
Humans Shrunk 300 Times

Have you ever seen a fly larger than a human? Have you ever witnessed an ant mightier than a human? Have you ever encountered a sparrow resembling an ancient colossal beast? Everything I knew has undergone an earth-shattering transformation! Ji Chang was at a loss for words on how to describe it, but there was one word that fit most appropriately: immense! Immense! Tremendously immense! Astonishingly immense! To the extent that even a small blade of grass has turned into a towering tree! However, the cause behind all these changes wasn't that objects themselves grew larger, but rather Ji Chang discovered that he had become smaller. Tiny! Incredibly tiny! Unbelievably tiny! So minuscule that even a gentle breeze could send a person soaring through the air!

DaoistqbwX4g · Sci-fi
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60 Chs

Chapter 17: Flight

"You've figured it out!"

Seeing this, Chen Lingxue was not only surprised but also carried a sense of "just as I thought."

"Without human intervention, various species will reproduce in large numbers. Even though there are natural predators, the situation of extensive reproduction will also fuel the growth of these predators. This cycle will cause the entire ecological pyramid to expand significantly.

At that time, humans will face increasing threats!"

Ji Chang let out a sigh and continued, "In the face of this disaster, humans have completely lost their dominant position. At least until they fully grasp and become familiar with transcendent powers, it's hard for humans to stand at the top of the pyramid again.

So, a new era has begun, and a new order will be established under the influence of transcendent powers...

Of course, all of this depends on whether we can survive!"

As he finished speaking, Ji Chang's eyes flickered a few times before he continued, "As for the existence that poses a threat to our lives, we might have to send them on a journey to the Western Heaven!"

Listening to Ji Chang's words, Chen Lingxue was deeply shocked.

She had already considered the possibility of various species undergoing explosive reproduction, as Ji Chang had mentioned.

But she hadn't yet thought about the opening of a new era and the establishment of a new order—these series of questions that Ji Chang brought up.

Just as Ji Chang had said earlier, their current issue was how to survive.

She hadn't realized that Ji Chang had already thought so far ahead.

Looking at Ji Chang before her, a sense of admiration arose within Chen Lingxue.

"Hey, what are you two up to!"

At that moment, Huang Mang rushed out from the 'room' and couldn't help but ask upon seeing the two of them.

However, before Ji Chang and Chen Lingxue could answer, Huang Mang's expression changed, and he immediately ran off into the distance.

"Mangzi? What's wrong?"

Seeing this, Ji Chang furrowed his brows lightly.

But what Huang Mang said next caused Ji Chang to give a bitter smile.

"Ji Ge, I... I can't hold it in anymore, I need... I need to take a dump..."

Before Huang Mang could finish speaking, Ji Chang sighed.

Watching Huang Mang rush past them, Ji Chang and Chen Lingxue caught a whiff of a foul smell in the air...

Soon, the people inside the 'room' also came out, holding their noses.

Whether it was influenced by Huang Mang or not, the group of people that emerged all exchanged glances.

Shortly after, Zhou Jun and Zheng Haiyu walked towards a distance together, seemingly going to relieve themselves.

Wang Lingling and Dong Xuan looked at Chen Lingxue somewhat embarrassedly.

"Class... Class Leader, do you have any paper?"

Dong Xuan whispered from a distance.

Seeing this, Chen Lingxue smiled wryly and shook her head slightly.

Then, as if she remembered something, she pointed in the direction of the 'room' and said, "How about... how about we temporarily use our 'bed'?"

In Chen Lingxue's opinion, their bed was made of layers of cotton cloth, so it could be used temporarily.

At this scene, Ji Chang couldn't help but show a bitter smile.

Who could have imagined that not long ago, they were dealing with powerful hornets and worrying about the future, but now they were directly facing the dilemma of lacking toilet paper...

"It looks like we need to build a toilet first..."

As Wang Lingling and Dong Xuan returned and emerged again, Chen Lingxue muttered.

"Not only do we need to build a toilet, but we also need to solve the toilet paper problem..."

Ji Chang shrugged in response.


Not long after, the group returned to the 'room' again, but they weren't in the mood to rest. Seeing this, Ji Chang decided to split up once more.

Initially, Ji Chang had intended to search for water storage materials on his own. However, Huang Mang wasn't very interested in searching for ants to extract spiritual power. As a result, Ji Chang left with Huang Mang, while Chen Lingxue took the others in the 'room' to search for small insects with weak abilities similar to ants for combat training.

For safety, Ji Chang had the ants follow the group. This way, he could ensure their safety and instantly understand the situation through his connection with the ants if any danger arose.

Of course, the main reason was that this time, he intended to use a hornet to search for water storage materials. Naturally, ants couldn't keep up with the hornet's flying speed.

"Wow! Ji Ge, flying feels so amazing! It's much more exciting than taking an airplane!" Huang Mang, who was flying with Ji Chang on a hornet within the room, shouted excitedly.

At this point, Ji Chang seriously suspected that this guy wasn't uninterested in ants but wanted to hitch a ride while flying.

The unique connection between Ji Chang and the hornet allowed him to control its flight without any discomfort. With Ji Chang's intentions, the hornet continuously adjusted its flying height and speed, fueling Huang Mang's excitement even further. Huang Mang's ecstatic shouting even drowned out the whistling wind in his ears.

Ji Chang didn't stop him; after all, they were flying within the room, so they wouldn't encounter overly powerful flying insects or animals. Thus, Ji Chang thoroughly enjoyed the sensation of flying half-exposed on an "airplane."

With the hornet, Ji Chang felt that everything became more convenient, no matter what they did. At least, there were no uneven surfaces like the ground in the air, and the flying speed saved them a lot of time.

However, in the current situation, the main obstacle during flight was visibility. Many things became somewhat blurry, and they could only see clearly when they got closer.

More than ten minutes later, after setting aside their playful attitudes, Ji Chang changed direction and flew back to the bedroom where their base was located. He remembered that Chen Lingxue had found their 'bed' with everyone in the bedroom before.

The water storage problem needed a solution, and the issue of toilet paper had to be resolved as well. Of course, given their current size, having a piece of paper would last them a couple of months.

With a goal in mind, the two individuals riding on the hornet's back flew around the bedroom while searching for things that could be used for water storage and as toilet paper.

"Ji Ge, there's a pack of tissues on the windowsill!" Quickly, as the hornet passed by the windowsill, Huang Mang was the first to spot the target.

Seeing this, Ji Chang instructed the hornet to land on the windowsill.

Looking at the tissues that appeared like a mountain before them, Ji Chang smirked at Huang Mang and gestured, "Mangzi, it's up to you now!"

"Got it, watch me, Ji Ge!"

With a reply, Huang Mang's arm instantly transformed into a metallic form and forcefully pierced into the tissue pack. He exerted a powerful pull, creating a tear in the tissue packaging. Following the tear, Huang Mang continued to pull. After a few minutes, Huang Mang held a bundle of torn tissues in his arms.