
Hundred To One: Birth Of a Prodigy

When you should be in a place that you should be but receive something that you should not have. But you don't know that you have received something And did not realize that it originally did not belong to you?. Such is the Fate of Lee Is it a blessing or is it a curse?

Worlater · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Chapter 1: A young man and his dreams

Finally, The day has come.

Today I will be able to awaken as a beast tamer.

Lee who had just opened his eyes thought to himself while a smile blossomed on his face. Every children who is born in this world get the opportunity to awaken as a beast tamer when they reach 15 years of age.. To awaken as a beast tamer one needs to enter a special mystic realm that only an un awakened can enter where one's aptitude is tested.

And based on there aptitude they will be transported to a special place where one fights against unranked beasts ,based on the time that they can survive they will get there first juvenile beasts no one knew who created this space or where the beasts come from ,but one could only awaken by entering this powerful mystic realm .

Awakened people can't enter this mystic realm and the un awakened people who enters here to get there first beast won't truly die in this mystic realm .

if they could survive longer or can reach the end of the mystic realm one will get a top notch beast according to there aptitude .

Lee was a young man who was like all the other students of his same age is waiting for this day as he has been training everyday in martial arts and hunting un awakened beasts in the hunting ground belonged to his school .

He had to perform well in this mystic realm.

The students who performed well in the mystic realm will be able to successfully contract a beast with a high star level .They will be allocated resource by the kingdom until they graduate to help them grow .

the kingdom is fighting against ferocious beasts in the wild and there is also threat from the neighboring countries.

When the students are graduated from the academy they have to take care of their own needs .

When they entered the college ,the resources needed at that stage is too high and even the kingdom won't be able to help all of them.

so they have to look for opportunities on there own.

The best thing is there kingdom does not have a strict military policy due to the huge population and there is no compulsory military service.

People mainly join the military due to the high level resource provided by the kingdom and there are specific mystic realms under the military's control which have high ranked resources and there are some unique mystic realms as well which can't be found anywhere else in the entire planet .

And another main reason people joined military is for honor and prestige as the people in the military are well respected and the kingdom provides additional benefit for there families . even if one dies while serving in the military the salary and resources one usually received will be sent to his family regularly until the time there service period supposed to end. So the military is not short of members.

and the kingdom only provides the students with resources out of good will and the resources that are needed for this young students growth can't be considered cheap but they can't be considered costly either as the kingdom is blessed with many low to mid level Mystic realms.

Lee like all the other children of his age group had the same goal to contract a top tier beast..

Lee woke up and after completing his daily warm up routine took shower.

After taking a shower Lee opened his wardrobe. there was a battle suit hanging in his wardrobe.

it was an iron ranked battle suit that was stitched from the leather obtained from an iron ranked beast 'black mountain lizard '.which his father specifically hunted for this purpose and commissioned it to be crafted as a battle suite.

Seeing this a smile blossomed on Lee's face .

Lee's mother and father are silver ranked beast tamers and they earn enough to support their two children . even though they are silver ranked beast tamers they did not amass a lot of wealth as beasts need a huge amount of resources to grow and even the day to day food is not cheap .so most of their income is spent on their beasts. If one's family is rich it would be easy for there heirs to grow at the early stage as all the resources that required in the early stage can be purchased with money.

Bu once one reached a higher level ,it will be different.

As they reach a higher level the resources that needed for one's advancement can't be easily obtained .

Due to this reason Lee's parent's are stuck in the silver rank.

Lee's parents can't buy high level resources to speed up there beast's evolution , The evolution resources required for a beast to evolve are more costly and the resources required will increase if a beasts aptitude is low .

beasts with higher aptitudes can easily breakthrough, it is even said that beasts with top notch aptitudes don't require any resources and can breakthrough quickly while they are in lower level, while Lee's parents beast can't be considered as top notch they are not low either .

Both his parents beasts are three star beast with high aptitude , his parent's can patiently wait for a natural breakthrough as they are considered just as a teenager, In this world humans can live much longer. A normal iron ranked beast tamer have an average lifespan of around 200 years and each time they level up there lifespan will be increased by hundred years . Lee's parent's who were only at there early 30's are teenager's in this world. they are considered as teenagers not only by there age but they also looked like they were only at the early 20's.

Even in such a world were Human's life span is much higher and the birth rate is high the world was not in a state where it was overrun by humans. only around 5 percent of the world is occupied by humans. the rest are occupied by Beasts.

Beast tides occurs often and the cities that can't withstand beast tides perish. Sometimes millions of humans die in a single day, but it's a rare case for such a tragedy could happen as most of the time Human's are well prepared .

even if they are well prepared huge number of casualties still follow suite and it's common for hundreds even thousands of people to die in a beast tide, But things only truly go out of control when a high ranked beast participate and humans are less prepared.

Excluding beast tides many humans die while searching for opportunities in places such as mystic realm as no place is safe in this world.

Thinking about all this Lee clenched his fist in determination as today will be the day his future path will be determined .he might have the opportunity to change all of this if he have a high aptitude and can perform well today he can get his hands on a top notch beast and it will be easier for him to grow if it's a combat type beast.

In a world filled with Beast tamers there exists other professions as well. If one chose other type of a profession there life will be relatively safe , but they won't be able to earn as high as the other.

Lee naturally want to become a combat type beast tamer as only a combat type beast tamer will have a high chance to reach the top.