
How to be a light fury in Harry Potter

An ordinary person died after filling out a survey on internet and reborn in Harry Potter

Sybaris · Phim ảnh
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11 Chs

Sorting ceremony

Ron, Harry, and I talked for a while, and it helped me learn more about the version of Harry in this world. He's not much different from the Harry I know, but he has more self-confidence and boldness, but thanks to his mother's upbringing, he's not as reckless and arrogant as his father...very much.

"We've almost arrived at Hogwarts. Come on, let's get dressed quickly(I mean Hogwarts uniform)"Arthur


"First year students!First year students! come here!"???

After we got off the train we were greeted by the voice of the gentle half-giant Rubeus Hagrid.

"Hello Hagrid"Harry

"Oh, hello Harry, how are your parents?"Hagrid

"they are fine"Harry

"that's nice to hear"Hagrid


I skipped what happened after meeting Hagrid because nothing important.

We walked a little, rode boats, and were amazed by the amazing Hogwarts castle. We were handed over to Professor McGongol and met the ghosts.

The only thing unusual is that Draco didn't try to befriend Harry like in the movies. But that's normal since Harry isn't famous anymore.

But I doubt that this will stop the hostility between them.

"I am a hat.

But don't underestimate my appearance.

I was born thousands of years ago.

I have seen the world change.

I have crossed the mud of the wilderness.

I have also walked along the forest river.

Come on, wear me.

Find the most suitable house.

If you desire power, then go to Gryffindor. They are brave, righteous, and courageous. They can uncover the courage hidden in your heart.

Maybe you will go to Slytherin. They are strong, calm, elegant, and self-contained. There is no need to hide your ambition and desire for power here because everyone here is just like you.

Hufflepuff is honest, loyal, tough, and tenacious. Come, here you will find the most trustworthy companions.

Ravenclaw. If you have extraordinary wisdom and a cunning mind, then don't hesitate, there are fellow students like you here.

Come and wear me.

Don't worry or be afraid.

I will tell you the desire of your heart."

Applause rang out in the hall when the Sorting Hat finished its song.

"Hannah Abbott"Professor McGonagall

When the applause ended, Professor McGonagall began calling out the names to be sorted one by one.

While I was waiting for my turn, I felt a look on me. When I raised my head, I found Professor Dumbledore looking at me with his bright blue eyes.

I waved my hand at him with a smile which was met with a smile from him.

"Arthur Cardinal"Professor McGonagall

When it was finally my turn, I confidently walked forward and sat in the chair while placing the sorting hat on my head.

{Welco..}Sorting hat

{Gryffindor please}

{but..!}Sorting hat


{hey!}Sorting hat


{...as you want}Sorting hat

"GRYFFINDOR!"Sorting hat

Applause erupted from the Gryffindor table and I saw the Weasley twins waving at me.

Looks like they saved a place for me, Ron, and Harry.

"Welcome to Gryffindor ,Arthur"Percy

Percy said to me while shaking my hand as I headed to the table.

"Thank you, Percy"Arthur

I said while sitting at the table

"We didn't really expect you to be sorted into Gryffindor"Fred

"Yes, we thought you were joking"Gourge

"Oh really? And you still reserve a place for me?"Arthur

"Well, it would be rude not to save a place for our friend"Gourge

I smiled in response


The sorting ceremony ended, and as expected, Harry and Ron were sorted into Gryffindor. This time, the hat did not take long to make the decision, and everyone did not pay attention to Harry, as in the movie.

Dumbledore stood up from his seat and said after attracting the students' attention:

"Let me say a few words! "Fool, sneeze, scum, screw! thank you "

He said, then sat down again and waved his hand, and a large amount of food appeared on the large table.

Now it's time for dinner.

Everyone started eating, including me, of course. I sat and ate quietly while listening to the conversations happening around me.


After everyone had eaten, Dumbledore stood up again and spoke:

"Freshmen should remember that the Forbidden Forest in the northeast is forbidden to enter. Of course, senior students should also bear in mind."

He looked at the Weasley twins.

"Also, anyone who doesn't want to suffer and die accidentally, please don't enter the corridor on the right side of the third floor."

He said with a serious tone.

Dumbledore didn't care about the attitude of the students, and continued: "Also, our administrator, Mr. Filch, reminded us that we are not allowed to use magic in the corridor." The very bald Filch stood by the wall of the auditorium, and a cat under his feet

"Now that we are full, let's sing the school song together! Sing to the beat you like! Sing~"

Dumbledore stretched out his wand and pointed it into the air, and the golden lyrics appeared in midair.

Every letter is big!

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts~ Please teach us knowledge

Whether we are bald old people

Still the kid with a broken knee

Our minds can accept some interesting things