
Chapter 6

|3rd POV|

A group of people is sitting behind a round table. There are four men and three women in this room. They are the Branch Heads of the Tarakan Guild in Japan. Some of them might look old and frail, but all of them are dangerous individuals.

Some of them are masters of sabotage, some of them are masters of information gathering, some of them are master smugglers, and some of them are master assassins.

All in all, they are a high-level player in the underground world.

"Let's start the annual meeting. Let's get to the point. Is there any change in your branch?"

The first one to talk is the Head of the Tokyo Branch and the leader of the entire Tarakan Guild in Japan.

"Let's start from the North. Hakodate, is there anything you need to report? A rising star? A spy among us? Or Traitor?"

The old man looks to his right and sees a beautiful woman wearing winter clothing that covers her whole body. However, the clothes still show her body curve and her big pair of breasts to the world. She has beautiful light blue hair and a pair of eyes with the same color.

"Traitor. Someone from Russia tries to get our client's name and any information we have to use as blackmail material."

"Do you need assistance?"

"No. I already took care of it and you should get the report after the meeting is over."

"Very well. Anything else?"

"Hmmm… This is not a problem, but we have a lot of missions but not enough members."


"Yes. As you know, Hokkaido is filled with wild beasts that even the Youkai cannot beat, and they ask us to exterminate them."

The wild beast she is talking about is a mutation of a wild animal that absorbs the Natural Energy around them. The mutation makes their body bigger, more durable, and even increases their speed.

"I see. Is there someone who you can lend to the Hakodate branch?"

The old man looked around before a man in his mid-twenties raised his hand. He has golden hair with the same color as his eyes, but those eyes are filled with intelligence and amusement. The reason why he accepted the position as a branch master is because he knows that he will see a lot of entertainment, and so far, he is not disappointed.

"Yes, Toba."

"First thing first, I need to report a new rising star."

"Oh? Do tell."

He gives the other two pieces of paper to each person. He lets the other read them, and after a minute, he says.

"That man goes by the name of the Reaper. He takes thirty missions, twenty information gathering, and ten assassinations."

"There is no real name in this profile."

The Toba Branch Master smirks at his leader and says.

"And that is because we never found out about his real identity."

"Have you asked the main branch? They have the best information-gathering personnel."

"Not yet. I will ask them tonight or tomorrow morning."


Toba Branch Master nods and says.

"Anyway, the reaper is my branch's rising star. He has a one hundred percent success rate in his mission. I can say that he is one of the best rising stars coming from my branch."

"Oh? Tell me more."

The Tokyo Branch Master looked at his fellow branch master with interest. While the Toba branch did not produce a lot of personnel, they produced one of the best. Last decade, they produced one of the best saboteurs in the world.

It is rather sad that she died while on a mission. The client did not inform them that her target was coming from the supernatural world and a high-ranking faction at that.

Tarakan guilds punish that client and make sure they pay dearly. The sound of their agony still haunts some people.

"He took two high-ranking missions and cleared them with two days left before the deadline. Two of them are information-gathering missions, but it involves a high-security place. Among them is breaching the Pentagon cyber security."

"Oh? Truly?"

"Yes. He manages to breach their security but only temporarily. However, it is enough to gather the information he needs."

"That is impressive."

Hacking into the Pentagon is something only the higher-level information-gathering personnel can do. While it is only for a brief moment, it is still impressive.

"That's right. Not only that, but he was also the one cleaning the Yakuza world. His name starts to spread about the small circle of Yakuza."

"And is he able to do it in two months?"

"Yup. He is efficient and clean. Kill the target, take the evidence, and get out of there. One of the managers asks him to take one mission to kill someone, but when he saw the client want to torture the target, he decline and take the one who only want evidence in the form of video or photo."

"I can work with that. He will be a perfect person for this mission, then. Kill the target and get out. Can you call him and tell him about the Hakodate branch?"

"Of course."

The Tokyo Branch Master nods and looks at the Hakodate Branch Master.

"Are you okay with this arrangement?"

The woman nods and says.

"Yes. I prefer a man like him rather than a flashy one."

"Good. Prepare the mission for him to take."

"Of course."

After that, the meeting continued as usual.

On the other side of Japan is where Mizutani Nakiri, Kazuma's father, lives. He currently has a big grin on his face as he reads the news from the elder.

"What are you reading, dear?"

Saya Nakiri, Kazuma's mother, asks her husband with a concerned expression as he has been smiling for the past ten minutes.

"Our son, Kazuma."

"Oh? What happened to Kazuma?"

"Nothing happened to him. He is not injured or anything."

"Oh? Then what happened?"

Mizutani gave the paper in his hand to his wife and let her read it.

"He has been busy in Shikoku. He decided to take my advice and hunt the wild monster on that island. He joined the hunter guild in that island and became the rising star in that area."

"Oh~ As expected of my son! He got that from me."

"What?! He got that from me, you know?!"

"Fufufufu~ You did not read the last couple of paragraphs, huh? He becomes a rising star as a healer. He heals many people in that area. Some of the noble houses even want to ask him as their personal healer! He declines, of course, as he is still a member of the Nakiri clan."

"Hah! Hunting wild beasts is more important!"

"Fufufu~ Whatever you say, dear."

Mizutani only grins at his wife's words and says.

"The Elder also decided to increase his allowance and if he continues to rise in popularity in the name of the Nakiri family, they will make a weapon for him."

"Oh, that is a great honor."

Getting a personal weapon is something that happens to someone who brings the Nakiri family prestige. The weapon crafted will be very durable and deadly as the family blacksmith will be the one who forged the weapon.

"Anyway, we should celebrate this!"

It has been a while, huh? Because of a scam, I needed to sell most of my valuable things and did not have time or even the equipment to write a story. I need to sell most of my things to buy food and pay the previous month's rent and other bills. I'm writing this from the company's computer. I'm sorry to ask this, but if you can spare some changes, please visit my Ko-Fi (ko-fi.com/fangrove) page. Your support helps me to write more.

Fangrovecreators' thoughts