
HTTYD Modern

Follow the journey of Hiccup, his family, and friends as they are constantly getting into trouble, being betrayed, and more. Hiccups family consists of Him, His father Stoick, and his Younger sister Hannah. Jake is Hiccup's best Friend. They have one Older brother Hunter and one Younger Sister Emma. The other characters are Astrid, Snotlout, Tuffnut, Ruffnut, Fishlegs, and a few others from HTTYD. My own characters like Jake and family are also in here. Note that once they become old enough in the story, this will turn into R18 and become 18 and up. Note that this will update to 17 and up when the first R-18 event appears. This setting was inspired by "In The Archipelago's Secret Service" by Harrypanther, Rest In Peace, but do not in any way think that R-18 events happened in that because they did not. If anyone does I will completely remove this section when I first see it. Note that Harrypanther is not someone I knew, I found out about them after their death and is not the one I am currently mourning. Note that I enjoy HTTYD and will create other Fanfics when I have time. I had this already done and figured I would release it so I have some time to grieve about the friend that passed away. 1/11/2024

Night_Survivors · Phim ảnh
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62 Chs

Chapter 61

Chapter 61


Narrator Pov:


 "Well, can you get into it?," Eugene asked the hacker he had hired. The hacker was the best in the world, he had hired him for a reason.


 "It seems you don't understand the complexity of the situation. I honestly don't know, the level of security is astounding," They replied, typing away furiously on the keyboard with a clear and level mind.


 "I thought you were the best," Eugene replied.


 "I am, but the person who created this is even better. I mean the level of code that went into this is astonishing. It actively works to block me out, if you hadn't given me this computer, I would be unable to even do anything. Though this isn't the newest version, why?," They asked back.


 "Because, from what I have heard, the newer versions stop people from hacking into stuff that doesn't belong with it. Basically if you take a drive from another computer, it sends an alert to the network and that drive is now no longer accessible except from the computer it was stolen from, the companies master computer, and beta tester devices to my knowledge," Eugene reveals.


 "I see, that is a marvel of engineering. There was a vault that was unique. If anything was taken from it or added to it without the banks knowing, it would seal shut and kill all inside. It was also developed in the 1940s as well," The hacker reveals.


 "Are you telling me that this isn't hack-able then?," Eugene asks.


 "No, that vault was broken into and something was stolen. If they had found it faster they would have escaped. They did not and were shut inside," He reveals.


 "Then how was something stolen?," Eugene asks, getting annoyed.


 "They tricked the vault into thinking it was full of water and got out with the water. Meaning even if it blocks me out, I can still get something out," The hacker reveals.


 "Good," Eugene says, calming down. The hacker continued on working for the next 3 hours. "How long is it going to take, I am dead in 2 hours if this is not complete," Eugene replied.


 "Did you not hear what I said earlier, this thing learns as it is hacked, it is an AI unheard of," The Hacker replied, very angry that they were having this much trouble.


 "I'll be back soon," Eugene replied. With that he left, around an hour later he was back.


 "I managed to get a little bit," The hacker says.


 "What did you get?," Eugene asks.


 "I think it was the AI. But, it says, you will find nothing on this drive of worth, this was simply a dud to find you," The hacker reveals.


 "Wha—," Eugene starts, but then there is an explosion. Eugene pulls out a gun, shoots the hacker in the head and leaves through a trap door.






 "Jake, Hunter is missing!," Emma yells to Jake over the phone.


 "That is impossible, we were headed home from church!," Jake replies over the phone.


 "I was looking in my mirror and saw his jeep get taken out and then he was kidnapped!," Emma says over the phone.


 "Ok, Hannah, get my truck back to the school. We will be back in an hour at most," Jake informs Hannah before getting out and into the bed of the truck. There Jake grabs some supplies before jumping off and onto the moving vehicle that is Emma's, a mustang. Jake proceeds to get into the car.


 Then Emma hits a hard left, turning the car around on the small road and continuing back to town as Jake pulls out a scanner. The scanner was the same one they had been using the day before but they never got to finish what they started.


 Following the trail, it leads them to a warehouse in the docks. "Nikolia, get down to dock number 6, warehouse 78, Hunter was kidnapped and we followed them here, our stolen tech is also here," Jake says over the phone which he called Nikolia.


 "Ok, be there in 15 minutes," Nikolia responded. They had decided that if anything happened before Halloween that Nikolia would help them, but Stoick would be alerted.


 Nikolia arrives, and Jake and Emma have Hamster Masks over their faces to hide their identities. "Why Hamster Masks?," Nikolia asks.


 "No reason," Jake says, avoiding the reason again.


 "Breach on 3, 1, 2, 3, Breach," Nikolia says, and the door explodes inwards. They storm the compound and find Hunter in a container along with the Jeep.


 "Hunter, you alright?," Jake asks, going up to him. Hunter slowly wakes before answering.


 "I'll be fine in a bit, they hit me with a stun dart," Hunter answered.


 "I see," Jake replies. Meanwhile, Nikolia and squad go throughout the compound, eventually reaching a room. Nikolia signals, and the door is kicked down. Inside they find the hacker shot dead in the chair, the computer on, and no Eugene. "What did you find?," Jake asks, coming up with Hunter's arms over her and Emma's shoulders.


 "From the looks of it, they were trying to hack into something and failed. Whoever did this did not want us finding out who as the person is dead," Nikolia responds. The people from VC they called arrive and get testimonies from everyone else. Though when they ask how they found the place, they said they saw Hunter get kidnapped and when they went down to the docks, they watched from above while using the old road and found them that way, with poker faces so good they thought they were telling the truth.


 They in fact lied to hide the thing about the scanner, Jake and company also got their Harddrive back. That night, Eugene and father would be found dead on the beach, each shot in the head from point blank range.

Thank you for reading arc 2 of my Modern HTTYD. Arc 3 is in the works, set to end at chapter 100 and then another time skip in arc 4, like arc 2 and 3 as you will see. A disease of sorts will also come in, it will affect the entire group, it has no dangerous bad sides that cause pain, discomfort, or anything related with diseases, this just changes them biologically from their first gender to another. Those being the 3rd/4th gender though they are counted together and said basically the same, one is just the gender name and the other True and then the gender name. I will not spoil it and let you read about it in the book. But it started r-18 in this arc, and will get more into it in the next arc. I borrowed a plotline as I will note later on from someone and will use that to enter the disease, hopefully it goes well, but note that it will be absolutly full of smut most likely, you do not have to read it. At the beginning of it I will put in a chapter you can skip to if it is uncomfortable for you, but here is what I have now, skip from 64 to 69, it starts on 64 and ends on 68, it includes a mention of 4 children Jake has, 3 Emma has, and 2 Hannah has with Anora, and a neighbor who has a similar amount from them and Anora. It is not really storyline important, but it happens during the school spring break of 2024 and Jake, Emma, and Hannah are there.

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