
Chapter 4

I was alone. I missed my family and friends. I missed the internet. I did have a family here but they were more like friends to me, especially with me reincarnated I had distanced myself from them so as to not arouse any suspicion, also if I had a family it would become a liability, a weakness but then there's the other side also where I could accept their love and I open up but the risks would be too much plus I just couldn't suddenly call someone Mom or Dad, especially to a person whom I've only know for a few weeks. I wish I could go back after everything was over, like what would I do once I gained omnipotence and met all Marvel characters? Rule the world? Maybe? In the end I just want to survive.

Now I'm not sure how to become omnipotent but I do know how to become powerful.

First step was the supersoldier formula.

Now there were a number of ways I could get my hands on it but the safest and optimistic outcome would be me and Steve both became Super soldiers but that's unlikely that would happen so I either needed to steal Steve's position as Captain America or steal the serum now I couldn't do that since if I did I might be at odds with SHIELD but that wasn't the main issue if I stole it I would loose a very lucrative position Director Of SHIELD and that is Step 2.

This is just to let you know I'm still here. I'll make the next chapter longer.

God_Of_Allcreators' thoughts