
Hunted From the Shadows

Emmry had spent her entire life on the run with her Mom. She never really knew why other than to keep her away from the animal that attacked her when she was younger. All of this came crashing when that animal murders her mother and Emmry is forced to go back to her home back where her father has been waiting. Terrified Emmry is trying to get use to this new pack life. That is until the animal decides he's not giving up the hunt.

EmmaSpaceLee · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Chapter 20


It angered me watching her laying there in the meadow with him. How dare she? How could she lay next to another man that wasn't me? She was mine. She belonged to me and only me. This idiot thinks just because he's going to be an Alpha one day he can do whatever he wants? He's got another thing coming.

I watched as she feel asleep next to him. It made me sick how comfortable she seemed around the idiot. He couldn't even detect me in the tree line how would he ever protect her? I should just kill him now and take her while I have the chance. Though he is pretty difficult to fight. I'll have to bide my time. I will get her.

Instead of getting angrier but watching my mate lay next to the wrong man I went back to her father's house. I walked upstairs to her bedroom and took the flower I had brought her. This time I was going to send a message that she would understand more clearly that she belongs to me. This time will be different. This time she isn't the only one getting a note.


I had just carried Emmry home and sat her in her living room on the couch. I was very worried she was going to be upset with me for carrying her but my sister had mind linked me and asked me to come home. I didn't want to wake her up...she was so beautiful when she slept but I didn't want to go against her wish of not being touched either.

Finally after Savannah had screamed at me I just picked Emmry up and carried her home. I made sure to let her father know she was home safe and that I was going back to my own house. My brother was going to be home in a few weeks and I was so excited to see him. I missed him a lot. My dad…when he was around was never particularly kind to him. Dad always blamed him for killing our mother.

I tried hard to convince him it wasn't his fault but you know how that can work. Something about the house was off. I could feel it as I walked in the door.

"Savannah?" I called out. I had been staying back at my Aunt's place for the last week. We had some what talked out our differences of opinions.

Where the hell is this girl she begs me to come home and then isn't home when I get here. Which was rather odd. I picked it up and frowned.

Colton…or should I just call you mate thief. I saw you laying with my mate today. I should have killed you where your were. But instead I will just recount for you how and why she is mine and always will be…

I had to blink a few times to make sure it was real. The letter continued…inside of it was all the things that this monster did to Emmry. I wanted to kill him. Mate thief? Was that a joke?! His? He wants to dare claim her as his?! Who the hell does this monster think he is? I couldn't control it anymore. I had to shift. I needed to get the anger out. I dropped the paper on my bed and ran out the door. Once I was outside I could feel my bones snapping and reshaping. I didn't care that my clothes had ripped. I didn't care who saw me. I was going to lose some kind of control.

Being in my wolf form caused my anger to boil over. Together our emotions doubled and I couldn't hold it in any longer. By the time I was done I was laying next to a few trees that I had apparently dismembered. My chest was heaving and I still hadn't shifted back. A dark gray wolf came through the trees and I sent out a warning growl. I was starting to calm down I didn't need anything else to set me off.

It's me you idiot. Savannah chastised me through the mind link. I watched her look around at the trees and other damage I had caused.

Don't even start with me you don't understand. I growled at my sister not getting up.

I saw the note. I do understand. I want you to give it to Alpha David. You shouldn't keep it for yourself. What was her point? Why should I give it up?

If you saw it then you understand why I wouldn't just pass this off to someone else. He's now made me apart of this. I won't let anything happen to her. What was going on with me? I had been putting her feelings above everything for the last month and for the life of me I couldn't really come up with any good reasons expect that we had the mate bond…that she couldn't feel or knew existed.

You're a lot calmer than I was expecting. I could hear the growls from across the territory.

I knew Sav was trying to tease me to calm me down but it just made me angrier. I gave her a warning growl and shook my head. She simply rolled her eyes at me and laid down next to me.

It's okay to be angry. But it's not okay to be stupid. Savannah warned sighing. I have to admit having my twin nearby did start to calm me down. Of course I'd be calmer if I had my….mate.. oh no Emmry.

No no no… I jumped up and started running to the pack house.

What is wrong Colton?! Savannah yelled at me as she ran behind me trying to catch up.

If I got a note she probably got a note too. I left her in her living room. Please still be there. When I reached the pack house I shifted back into my human form. I hadn't noticed that I didn't have any clothes on until Savannah yelled behind me.

"You are not running up to that house butt ass naked yelling about a note. Go find clothes you idiot." She yelled crossing her arms at me. I growled at her and then did what she asked. The Alpha usually keeps extra spare clothing sets around and finally I found one and went into the pack house.

I checked the Livingroom…please be asleep…please be asleep...please be asleep…

I turned the corner and there she was laying there fast asleep. I took a deep breath and took in her face. She was safe… okay step two. I ran up the stairs and into her bedroom. I frowned. There were claw marks on her head board and window sill…the other part that was strange was all the flower petals everywhere. They didn't look normal they look like they had been ripped violently off their stems. In the middle of the petals I saw a note.

I know you were mistaken being near that stupid shifter my Emmry. I'll allow you this one mistake. You're mine. Remember? Don't make the same mistake twice. I held onto the note and frowned. What the hell was I going to do now?