
Chapter 79: New Set!

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"I mean, this is supposed to be the premium magic school in all magical Britain for fuck sake, and yet they have their students riding around on brooms that are older than their parents!" He continued in his irritation.

He could only imagine the ribbing he was going to get that night when he made his nightly call home to check up on things, sure Andromeda might be here, but he still wanted to call Ted and Tonks to see how they were doing, he had grown rather close to the three of them.

He knew that Tonks was going to give him hell about this and laugh his ear off, no doubt Andromeda would have already told her about it, having come to visit him in the hospital wing when she had heard.

Tonks would know everything about his first take-off and landing and would never let him hear the end of it.

"I know that it's foolish to give learner drivers spit new cars to drive in, but come on this is just taking it a bit too far, even buying a bunch of second hand brooms every ten or so years would be better than the brooms they have now." Magnus said throwing his hands up in the air as he walked to his desk and slumped into his chair.

"Hell I don't know why we even need brooms in the first place, we're magical aren't we," He commented of handly.

Erebus who had been listening to Magnus rant for the past half hour shook his head, 'last I checked partner, magical or not, wizards aren't birds, you don't have wings so you can't fly like us,' he commented mentally as if Magnus was going off the deep end.

Magnus smirked, "Oh I beg to differ, " he replied before closing his eyes and mentally sent Erebus a recollection of one of the last Harry Potter movies.

Where when Harry was being moved he was being chased by Voldemort, and how Voldemort was flying without the use of a broom or any other item that could be seen.

"If that snake faced, no-nosed fucker can fly then so can I," he said with annoyance, "I just have to figure out the spell and how to do it," he said before sitting forward and taking the mirror out of his desk drawer.

"But until then, I'm going to deal with these bloody brooms myself"


It was later that evening at dinner time in the great hall that Magnus was just sitting down to eat when Daphne and Tracey came hurrying over to him.

"What did you do?" Daphne asked suddenly. Magnus raised an eyebrow.

"Why does everything interesting that happens in this school have to have something to do me and not anybody else?" He asked amused.

"Oh please," Daphne rolled her eyes not believing him for a moment and was about to speak before Tracey butted in not wanting to wait, any more.

"Did you really buy a whole new set of brooms for the school? Madam Hooch is ecstatic, apparently, she's been trying to get new brooms for years now but every time she tries to file for the funding for them Dumbledore or the board of governors turn her down." Tracey asked and explained.

Daphne crossed her arms, "and then a few hours ago Andromeda, your aunt, is seen stopping by Madam Hooch's office with a large trunk and leaves without it, and then during the next flying lesson all of the students are suddenly practising with spit new Comet 260s, admit it Magnus you did something."

Magnus put his hand on his chest, "why I never Daphne." He said sounding scandalised, "to accuse me of buying thirty new brooms for the school because it's too cheap to afford to buy them for its students, after I had been a victim of one of those ratty old brooms breaking and tossing me, you clearly have a wild imagination." He said unable to hide his smirk.

Daphne smirked, "so you're not the one responsible for Hooch giving Ravenclaw over two hundred points for that little gesture of 'extreme kindness'," she said gesturing to the point counters at the top of the hall.

Magnus looked and he had to blink a couple of times to make sure he wasn't seeing things, Ravenclaws counter was way ahead of the others, "hmmm," he said before shrugging.

"Sure I'll take credit for that," He smirked while inwardly thinking, 'Lets see that old goat give the house cup to Gryfindor now.'

Daphne rolled her eyes while Tracey giggled as they sat down at the table to get their dinner, their pieces said as they began to eat.

Just as he was about to take another mouthful of food something Daphne had said clicked with him and he paused.

"Hey Daphne, did you mention a second first-year class after ours went for flying lessons?" He asked thinking he might have heard wrong.

Daphne arched an eyebrow but nodded her head, "yes, it was the Gryffindor and Slytherin first years, honestly whoever thought about…." She began to say but Magnus's mind was elsewhere at that moment as things began to click in his head.

He may have begun to change things in the canon but right at this very moment he had done very little to change the current events of things, and if things played out as they did in the canon at this point then that meant.

Looking over to the Gryffindor table in a hurry Magnus searched for Harry, and it didn't take long to find him, and the platinum idiot heading right over towards Harry from the Slytherin side.

Magnus rose from his seat and instantly began planning as he quickly made his way over to stop things before they got into motion.

He could think of only one way right now to do so, and it was a hell of a risk to pull off this early, but he didn't really have much of a choice in the matter.


If you want to read ahead by 22+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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