

The glasses baboon did not care that his little brother have fallen unconscious, instead his attention is drawn towards Yoru's mystical ability.

"Little man, Have you eaten a devil fruit? "The glasses baboon asked Yoru seriously, not like it's previous shown attitude.

"Haven't eaten one yet and I'm not planning to eat one either" Yoru replied truthfully.

The baboon lost its calm when it thought that Yoru was lying. The baboon took a deep breath to calm itself before saying"Little man, lying will only get you killed... Now answer truthfully, Have you or have you not eaten a devil fruit? "

"What part of haven't do you not understand?"Yoru asked mockingly while not expecting the glasses baboon to attack him.

"Lies! "The glasses baboon furiously swung its staff towards Yoru.

Yoru moved backward to dodge the staff, before executing the same strategy. Yoru punch towards the hole and his fist teleported under the baboons chin.

"That won't work on me" The baboon smirked before grabbing the hand that appeared under his chin. The baboon grabbed it tightly so that It can't escape before using its other hand to swing the staff and attack Yoru.

'Impossible'Yoru thought before he was struck by a repetitive swing of the staff held by the glasses baboon.

It was a tight situation with no chances of escaping and counter attacking due to the baboon having a larger arm range. In a desperate attempt of escaping, Yoru pushed his grabbed hand towards the baboon before leaping towards the spatial hole. Yoru teleported in front of the baboon, and by the works of gravity, he have crashed towards the baboons body. Yoru fell on top of the baboon so he took the chance and beat the baboon by punching it's face repeatedly. Yoru's aura was depleted by the entire body teleportation he just made so now Yoru is just beating up the glasses baboon using only his body strength. Perhaps Yoru was too occupied at what he was doing that he didn't notice that the other baboon he defeated had already woke up. The baboon that woke up then struck Yoru in the head, successfully making Yoru unconscious.