
HP: Dark Lord Potter

Harry Potter comes to Hogwarts, Dumbledore expects a heroic Gryffindor, he get a Slytherin instead. Multi-Harry, harem, select Weasley bashing, Hermione bashing. OP Harry, dark Harry. I don't own Harry Potter. This story does not belong to me. The original can be found by name in the search engine

0DarkWolf0 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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17 Chs

Chapter 3

Isabella Malfoy woke up early, she was in the common room, waiting around for Daphne and Tracy, she had already gotten changed though she imagined that most people would probably come down in their pyjamas then get changed. She sat down in a seat, thinking about her day yesterday. She had come to Hogwarts, glad to be away from her father even if she still had to deal with Draco. When she boarded the boat, she and her friends met Harry Potter. She knew all about the boy-who-lived, every kid in the world did. She also remembered hearing her father instruct her brother to befriend him.

When she saw Harry she couldn't help but think the boy was handsome, incredibly handsome. And power seemed to radiate from him, she felt it when she saw him take care of Flint and the two fifth years, she felt it for a second before it disappeared. She watched in awe when Harry sat down and a chair appeared under him. The was advanced magic that she doubted even Dumbledore was capable of. He had also defended her.

Isabella was the bastard child of the Malfoy family, her father never talked to her more than necessary, unlike Draco who couldn't help but constantly remind her that she was the result of mother being unfaithful and how she should be appreciative that father kept her around. Her mother looked incredibly irritated every time Draco or her father said anything to her, but she couldn't do anything, everyone in the house knew that. Though it was not something that they told anyone else about. It was well known that the family disliked her but not many people knew why.

When Draco insulted her, she had felt resigned to what would be seven years of humiliation and insults. But then...Harry spoke.

He had complimented her, not many people complimented her. Her mother did occasionally and so did Daphne and Tracy but that was about it, he called her good looking and intelligent, that surprised her. Was she pretty? She thought so. She knew Daphne and Tracy were pretty girls, but she never wondered if she was. Whenever someone complimented her, it felt forced like it was trying to make her feel better or something. But with Harry, even though he was trying to make her feel better, it felt like he meant it.

"Hello Isabella." A soft voice spoke, she turned and nearly jumped in surprise when she saw Harry sitting in a chair next to hers, one that she didn't remember being there before. "Are you okay?" He asked in a voice filled with concern as he sat, also in his school uniform.

"I...I'm fine" She said eventually "I was just thinking about something"

"May I ask what about?" Harry asked curiously.

"I just want to thank you" Isabella replied "for standing up for me" she added. "It meant a lot"

"It was my pleasure" Harry responded "but just remember, I didn't do anything more than tell the truth. You see I look at you and I see a girl who will one day grow up to be very beautiful, or more beautiful than you already are I suppose, and I can see the intelligence in your eyes" Harry leaned forward, his bright emerald eyes locked onto her grey ones. Isabella felt entranced by those very eyes, suddenly she couldn't think of anything but the eyes. She didn't notice the small smile on Harry's face, she didn't even know how long she was staring. "Tell me" Harry spoke softly "tell me what you want more than anything else in the world, tell me your deepest desire."

"I...I want...I just want someone to care for me" Isabella confessed "I want...I want to feel safe and...and loved" She admitted, though she had no idea why she was doing so. She just couldn't help but want to tell him.

"I can give you that" Harry promised "would you like that?"

"Y...yes" She breathed out "yes I would" She could feel something crawling up her skin, though she couldn't see what it was because her eyes wouldn't move away from Harry's.

"Well let me give you that now" Harry smiled and raised his hand, Isabella briefly thought that he was going to strike her when he tapped her forehead with his finger. A wave of calmness hit her and she slumped back into her chair, she felt happy, happier than she had ever felt. Not just happy, she felt like she wanted to feel, safe...she had never felt safer. She felt loved, she didn't even know what loved felt like but she imagined that it didn't feel this good. "Is that better?" Harry's voice cut in.

"Yes!" She smiled at him, the brightest smile she had ever smiled "How did you do that?!"

"Trade secret" Harry winked at her "though if you ever need to feel like that again, just say the word."

"Thank you" She said just as Tracy and Daphne came downstairs, both in their uniform. "Oh hi guys" She smiled.

"You're happy" Daphne frowned "you're too happy for a person who just woke up this morning."

"Oh I've been awake for a while" Isabella replied

"Ladies" Harry nodded to them.

"Potter" Tracy greeted while Daphne nodded back.

"Alright, I'm going to go for breakfast. Who wants to come with?" Harry asked as he stood up.

"But you don't know the way" Daphne pointed out "we have to wait for a prefect"

"Actually I do know the way" Harry replied "I memorised it last night. Trust me, you guys coming"

"Yep" Isabella jumped to her feet and wrapped her arms around Harry's left arm, surprising her friends who didn't know how to react to the usually quiet girl suddenly latching on to the arm of the boy-who-lived. "I'm ready to go whenever you are." She smiled at him.

"Lovely" Harry smiled, he then walked off with Isabella, her friends following behind them. A few minutes later they arrived in the great hall.

"Wow, you actually did remember" Tracy said with a bit of surprise in her voice.

"Don't be too surprised" Harry smirked as they sat down and they began consuming breakfast, they took their time as they had to wait there until their schedules arrived. They chat and lightly talked with each other as the other students arrived. Many of the students, especially the Slytherin's, were surprised to see the group already sitting there.

"How did you lot get here so quickly?" Draco Malfoy asked as he sat down.

"Harry knew the way so we followed him." Isabella answered.

"I wasn't asking you" Malfoy sneered at her.

"Well maybe next time you should address the person you're asking" Isabella retorted. Malfoy along with Daphne and Tracy were shocked, Isabella never talked back to her brother. Any other boy she would but never her brother.

"How dare..." Malfoy started only to be interrupted.

"Malfoy" Harry said in a calm voice "this is our first day at school, it'd be better if you don't make a scene."

"You can't tell me what to do Potter! You..."

"Malfoy" Harry interrupted again, he placed his arm on Malfoy's shoulder. Malfoy looked into his eyes and froze. "It'd be best not to make a scene" Harry said in a soft voice,

"Right" Malfoy nodded and went back to his food while Harry returned to his own.

"How did you do that?" Tracy whispered in awe, Daphne had narrowed her eyes, there was no way Draco Malfoy would stop that easily. There was also no reason for Isabella to be so openly happy and affectionate.

"You need to know how to get through to people" Harry smirked.


Nymphadora 'Don't call me that!' Tonks was sat at the Hufflepuff table with her friends. She talked to them, she was definitely not discreetly glancing to the Slytherin table, she was not discreetly glancing at the black haired and green eyed boy sitting at the first year table. Damn it she was. Fortunately nobody was noticing as they were too busy talking about one of her friends breaking up with her boyfriend.

She saw Harry Potter, the boy who she couldn't get our of her head, he was sitting with three girls. She couldn't help but feel a bit of jealousy when she saw those girls sitting with him. She could just tell that they would grow up to be very pretty. She couldn't help but notice the one girl seemed rather close to him, in fact she was leaning against him and fawning all over him.

Tonks couldn't understand for the life of her why she was feeling so jealous. Yes Harry Potter was a great kisser but he was also an eleven year old boy, though she supposed that it didn't matter too much as wizards and witches matured quicker and lasted longer than muggles, so the age difference probably wouldn't matter after a while. The fact that he was a metamorphamaugus was also something that kept her interested in him, she had never met another one before.

For the longest time she had thought that she would be the only metamorphamaugus in England, maybe there was others but they probably hadn't registered. She wished her mother never registered her, she knew the law said she had to register but it had done nothing but make it seem like she was some creature. Being a metamorphamgus was fun at first, but then it turned into people accusing her of being a boyfriend stealer, people wanting her to be a performing little dog and boys wanting her to transform her body for them.

She was lucky she was in the house of loyalty, she likely wouldn't make much friends everywhere else, but even here she only had a few. Partly because of her metamorphamgus abilities but also because registering herself had let people know that she was related to the Black family, even though her mother was cast out, and the information spread fast. As far as everyone else was concerned, she was just the sex toy related to Sirius Black and Bellatrix Lestrange.

Her only friend at the moment was a girl called Hestia Jones, sure she had other people who talked with her and liked her but Hestia was probably her only real friend. Though she didn't think she could talk to Hestia about this, how would she tell her only real friend that she had a crush on the boy-who-lived of all people. But she couldn't get him out of her head.

Why couldn't she get him out of her head?!


"Hello Professor" Harry said as he arrived in transfiguration class with his fellow Slytherin's, this class was shared with just the Gryffindor's, as was pretty much all their classes come to think of it. The Gryffindor's and Slytherin's looked towards the front of the desk and saw only a cat sitting on the desk.

"The professor isn't here yet" A busy haired girl at the front said while Harry sat at the back with Isabella next to him while Tracy and Daphne sat in front of him.

"Yes she is" Harry gestured to the cat "we are in a transfiguration class, a class where we learn to change things into other things. Plus that cat is far too behaved, also it has patches on it's eyes that could be glasses. If I had to guess, I would say that the professor is an animagus, a witch or wizard with the ability to transform into an animal. Correct Professor?" Just as Harry said this the cat jumped off the desk and transformed into Professor McGonagall, stunning the rest of the class.

"Correct" Professor McGonagall said with a small smile on her thin lips "excellent reasoning Mr Potter, ten points to Slytherin."

"Thank you Professor" Harry smiled back. He could sense the reactions of everyone around him, even if he didn't react to them. In Isabella's eyes he was looking better and better every moment, Tracy and Daphne didn't know what to think of him, as of the moment they were surprised. Some people were surprised, while others were jealous of him. He could practically feel it oozing of the bushy haired girl.

Soon Professor McGonagall went through an introduction of the class, explaining the dangers of the subject and telling the class how she would basically not have any messing about. After that she had them trying to change a matchstick into a needle. Many people struggled with it including the bushy haired girl at front, who was apparently called Hermione Granger, she managed to do better than most but still didn't get it all the way.

Daphne and Tracy did good, not fully transformed but it was alright. Isabella did good, she managed to get the colour right and nearly had the shape right but left the tip a bit blunt.

"Mr Potter" Professor McGonagall said after a few minutes of walking around and making sure everyone was doing good "have you attempted the transformation yet?"

"I have ma'am" Harry nodded "I changed it back and I was just experimenting"

"Prove it" McGonagall said thinking that Harry was lying.

"Very well" Harry said, he waved his wand and said the incantation and his matchstick turned into a perfect needle.

"Amazing" McGonagall gasped as she picked up the needle, she had never seen a first year manage the spell in their first lesson.

"He did it on his first try as well" Isabella commented with a smile, shocking McGonagall even more.

"You mentioned experimenting" McGonagall said to Harry.

"Ah yes" Harry took the needle and placed it on the desk, he changed it back to normal. He then changed it into a blue needle, McGonagall gasped again, Harry then changed it into a red one, then a yellow one and then it transformed into a green needle.

"Amazing" McGonagall couldn't help but say "may I keep this Mr Potter?" She asked.

"Of course Professor McGonagall" Harry said with a small nod.

"Thank you." She smiled.