
Humans Shrunk 300 Times

Have you ever seen a fly larger than a human? Have you ever witnessed an ant mightier than a human? Have you ever encountered a sparrow resembling an ancient colossal beast? Everything I knew has undergone an earth-shattering transformation! Ji Chang was at a loss for words on how to describe it, but there was one word that fit most appropriately: immense! Immense! Tremendously immense! Astonishingly immense! To the extent that even a small blade of grass has turned into a towering tree! However, the cause behind all these changes wasn't that objects themselves grew larger, but rather Ji Chang discovered that he had become smaller. Tiny! Incredibly tiny! Unbelievably tiny! So minuscule that even a gentle breeze could send a person soaring through the air!

DaoistqbwX4g · Khoa huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
60 Chs

Chapter 16: Plans and Strategies

Just as the ant was flung away by the tail of the wasp, Ji Chang felt as if the little bit of spiritual energy he had left was instantly drained. However, in that very moment, his spiritual energy was replenished to its full capacity and even enhanced.

Furthermore, there was something that puzzled Ji Chang at that moment. When the ant was knocked away, he felt his drained spiritual energy converging towards the ant. It's worth noting that the wasp's tail strike was quite forceful. Under those circumstances, the ant would have been severely injured even if not killed.

Yet, the ant returned to his side unharmed.

Looking back now, Ji Chang believed that it might have been his own spiritual energy that shielded the ant from harm. Spiritual energy could protect his summoned beasts from harm.

Ji Chang engraved this insight into his mind. Additionally, he noted that as his spiritual energy grew stronger, he could command more summoned beasts. Judging from the situation with the wasp, the overall strength of the summoned beasts he could control was also increasing.

With this realization, Ji Chang began contemplating his future plans.

"Our food problem seems to be temporarily resolved with the rice Ji Chang and his team brought back. What we need to focus on now is enhancing our extraordinary powers. Only by becoming stronger can we ensure our ability to protect ourselves!"

Just as Ji Chang pondered the future development in his mind, he heard Chen Lingxue's voice. She looked at Ji Chang and asked, "Ji Chang, now that we have a slight understanding of extraordinary powers, do you have any good ideas about what to do next?"

Chen Lingxue's thoughts at this moment coincided with Ji Chang's. Ji Chang was also considering the issue of future development. After all, if they didn't find a way to become stronger, what happened to Xiao Feng could happen to anyone.

Today it was a wasp; tomorrow, it might be even more formidable insects or other creatures. Without sufficient strength, how would they protect themselves then?

Currently, their issue of sustenance had been temporarily solved; at least they didn't need to worry about food and drink for now. As for the water storage problem, they didn't have a better solution yet, but the water stored in leaves should last them for a while.

Thus, the next step was to consider how to enhance their extraordinary powers and survive in this environment where the fittest thrive. It was a crucial question.

"Next, I believe we should address the water storage issue. Besides that, we should follow the path we've summarized about enhancing our extraordinary powers. We can begin by engaging in combat training with weaker insects, like ants. This way, we can ensure safety while expending sufficient spiritual energy."

Seeing the expectant looks from Chen Lingxue and the others, Ji Chang thought for a moment before speaking.

Ji Chang's words garnered unanimous approval from everyone. Under Chen Lingxue's arrangement, they rested temporarily as they had all been busy in the morning. In the afternoon, they were preparing to venture out to find weaker insects for combat training.

While everyone went to rest, Ji Chang approached the wasp and the ant. With both hands extended, the ant and the wasp came forward, gently pressing their heads against his palms, showing remarkable obedience.

Feeling the profound connection between him and the two summoned beasts, Ji Chang experienced an extraordinary sense of comfort throughout his body.

"As mentioned in the abilities section, this function gradually unlocks with the enhancement of one's strength. I wonder what level of strength is needed for it to activate, and what kind of functionalities it will have..."

Contemplating the abilities section he had seen on the interface, Ji Chang mused.

He now controlled two summoned beasts, with his spiritual energy constantly growing stronger, yet the abilities section remained silent. He knew it was because his strength hadn't reached the required threshold.

However, currently, he didn't have a clear definition of which tier he belonged to or what level of strength would meet the criteria to activate the abilities section.

"Ji Chang."

Just as Ji Chang was lost in contemplation, a familiar voice came from behind.

It was Chen Lingxue.

"Squad Leader? Why aren't you taking a break? You seem quite tired too!" Ji Chang remarked as he looked at Chen Lingxue approaching.

"I'm fine. I was a bit dizzy from the previous energy consumption, but I feel much better after eating!" Chen Lingxue smiled and replied.

Then, somewhat shyly, she turned to Ji Chang and asked, "C-Can I touch it?"

"Of course!" Ji Chang nodded.

He then moved his hands away, allowing Chen Lingxue to approach.

Chen Lingxue looked at the ant in front of her and the much larger wasp. With excitement, she extended her palm.

Not to mention touching a wasp at its current size, she hadn't even touched one when it was normal-sized. As for ants, she only remembered playing with them by digging soil in her garden when she was a child. However, what surprised her was that now she was smaller than the ant, and the wasp could easily take her life...

Feeling the firm texture of the ant's exoskeleton and the fuzziness on the wasp's body, she excitedly withdrew her palm.

Although she knew that both the ant and the wasp were under Ji Chang's control, she still hesitated to touch them too much.

Afterward, Chen Lingxue sighed deeply and looked towards the position of the bedroom window, musing, "Ji Chang, it's been almost twenty-four hours since the shrinking event happened. Do you think the outside world has turned chaotic by now?"

Being in this rural courtyard at the moment, Chen Lingxue was even starting to feel relieved. She couldn't imagine what it would have been like if she were out shopping, eating, driving, or doing any other activity when the shrinking occurred.

However, she felt that being here was better.

"Perhaps, but who really knows!" Ji Chang also gazed towards the window.

The sunlight was just right, casting a brilliant shine on the glass of the window, dazzlingly bright.

Both of them stared at the radiant sunlight, and after a long while, Chen Lingxue regained her focus and looked at Ji Chang. "We need to hurry and enhance our strength! Just now, I didn't bring up some questions while everyone was here, but I believe we'll face them soon."

"Squad Leader, you must be referring to the possibility of various species experiencing a massive outbreak, right?" Ji Chang sighed wryly upon hearing Chen Lingxue's words.