
5. Hogwarts letter & Diagon Alley

The night of my eleventh birthday brought big changes to my body, as I turned 11, one of the 7 blue dots started to glow, brighter and brighter, and a warmth spread throughout my body, and the remaining 6 blue dots on my chest, shoulder and left arm started to faintly glow. And as they reached their peak a golden light glowed from a thin line around my head, and then suddenly went dim once again and finally the first dot that glowed dimmed and disappeared completely from my body, while the rest dimmed but still left the small faded blue dots on my body, but now there were only 6.

No one actually witnessed this, but the changes that normally happen to a young wizard, unlocking their potential for magic, maturing their core and allowing them a much firmer control of their magic also happened to Thomas. Even though his core was already that of an adult, and with the third maturation, his core reached that of the masters of magic, like Snape, Moody and Mcgonagall. It did not give him mastery that he did not have before, but his potential and control increased once again, unnatural yes, but since he is innocent, magic itself deemed him blame free and therefore without consequences from the dark magic used on him, as a result he became stronger.

Now had Voldemort used the same method, dire consequences would have happened, but alas it never happened.

My 11th. birthday was truly a special day for me, because today I will be getting my Hogwarts letter! I loved having my birthday in the middle of the summer, July 24th. So bright and early I was up and waiting in the living room staring out of the window, Rufus was still sleeping, but the elves were up and excited for me.

At around 8 in the morning, we ate breakfast and I got several presents from Rufus. He had made it a tradition to give me three gifts, something for pleasure, something for knowledge and finally something practical. I got a really nice wrist watch, besides showing the time, it also told me what the weather would be like for the day. I got the new Nimbus 2000, it would seem Rufus was an investor of the business. And I got a book about Thestrals, explaining their habitat, their abilities and histories.

By mid day, the letter finally came! I absolutely ripped it open and started reading the first of the two pages,

Dear mr. Thomas Lamorak

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1. September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

The second page had all the stuff i would need


First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.

Course Books

All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble

Other equipment

1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.



Yours sincerely,

Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus

Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

I only briefly scowled at the fact I wasn't allowed my broom for the first year, but I wasn't a Quidditch fan as much as I did enjoy watching it, but not playing it. The broom was only for the thrill I felt for flying around the air.

Reading it all solidified the entire thing in my mind, I was actually going to go to Hogwarts. I know I have been practicing magic for several years, but the letter made it all real, both the great parts and the dangerous parts!

Rufus promised to take me to Diagon Alley the coming weekend. He sat there amused while he quickly penned a reply of my acceptance and attached it to the owl and sent it off.

We walked into the Leaky Cauldron on the first weekend of August, we were there early since I might have been unable to sleep, and Rufus, finding this out, took me early so we could have breakfast there. We sat at a small table where Tom brought our food, he chuckled when he saw me and ruffled my hair "So, this is the kid huh Rufus? I bet you can't wait to get in there and finally get your school stuff!". I just nodded with my mouth full and he and Rufus just laughed.

When we were done, Rufus took me to the wall and tapped the stones, they slowly folded away revealing an entrance into Diagon Alley. It appeared in all its glory, with the crooked buildings, and let's call it a special looking street, even though I had been here before, now it just seemed that more special.

It was filled with witches and wizards, all milling about doing their shopping, I admit I might have just stood there in awe at it all, I was finally here!

Walking down the street we started heading for Gringotts, Rufus wanted me to have my own account, "Every Witch or Wizard should have their own account, it's important to learn how to manage money at an early age. But Thomas, remember the Goblins are to be respected, they know what they are doing and are no less than any of us, I know I have told you this before, but remember to show them respect!". I quickly nodded and we proceeded up the alley towards the huge building.

The building was a great white weird looking building, it had a presence in the alley, like almost a fortress!

We walked up the steps, past the Goblin guards in their armor and their vigilant looks.

Inside there was a large marble floor with patterns in, and long rows of tall desks lining the walls, each with a goblin manning each one, and with people standing in line in front of them.

About 30 min later it was finally our turn, Rufus asked to create a new account in my name with some money. I thought about the chance that maybe I would have a magical family inheritance? I know a bit of a cliche, but you never know!

So I asked Rufus if we maybe could do an Inheritance test? He agreed, intrigued by the possibility. So after creating my new account, we were led to another room, where another goblin brought out a parchment, a bowl and a knife. "Cut your hand, let your blood drop into the bowl and I will initiate the magic to display any relevant family". I did as told, cut my hand, reluctantly, I mean cutting your own hand kinda goes against your instinct, but it didn't hurt much, and the blood dripped into the bowl. As soon as I placed the knife back on the table my hand healed and the blood disappeared from the knife.

The goblin touched the bowl with a single finger, and runes appeared around the rim of the bowl. It filled with gray smoke that slowly sank revealing a large single drop of golden liquid.

He took the bowl and dipped his finger and let the single golden drop land on the parchment, lines started to spread out and a family tree appeared, the Goblins eyes started widening because right at the top it said Sir Lamorak of the round table and High priestess Morgause!

Holy shit, my family was connected to Merlin! And wasn't Morgause the sister or something of Morgana?

The goblin looked up at me, "Mr. Lamorak I will need to check the ledgers for any family vaults that you may have rights to". Rufus inspected the parchment, he had a shocked look but quickly restrained his face, I don't think he expected this.

The goblin walked out of the room while we just looked at the parchment. It seems that the magic left my family a few generations after Sir Lamorak and Morgause, it didn't specify why, but it seems I was the first magical in several generations! With the last time being almost 500 years ago!

I was interrupted in my thoughts when the goblin walked in again, "Mr. Lamorak, the Family vault of Lamorak and Morgause was combined into one, which you have access to, if you both will follow me I will lead you to it.". I was wondering why I had access, wasn't I supposed to be of age before I would have access, or have I just misunderstood how it worked?

"Ehm, sir, how come I have access to my vault? Shouldn't I be of age first?", the goblin just chuckled, "Mr. Lamorak, in case of no family head, to manage the account, even those not yet of age can access their family vaults. This family vault, has specific requirements. 1st. only a magical can have access, 2nd. only a student can have access and lastly only a Lamorak can of course have access, meaning when you turn of age, you will lose all rights to the vault, until your heir becomes a student or another of your line becomes a student, Margause specified that any or her line should be able to take care of themselves after their education, and not just live of their hard earned fortunes! So you will have access to a total of 10.000 galleons, specific books and other materials that will be helpful when learning magics and skills necessary for your education and future career". First off, I was quite stumped, I mean I wasn't rich, but definetely not poor either! Not that Rufus wasn't well off, but I think he barely had 5.000 galleons in total! And the books and materials for my education would be perfect! I mean I didn't expect anything, so anything I would get now is just a major bonus!

We walked up to a cart and got in, and I got to experience the ride on the rails down into the earth! Luckily, the vault wasn't very deep, so we arrived after a couple of minutes. The goblin walked up to the vault and inserted a key, as he turned it, lines started appearing on the vault door, humming slightly with the magic, the goblin looked at me and smiled mischievously just as a light beam shot out of a crystal on top of the vault door, which hit me and teleported me away. Outside the vault Rufus just sighed and looked annoyed at the Goblin, "You knew this would happen didn't you?! Why didn't you warn us? At least I could have prepared Thomas for it". The goblin sneered at Rufus, "The vaults blessed by Merlin all have this feature, We do not disclose its functions, since that would be a breach of security!".

I know the inheritence thing is a bit of a used thing, but I like it, it opens up possibilites, and opens up for some lore and aspects that I don't think are explored alot.

RackTagzcreators' thoughts