
How to (supposedly) survive a zombie apocalypse [Completed]

This is basically a translation made with Google of my original history. I will change some things, but is basically the same. -The image and the histories I make reference don't belong to me (obviously). -I made this history with the purpose to entertain, so don't burn my house if you get offended please. -If I have any mistake or I can improve in something, tell me, I'm here to learn

Grim_Jester · Tranh châm biếm
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47 Chs

Don't depend on someone else

"I-it's not t-true, right? i-it's just a bad j-joke right?" said Kyle who looked like he was about to break down.

"Trust me, I wish it was a bad joke too" I said in a dark tone.

I didn't like the brat, but this is not something she deserves, she is also just a teenager, she had her whole life ahead of her to meet, learn from her mistakes and become a good person.

But now there is no way to save her, everything ends for her here and she didn't even have time to think of her actions and have a better life.

As for Kyle, he looked like he was about to burst into tears, but he just held everything back and showed no emotion other than a slightly sad expression.

"Brat, do not contain your emotions, if you feel sad or destroyed it is not bad to cry" I said with a worried tone.

"Don't worry man, I'm pretty good" Kyle said with a hollow smile.

"Brat I mean it, let go of everything you have inside or there will be no going back for you" I said with total seriousness.

"There was no going back for me before I met her" Kyle said still smirking.

"Don't make your happiness depend on her or someone else damn it, be happy for yourself, find a reason, whatever, but don't use that damn fake smile!!" I said with utter anger and helplessness.

"I no longer have reasons to be happy, I can't be happy on my own, it's too late for me" Kyle said keeping that smile.

I could only look at him with helplessness and sadness, I can no longer do anything for him, it is already too late.

"Brat, help me find the gasoline before dark and take your time to think while you do it" I said in a sad and somber tone.

"Don't worry man, I'll help you look for gas after taking Emily to Walmart" Kyle said calmly and then took Emily and took her to Walmart.

After a while the brat came back with the hose and a container of gasoline.

After putting the container and hose near me, he took the brat's gun and put it in his pants.

Later, he took the container and the hose again and was taking the gasoline from the cars around.

I can barely move, so I could only see him pour the gas out of the cars with a worried look.

His mental state is deplorable, there is nothing I can do for him, and that only makes me feel annoyed with myself.

I don't even know if there is any way I can help him.

I can only see him keep that fake smile helplessly.

After a few minutes the brat finished filling the gas canister, put the hose on the ground and walked towards me with the canister in his right hand.

"Time to go" -Kyle.

"Okay I'll follow you" I said and then got up using the bat for support.

But when I got up I felt pain in my stomach and I almost fell to the ground.

Before falling, the brat held me and worked as a support to avoid falling.

"I have you man" Kyle said with a little concern.

"Thanks brat" I said with a smile as used the bat for support as well.

After that we started walking slowly towards the firing range where my car is.

"It's almost night now, it must be 7:00 PM or so, so it's better to pick up your pace" I said as I walked a little faster.

The brat just nodded and started walking a little faster.

After 5 blocks of silence, I decided to talk a bit with the brat.

"Could you reflect a bit?" I asked calmly.

"That's right, my mind is clearer and more determined than ever" Kyle said as he smiled.

"I see" I said in a calm tone.

After a few minutes, night fell and we reached the firing range.

The brat approached the car and used the container to fill the gas tank, while I sat on the sidewalk to rest a bit.

After a few minutes the tank was full, the brat put the container on the ground and came over to me.

"Well, everything is ready, do you want to come and rest a bit?" Kyle said as he opened the door to the building.

"I could use it" I said as I entered the building.

After this I sat on a fairly clean sofa and rested for a few minutes.

"Well man, if you need me I'll be in the shooting room" Kyle said with a smile.

"Kyle" I said in a serious tone.

Hearing his name Kyle stopped in his tracks.

"I know what you are about to do and I just want to ask, is there any way to stop it?" I asked with concern.

"No man, I'm completely sure of my decision" Kyle said with a serious tone.

"I see" I said sadly.

"It was nice meeting you Kyle" I said as he smiled slightly and shed a small tear.

"It was nice to meet you too" Kyle said with a real smile this time.

After this Kyle walked into the shooting room and after a few minutes, I could only hear one thing.
