaving them weakened and incapable of regeneration.

The sheer number of runes on his blade overwhelmed their attempts to heal, overwhelming them with wounds that could not be closed.

The culmination of battles and the accumulated runes made the fights more manageable, but the relentless fatigue made each encounter increasingly difficult.

As Ash pressed on, his body and mind reached their limits, the weight of the battles and his unwavering determination threatening to consume him.

Exhausted and battered, Ash's body finally succumbed to the overwhelming fatigue. His consciousness faded, and Chronos's failsafe mechanism activated.

The AI swiftly took control, using its advanced capabilities to fend off the remaining Revenants. Ash's aura, once dense and precisely controlled, now pulsed with unrestrained power.

Chronos fought with a calculated ferocity, utilizing every resource at its disposal to ensure Ash's survival.

As Ash regained consciousness, a single tear trickled down his blood-stained face.

The weight of the battles he had endured, Azrael dying in his arms, and the intensity of his hatred had taken their toll.

He lay amidst the field of fallen Revenants, his body covered in wounds that miraculously vanished moments later thanks to Hemovampirism.

Despite the victory, Ash couldn't escape the overwhelming grief and emptiness that washed over him.

The realization of the immense power within him, fueled by his bloodline and the genes he possessed, left him questioning his own humanity.

His heart, now tainted with hatred, yearned for vengeance and sought to unleash untold destruction upon destiny itself.

To have an unseen force be able to guide the people he has respect for to die is something he couldn't tolerate.

He vowed to himself to become strong enough to never let someone he cares for or respects to die if he has a say so.

But... the realization of the futility of his revenge consumed him. He gazed upon the battlefield, strewn with the lifeless bodies of the Revenants, a testament to his relentless pursuit.

The once all-consuming hatred had given way to a sense of emptiness, leaving him hollow and weary.

The blade, Bloodbound Eternity, felt heavy in his grasp, its crimson hue reflecting the bloodshed and turmoil that had unfolded.

This had now become another one of Ash's goals, not differing from his pursuit of being the most feared assassin, he had begun to step foot upon a path filled with death and bloodshed.

Flying a good distance, Ash approached Azrael's lifeless body, gently closing his eyes as a sign of respect.

He vowed to fulfill Azrael's last wish and find his daughter, Kenzie, to deliver the message he had entrusted to him.

With solemn reverence, Ash inclined his head towards Azrael's lifeless body, whispering, "Anima tua pacem inveniat in vita nostra."

As he turned away, his wings unfurled, and he took flight, disappearing into the expanse of the horizon.

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