
Science Monkey

"Yoru, pick up your sword or I'll kill you" Mihawk said with an emotionless face to the unmoving Yoru. "I guess you won't pick it up after all…" Mihawk pointed his sword to Yoru and with a slash …. Swoosh!

The sword striked but luckily Yoru woke up to the sound of two arguing baboons. "Shit," he said to himself. "What was that nightmare about? Dad is scary as fuck." Yoru tried to wipe the sweat off his forehead, then he realized that it is tied up.

"Hey guys... I'm awake now so go ahead and do your thing and quit arguing." Yoru told the baboons calmly. Yoru had deduced that the reason they might have captured him is that they think he lied. Yoru liked the two baboons when he first met them, and thought maybe they aren't so bad, he just did not like them being over reacting.

The baboons stopped arguing and stared at Yoru as if Yoru is some kind of animal in the zoo.

"How come you float in seawater? "The glasses baboon asked Yoru the first thing it is curious about.

"That's what I've been telling you! I, AM NOT, A DEVIL FRUIT, USER!!! "Yoru shouted at the baboon.

"A peculiar phenomena, tell me how you did it then? "The glasses baboon asked more questions and Yoru answered them truthfully. By truthful, Yoru meant that he used an exhaustible material to do it. And the baboon bought it as if it is a fact.

"A-astonishing! Science indeed have no limitation! "The glasses baboon declared giddily and excitedly.

"So... will you let me go now? " Yoru asked hopefully.

"Not unless you tell me how exactly you did it" The baboon declared, hoping his proposition to be accepted.

"Glasses, you are not a scientist! " Yoru screamed while acting furious making the baboon startled.

"Why?! Is it because I'm a monkey?! " The glasses baboons eyes turned cold and murderous.

"No! You are not a scientist because you have no respect for the pride of being a scientist. If you are a scientist, then you discover knowledge, not steal it!"Yoru gritted his teeth angrily.

"I-I forgot" The glasses baboon looked at himself as if he is some kind of garbage, then turned to Yoru.

"If you don't want to tell me how you did it then let me follow you on how to be a proper scientist! " The glasses baboon bowed down to Yoru, pleadingly.

"I can't let you follow me because it is your path to take but I'll pave you the way to do so!" Yoru looked at the baboon with an intense gaze.

"Then please!"screamed the glasses baboon with tears in his eyes.

"Then unbind me already!"Yoru greedily took the chance in the chance of getting freed.

"Right away!" The glasses baboon then hurriedly untied Yoru.

Yoru flexed his hands before he looked outside and saw the moon.

"Oh shit! "Yoru thought