
Chapter 77: Rob The Chance!

If you want to read ahead by 22+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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Neville swallowed with how nervous he was with how serious Magnus was being, "w-what is this about?" He asked as everyone in the room seemed to be focused on the pair of them now.

Magnus nodded, "my apologies for not coming to the point sooner, this is about the travesty committed by a member of my house upon house Longbottom, more specifically."

"The heinous actions during the end of the last war by one Bellatrix LeStrange nee Black, against the current Lord and Lady Longbottom, your parents."

The entire room was silent as all eyes turned to a ghost white Neville who was looking at Magnus as if he had just slapped him.

Andromeda watched the scene with a firm and resolved expression on her face, she knew what was about to happen.

Magnus had talked to her about it in the weeks following her reinstatement into House Black, and she had fully agreed with what he was about to do.

Seeing Neville wasn't going to respond Magnus continued, "the actions of my family against yours are something that turns my stomach, it was by her hand that you were robbed of the chance to have your parents with you in any capacity that mattered, and regardless of the fact that it was during a war, does not sit well with me in the slightest."

"However I know that no number of apologies could ever make up for what a member of my house has stolen from you, but if you would permit me."

"I would like to make the first step in hopefully repairing relationships between our houses so that we may move past this and strive for a better future for both your houses."

Magnus offered as he drew his wand from his sleeve and many of the students began to mutter about what was going to happen.

Neville was so shocked he didn't know what to say, his grandmother had always cursed the House of Black and the Lestranges for what had happened to his parents, he didn't know what to make of this.

Magnus nodded as he brought his wand up into the air above them as he spoke out, "I Magnus Roark Black, Heir and Head of Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, hereby dissolve the marriage between Rudolphus Lestrange and Bellatrix Black, and demand that the dowry of their union be paid to the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Longbottom for crimes committed by Bellatrix Black against House Longbottom. So I say, so I swear, so mote it be!"

He intoned as the tip of his wand lit up and sparks of magic swirled around him, signalling that the family magics were accepting of his command, but he wasn't done, as the sparks faded he spoke again.

"I Magnus Roark Black, Heir and Head of Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, hereby banish Bellatrix Black from the House of Black, for crimes against house values, association with the former Dark Lord Voldemort, and for the crimes committed against House Longbottom."

"Never again may she claim shelter under the roof of House Black, never again may the magic of the family aid her, never again shall she bare the name of the house that she no longer belongs to, so I say, so I swear, so mote it be!"

With another bright flash from his wand, the air around Magnus shimmered brightly as it sparked before fading, signalling that his commands had once again been carried out.

And almost instantly, many of the students began muttering about what they were witnessing.

The few of those in the room knowledgeable about what they had just seen explained to the others about what it meant for Bellatrix, who would now be known as Bellatrix no name, a great mark on any pureblood witch or wizard.

As it showed they were no longer wanted by their house for their actions and could never again associate with that house again, not to mention cutting her off from the family's magic she would feel the drain now.

If she were not already in Azkaban she would be a pariah, no one respectable would want to have anything to do with her.

Neville stood in front of Magnus in complete shock and awe as he watched Magnus put his wand away before he offered his hand to him.

"I know this won't change what you have lost Neville, but I hope that it can give you some kind of peace and in time, we might both move past the shadows of the past and look towards a brighter and more prosperous future for both our houses," Magnus said smiling.

Neville stares at his hand for several seconds his mind running a mile a minute trying to think about what just happened, it was all just so sudden. Slowly he swallowed and nodded as he reached out and took Magnus' hand and smiled back, "t-thank you, Magnus, I hope so too," his grandmother would never believe this.

The rest of the students began to mutter around the room about what this meant, however none of them would realise how monumental the event was that they had just witnessed.

Of how this one act would later lead to one of the greatest alliances to ever form between the houses of Black, Potter and Longbottom, and how the world would change drastically because of it.


The days since Andromeda had taken over most of the potions classes had gone by relatively quickly with the students from Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff all going to Andromeda instead of going to Snape for their potions lessons.

The only holdouts were the Slytherin students.

Magnus suspected at first that Snape actually taught they properly because they were his own house, but Daphne had informed him the third day after Andromeda had started teaching.

After speaking with one of the girls she knew in the house of the snake, that he was just as bad with them.

The only reason as to why they didn't go to Andromeda for lessons was because Snape had forbidden them from doing so and threatened harsh punishment for anyone caught doing so.


If you want to read ahead by 22+ chapters from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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