
How to (supposedly) survive a zombie apocalypse [Completed]

This is basically a translation made with Google of my original history. I will change some things, but is basically the same. -The image and the histories I make reference don't belong to me (obviously). -I made this history with the purpose to entertain, so don't burn my house if you get offended please. -If I have any mistake or I can improve in something, tell me, I'm here to learn

Grim_Jester · Tranh châm biếm
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47 Chs

A talk

The next day not much happened, just a normal day until dinner.

We only have 3 days of vacation left and I can already smell the problems in the distance, what a hindrance.

Right now I'm trying to help the old man with his electric generator, which apparently hasn't started for a few months.

It was a bit difficult, mostly because I don't have all the tools I should have, but in the end I was able to repair it.

This is a small generator that only works for a small house, but it is enough for the kitchen and to turn on the lights.

Apparently it runs on gasoline and the old one has enough to keep it going for a few weeks, so no problem.

After fixing the generator and having dinner, I left Halley in her room and sat in the doorway to think for a bit.

"Looks like you're burning your eyelashes young" Noah said suddenly appearing.

Hearing that scared me a bit, but after seeing that it was the old man, I quickly calmed down.

"Hey man, do you want to kill me with a heart attack?" I said with a bit of annoyance.

"I'm supposed to say that" Noah said with a smile.

"And tell me, what are you doing here?" I asked curiously.

"I didn't have much to do and I wanted to go out for some fresh air" Noah said calmly.

I just brushed it off and lost myself in thought again, but the old man spoke again.

"I tell you something young, you remind me of me in my youth" Noah said wistfully.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"You are equal to me, honest with yourself and others and able to live without having someone else by your side" -Noah.

"That explains why you're alone" I said with a smile.

"Yeah, but you know, there's something I regret" Noah said sadly.

"What do you regret old man?" I said a little surprised.

"I regret not having someone to share my life with" -Noah.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm happy, but neither of us can be completely happy alone" -Noah.

"Human beings are sociable creatures by nature, even if we don't show it our instinct asks us for the company of someone else" -Noah.

"Although it is an unpredictable path, loving someone makes life more interesting, life is not only about small happy moments, but also having bad moments to know how to recognize the good ones" -Noah.

I was just thinking about his words for a moment, I guess I really should get a girlfriend.

"Hey man, since you are talking about this I would like to ask you something" I said calmly.

"Go ahead young man, tell me what's bothering you" Noah said kindly.

And so, I told him the story about that night and the lie that haunts me.

"I see, you have a real problem young man" Noah said sadly.

"Any advice?" I asked expectantly.

"First of all you should stop being such a coward" Noah said with a smile.

"What are you talking about?" I asked with a bit of annoyance.

"You are afraid of failing, of loving and of the opinion that people you appreciate about you, but more importantly, you are afraid of yourself" said Noah in an explanatory tone.

"Of my self?" I asked in shock.

"That's right, you are afraid of breaking your mental balance and losing yourself, in short of stepping out of your comfort zone" -Noah.

"You are afraid of your own humanity and how unpredictable it can be" -Noah.

"What does that have to do with Halley?" I said in confusion.

"When you tell her the truth she will be sad and devastated, only with love and attention she can get out of that state, so all you have to do is start loving like a father would" said Noah as he entered the house.

Like a father would?

I think I get it, parental support would help Halley in this situation.

But how do I do that?.

"Oh by the way young man, one more thing" Noah said from the window.

"A purpose is something more powerful than you can imagine" Noah said mysteriously.

I see, I guess tomorrow I'll tell Halley the truth.

I just have to find a way for Halley to recover from this, I don't want her to lose that energy that characterizes her.

Also, I should consider adopting her, at least then I will have someone to love.

It might be fine, although I should still consider having a girlfriend.

Tomorrow will be a difficult day, so for today, I will enjoy this little moment alone.

It still makes me happy to get lost in my thoughts, I guess that will never change.

I hope Halley's mother is fine wherever she is.

I am a man of science, but I always believed that the world would be very boring if everything had an explanation.

In short, these are just thoughts of one more person in this world.