
How The World Changed Us (Aizawa x reader)

The twin sister of the late Oboro Shirakumo, Y/n Shirakumo navigates life as a deaf Pro-Hero with her fiance, Shota Aizawa. A math teacher, she struggles through something she feared the most - motherhood. Fem!reader deaf!bakugo AU

strawberrysoda · Tranh châm biếm
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Y/n = your name

F/c = favorite color

H/c = hair color

F/f = favorite food

E/c = eye color

Italics = sign language

"_" = speaking

'_' = thoughts

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Y/n Shirakumo

Age: 29

Teaches: Mathematics

Relationships: Best friend - Lexi Mattingly; Fiance - Aizawa Shota

Likes: Cats, books, caffeine, food, f/c, Shota

Dislikes: People, loud noises, needles, glitter, sleeping

Quirk: Weather (Has the ability to manipulate any kind of weather (tornadoes, hurricanes, thunder storms, lightning, snow, etc))

Quirk drawbacks: Has to keep her emotions in check, too strong of emotions can cause sporadic and sometimes severe weather changes. She can only hold certain strengths of weather for certain amounts of time (light snow - 2 hours, strong tornado - 10 minutes)

Hero name: The weather hero, Weather Girl

Appearance: You!

Special notes: Deaf due to accident, parents hated her since she reminded them of her late twin brother, uses sign language when talking out of habit.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Lexi Mattingly

Age: 28

Teaches: Hero history

Relationships: Little sister - Mariposa (Mari) Mattingly; Best friend - Y/n Shirakumo; Boyfriend - Hawks

Likes: Reading, flying, cats, candles, singing, purple, sleeping, shiny objects

Dislikes: Mushrooms, pants, people, glitter, loud noises

Quirk: Falcon - Has large wings, the tips being black, fading into brown. Can communicate with birds, can sharpen wings, and they can act as a shield.

Quirk drawbacks: Goes through mating season along with other people with animal based quirks, gets easily distracted by shiny objects, cannot hold shield for more than 1 hour, feathers can take up to 3 weeks to regrow to full length

Hero name: The bird hero, Falcon

Appearance: 157 cm (5'2), curvy, mid-back length curly lavender hair, freckles dusting cheeks and nose, on the bustier side, Haitian, Irish, American, wears short skirts with shorts in case flying is necessary, wears loose crop tops and sneakers.

Special notes: Has been raising Mariposa since she was 11 months old after their parents were killed in an accident, knows sign language

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Mariposa Mattingly

Age: 16

Relationships: Older sister/adoptive mother - Lexi Mattingly; Girlfriend - Ashido Mina

Likes: Sleeping, her phone, shopping, red, Mina, butterflies

Dislikes: Mushrooms, reading, being alone, being cold

Quirk: Shadow - Has the ability to travel through any shadow, can manipulate shadows and turn them into objects for a limited amount of time

Quirk drawbacks: - Can only travel 10 meters at a time, any more and she will faint, can only manipulate two big shadows at once, but can manipulate 10 small shadows at once, can only take 2 other people at once.

Appearance: Chin length black curly hair, freckles everywhere, 147 cm (5'8), Haitian, Irish, American, leggings and a t-shirt with a hoodie and sneakers

Special notes: Raised by Lexi since 6 months after parents were killed in a car accident. Knows sign language, Nickname Mari (pronounced Mary)

Published 1/16/24 (d/m/y) at 9:46pm est

Word count: 461