
HP: Dark Lord Potter

Harry Potter comes to Hogwarts, Dumbledore expects a heroic Gryffindor, he get a Slytherin instead. Multi-Harry, harem, select Weasley bashing, Hermione bashing. OP Harry, dark Harry. I don't own Harry Potter. This story does not belong to me. The original can be found by name in the search engine

0DarkWolf0 · Book&Literature
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17 Chs

Chapter 2

When Harry entered the great hall, he stared around the hall and ignored the girl behind him who was trying to show off by telling whoever would listen about the enchanted ceiling. In Harry's opinion the hall didn't look that bad, it could be worse. His eyes glanced at the Ravenclaw table and gave Penelope Clearwater a small smile and a wink, it also had the side effect of making any nearby girls swoon.

'It's just too easy sometimes' Harry shook his head with amusement, his eyes landed on the Hufflepuff table and he saw several girls staring at him. Including Tonks, who was blushing furiously, her hair had unintentionally turned red as well. Harry couldn't hold back a grin, something which made her blush more.

Once Harry stopped along with all the over students, the sorting began. While the students focused on the sorting, Harry focused on the teachers table and the people on them, though if you wanted to be accurate he was focusing on their magical power. He focused on the five strongest in terms of magical strength.

The first was a woman with a few wrinkles on her face and her hair in a tight bun, Minerva McGonagall, transfiguration master along with Deputy head and head of Gryffindor. A powerful witch who easily demands the respect of others. Harry's mother and father were her favourite students and friends.

The next person only barely beat her, this person had black and greasy hair, he knew who this person was instantly. Severus Snape, potions master and teacher, master at occlumency, spy for Voldemort or Dumbledore depending on who you asked and ex-best friend of Lily Potter, Harry's mother. Harry was rather hoping the man tried to mess with him.

'That's the prat that called my mother a 'mudblood'' Harry's eyes darkened for a split second before he managed to regain control.

He then focused on the second strongest, a small man, Professor Flitwick. Half goblin, duelling champion and the favourite teacher of many. Lily Potter was supposed to be doing a mastery under him. His magic was pretty impressive for a man his age and size.

The next person was a man with a purple turban on his head, though Harry sensed there was something more about this person as he had two different magical signatures, one incredibly darker than the other though it felt weak, like it wasn't at it's full potential. Harry allowed his magic to search the person and he got his answers, this could be interesting.

Harry focused on the last person, this persons magic was the biggest and strongest of all the teachers. This was Albus Dumbledore, defeater of Grindelwald, headmaster, chief warlock, supreme mugwump and order of merlin first class. Voldemort's biggest enemy and regarded by many people as the best and strongest wizard alive.

"Harry Potter" A voice brought Harry out of his thoughts, he realised that he was being called up. He walked up to the stage, ignoring the whispers of the rest of the hall.

"That's Harry Potter?"

"The boy-who-lived?"

"I thought he had glasses"

"Oh he's so handsome!"

"I bet he's going to be in Gryffindor"

Harry gave professor McGonagall a small nod, before taking his seat, she gave him a small smile before popping the sorting hat on his head.

'Good evening Mr Potter' The sorting hat spoke in his mind.

'Good evening' Harry mentally responded.

'Now let's see here...my, my...you are difficult. I see your memories, you are quite a dangerous individual if you don't mind me saying so Mr Potter'

'I'll take it as a compliment' Harry smiled.

'Mr Potter, I am loath to put you in any house.' The hat confessed 'If I were to put you in Hufflepuff you'd have a legion of followers quicker than the other houses, you don't have the love of knowledge that Ravenclaws possess and I fear what you would do with the knowledge that you can gain. With Gryffindor you are likely to end up killing or seriously harming most of them.'

'And what about Slytherin?' Harry asked, if the hat thought that Harry would react to his comments in a negative way then he was wrong. Harry was close to laughing at the accurate descriptions that the hat gave.

'Slytherin, Slytherin' The hat sighed 'you could do great in Slytherin, just like any house. Slytherin could help you on the way to greatness. The last boy I met that was like you ended up being know as Voldemort, or you-know-who as most people call him.'

'Don't worry, I'll pick better names when I rise to power' Harry promised.

'Not what I meant' The hat sighed 'Mr Potter, I can't tell anyone about what I read in the mind of a student, though right now I wish I could. All I can do Is sort you to the best of my ability. I think it had better be...'

"SLYTHERIN!" The sorting hat shouted.

The whole hall went silent as Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, was sorted into Slytherin. The Gryffindor's looked like someone killed their puppy, the Hufflepuff's, looked terrified, the Ravenclaws were curious and the Slytherin's were shocked.

As the sorting hat leaned down, it covered Harry's face, making it hard for people to see his very evil grin. Eventually the hat was removed by Professor McGonagall, she was a bit disappointed that Harry wasn't in her house but she was just glad the boy was in Hogwarts. She was glad that Harry looked quite healthy, the boy had his fathers face and hair and his mother's eyes. She could tell he was going to attract a lot of female attention with those looks, James would be proud.

Harry calmly made his way over to the Slytherin table, he took a seat next to Daphne Greengrass and was now sat opposite Isabella who sat next to Tracy.

"Ladies" Harry smiled at them.

"You're in Slytherin?" Tracy said, not fully over the shock.

"I believe so" Harry nodded as he looked around "unless I've accidently walked over to the Hufflepuff table" he added jokingly.

"So you're Harry Potter?" A blonde boy asked as he looked down his nose at Harry.

"You weren't paying attention to the sorting were you?" Harry shook his head while tutting his teeth.

"I am Malfoy" The boy introduced himself pompously "Draco Malfoy"

"Ah, the brother of the lovely Miss Malfoy" Harry glanced at Isabella who brightened slightly at being called 'lovely'.

"Ah, you've met my sister" Malfoy sniffed "don't worry about her, she's useless until someone decides to marry her. I don't know who would though, I mean besides being a Malfoy she doesn't have anything going for her, though I suppose her name is enough for her to get a decent pureblood" And just like that any happiness that was present vanished as the girl's shoulders slumped and her eyes fought against the tears that threatened to burst through.

"I don't know about that" Harry said in a conversational tone "I imagine a great many people would be interested in your sister, even without the name"

"Ha" Draco snorted "I don't see how anyone would be interested in her"

"I don't know, good looks and an intelligent mind, I don't see what's wrong with her" Harry looked at Draco as he talked but managed to sneak in a wink at Isabella who looked genuinely surprised at the fact that someone, the boy-who-lived of all people, was willing to defend her. Her father never defended her, in fact he initiated half of the talks based solely around insulting her while Draco initiated the other half. Her mother was the only one who didn't insult her, but she couldn't defend her either. Daphne and Tracy were her friends but they couldn't interfere in family matters full time and when they did Draco would just be worse when they weren't around.


Professor McGonagall watched as Harry Potter conversed with the other Slytherin's, it had been a big surprise for her to have the son of James and Lily Potter in Slytherin, there hadn't been a Potter in Slytherin for at least a hundred years. Though McGonagall wasn't too worried, she had met her fair share of students and there were good and bad in all houses, even Slytherin. She couldn't help the small smile that shoved itself on her face as she looked at the boy who reminded her of two of her favourite students.


Professor Flitwick made no effort to hide the smile on his face as he watched the son of his favourite student sit down and converse with the other snakes, the charms mater was of the same opinion as McGonagall when it came to the snakes. He was rather excited to be able to teach Harry Potter, he was hoping that the boy was like his mother, maybe even with a bit of his father in.


Professor Snape scowled as he saw the Potter brat sit at the Slytherin table, there was no way that the son of James Potter was a snake. He hated just looking at the brat, James Potter's face with Lily Potter's eyes, it's like the child was made just to torment him and give him nightmares. Also it rather annoyed Snape that the boy was much better looking than his father, he could just tell that the boy's arrogance would be just as big as his stupid Potter head.

Hopefully his snakes will be able to drive the brat out, and if they can't then he will do it himself. He could already see the stuck-up idiot strutting around the castle like he owned it.


Dumbledore watched with a smile and twinkly eyes that hid the thoughts going on in his head. Firstly he was glad that Harry Potter looked quite healthy and happy, Minerva gave him a lot of grief over his decision to leave Harry with his muggle relatives, but he knew it was for the best and he was glad to see Harry in such good condition. It appears that Petunia was indeed able to get over her hatred for her sister and raise the boy properly. He was glad he was proven right, he did worry quite a lot about what would happen if Petunia didn't care for the boy.

Today though, the boy had hit a little snag, while Dumbledore thought that Harry was going to be sorted into Gryffindor with a chance of Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw winning out, he knew there was a likelihood of Harry ending up in Slytherin. Truthfully Dumbledore had nothing against Slytherin, though he was now a little worried about how Harry would fare in the house of cunning. After all, many of the children there were the sons and daughters of death eaters.

Hopefully everything would work out okay, Harry needed to be the one to defeat Voldemort. The prophecy made that very clear, he needed to mold Harry into a saviour of the light. Admittedly something that will be much harder seeing as the boy is now in Slytherin but it can still be accomplished.


Soon Harry found himself in the Slytherin common room, it seemed a bit dull to him. It was dark and all that, but it seemed rather boring. He looked around while the other Slytherin's began talking to each other.

"So Potter" A fifth year prefect with horrible teeth strutted up to him, catching the attention of everyone in the room "I am Marcus Flint, I don't know how a filthy half-blood like you got into the noble house of Slytherin. but I think that..."

"Oh look a troll" Harry interrupted as he stared at he boy with a look of childish enthusiasm "I didn't know we'd be learning about trolls on our first day" A few people giggled at the comment.

"I am not a troll!" Flint glared at Harry.

"Well you look a bit too tall to be a goblin" Harry said as he looked at Flint with a confused expression "you have too many limbs to be a snake, judging by the state of you I don't think you're a house elf as they actually are pretty clean. You're not a centaur, too ugly to be one, what exactly are you?"

"I'm a human!" Flint growled

"Sweet Merlin!" Harry exclaimed in shock "Our race has clearly fallen beyond hope if we can classify you as one of us" More than a few people laughed and giggled as Flint turned red in embarrassment and anger.

"You think you're funny Potter?!" Flint demanded as he grabbed Harry by the collar and aimed his wand at him "Huh?! Say something funny now you little shit!"

"Something funny" Harry smirked

"What?" Flint blinked before understanding dawned on him "That is it!" Flint fired a spell at Harry designed to cause painful boils to appear on his face.

The rest of the common room watched as a bright light flashed between Harry and Flint, they then watched as Flint flew backwards and landed on the floor, yelling in pain as painful and big boils spread all over his face. The Slytherin's couldn't understand what had just happened as Harry had been shot point blank yet Flint was the one who suffered the effect of the spell.

"How pathetic" Harry said, his voice bored and irritated. He took out his wand, he flicked it and Flint went flying and crashed into a wall, he slid to the floor and entered unconsciousness. The Slytherin's had all entered a stunned silence, they couldn't believe how easily Harry had defeated a fifth year. There was also the fact that he cast silently, a skill not taught until sixth year at least. Two fifth years drew their wands, Harry flicked his again and they dropped to the floor in agony as their wand arms were shattered.

Harry walked to the centre of the room, he looked around before he kicked his left leg forward and allowed himself to drop backwards, however he didn't get to hit the floor as a chair formed just underneath him. Not just any chair, a throne. Black wood, green cushions and fitted into it and gold armrests with a snake's head at the end. Harry sat comfortably in the chair and stayed silent for a few seconds as the Slytherin's looked at him with fear and awe.

"I find myself disappointed" Harry confessed "I mean, I enter the house of the cunning and ambitious and the first thing I see is a troll trying to start a fight. I expected Slytherin to be more...civilised. Though if violence is the requirement for success in this house then..." Harry flicked his wand and Flint hit the wall again "I fell like I can work with it. But it is disappointing, I mean all of you Slytherin's go on and on about how smart you are. Then the boy-who-lived, defeater of the worst dark lord walks into your den and instead of biding your time and assessing if he was a threat, you decided to attack him instantly. Though I can understand why, you're all older and more experienced and you thought my victory over the dark lord was a fluke. Today I'm issuing a warning since it's the first day, next person who wants to test themselves against me...bring your best."

Harry stood up, the chair disappeared as he did so, Harry calmly walked up to Daphne, Tracy and Isabella, the girls were in a corner and couldn't back away as he approached.

"Ladies" Harry said "I shall see you tomorrow" He gave them a short bow and smile before walking off and up to the first year boy rooms.

In Slytherin each boy had their own room, Harry checked each of the first year rooms, he then took the biggest and best one, usually reserved for the best or most influential/impressive student in that year. Harry doubted anyone was going to be able to take it away from him, he looked around the room, it would do for now.


That night Tonks was struggling to sleep as she laid in her bed, her dorm mates had all fallen asleep but she was awake because images of a green eyed boy kept shooting into her mind.

She only wanted to find a compartment to sit in, the next thing she knew she had some how gotten into a conversation with Harry Potter. Then she had told him her first name, she hated her first name, 'Nymphadora' was not a name you wanted when you're with people who have no problem making fun of you, that name plus her metamorph powers made everyone view her as either a slut or boyfriend stealer. She had only gone on few dates with different boys and only kissed two her whole life, until she sat in that compartment.

Merlin that boy could kiss!

The feeling she felt when she was with him was indescribable, it was like pure happiness, even worse was the fact that it was addictive, she could already sense the desire to go back to him. When they touched her magic felt good, better than it had ever felt, like it was suddenly alive. She tossed and turned, until eventually she lay on her stomach with her face stuffed into her pillow. Eventually she raised her head with a small groan.

"You..."A deep voice spoke softly as she suddenly felt someone's breath against her neck "are mine Nymphadora" The voice said.

Tonks turned around at a lightning speed and sat up, only to find nobody was there. Her room mates were still sleeping, the door was still closed, so were the windows. She looked around and nearly jumped backwards when she caught sight of herself in a mirror, her eyes had turned green, the same emerald green of Harry Potter's eyes. She concentrated and a second later she had brought them back to their usual unusually violet colour.

"What the hell was that?!" She whispered to herself as she still kept looking around the room. 'Was I dreaming?' She wondered 'No, I didn't fall asleep yet. How did he get in my room? He couldn't have, no, I must be imagining things. Though...I know I'm definitely not going sleep now.'