
Chapter 5

I smile a little at my new base. The Tarakan Guild is truly the best. They are willing to build the underground lair for me for the right amount of money. Of course, I will add defensive measures to ensure no one snoops around my new base.

However, I already take care of it.

I take out my backpack and throw a small item on the floor. A second later, a machine two meters tall and one meter wide came out of that small device. This is a multi-purpose fabricator that lets any raw material turn into useful basic objects.

I got this blueprint from a genius Weapon Engineer, Torbjorn. Besides weapon engineering, Torbjorn specializes in Miniaturization, which lets him create a massive machine that can fit in your pocket.

Among the blueprint I can access when I become him is this Fabricator. With this thing, I can start creating items I want. First thing first, a defense mechanism for this base. I take a deep breath and choose Torbjorn for this mission.

I walk to the warehouse the agent from the guild tells me and sees a mountain of raw material for me to use. Before, I needed the hard way to make Om-Metal, but I could make them in a second with Fabricator now.

I take a dozen or so kilos worth of material for my project. After taking the material I need, I quickly take them to the Fabricator, which changes some of the metal to the necessary component.

"Let's get to work."

~ A few hours later~

I wipe the sweat from my forehead and look at the babies before me. I just made three auto-turrets that can be mounted on the wall and ground. What makes it even more wonderful is that I already prepare a spot for me to put them into.

I already created a hole in the ground and a wall inside my base. I take the three turrets and quickly plant them inside the hole I create. I take out a welder and hide the turret. I already made a system to open the hidden hatch and let the turret shoot the intruder.

It takes me another half an hour to install them and get them ready. I nod and change into Sombra. With my base being done at its most basic need, I decided it was time for me to do my job as a guild member.

I have been doing simple information-gathering missions for the guild for the past month and even got a moniker from the people in the know. I'm called the Rookie Brooker and the Elusive Shadow.

While I'm content as an information broker for the guild, that bastard who sent me here told me to start taking missions as an assassin. That is why I decided to take one yesterday.

I open Sombra's supercomputer and look at the profile I gather of my target.


Name: Harada Katsuyuki

Age: 39

Sex: Male

Job: Yakuza Boss (Katsuyuki Family)


The 34th head of the Katsuyuki Criminal family and the ruler of the eastern part of Morioka City Underground World. His family dwells in weapon smuggling, illegal gambling, semi-legal prostitution, human trafficking, human slavery trading, and money laundering.

Harada wants to open a new business, illegal drugs, mainly methamphetamine.

Sadly for him, he breaks an old agreement between the two families of Yakuza that rule over Morioka City. The agreement between the Katsuyuki family and the Fujimoto family let the Fujimoto deal with the drugs while the Katsuyuki family dealt with human trafficking and slave trading.

Harada's men and even a member of the Fujimoto family had already warned him, but he did not listen. Hence, the Head of the Fujimoto family decided to take a drastic measure.


Underneath that bio is a list of his habits I recorded in the past three days. The deadline for the mission is one week, and I'm ready to do it. The best place to take him is in his office in his secret meth lab when he decides to test his men's creations.

I nod and prepare for my mission. I decided to do it as Sombra to get inside as she is the best for the job.


|3rd POV|

Harada looked at the goods in front of him with a smirk on his face. He knows he has made the right choices to enter a new business. The Katsuyuki family has been stagnant for a long time, and he needs to expand into a new business to cut the Fujimoto family out of business.

He is an ambitious man, and his ambition is to make the Katsuyuki family become the true ruler of Morioka City. His uncle and aunt told him his ambition was foolish, but what did they know? They are old fossils that cling to the old way!

He will ensure that his family is the ruler of the entire city. First thing first, he needs to cut the enemy's main business. He already has a connection with someone in Hawaii that will let him sell his goods directly to the US.

With the new income, he can buy enough weapons to take over the Fujimoto family and rule the entire city.

"Boss, today's batch is done. Do you want to test them?"

"Of course. Give it to me."

He takes the sample and quickly gets back to his office. It has become a habit for him to take and test some of the samples himself. He gets inside his office and starts to prepare to test the sample, but as he sits on the chair, he feels a cold barrel of a gun touch his head.

Before he can even look back, his vision has gone black.

Standing behind him is Kazuma with a silencer pistol in his hand while he is still in his Sombra form. Seeing the pool of blood underneath him, he can only sigh and take out a camera to gather proof of his completing the mission.

After taking some pictures, he then sent them to the guild, and to his surprise, they quickly answered and had already sent the money to his account.

When his job is done, he changes form into the Reaper, opens the office window, and quickly teleports away. When he lands on the roof, he changes back into Sombra and disappears into thin air.

His first assassination mission is done, and now he needs to forget about it by roasting some noob in the game.

Hello, guys. This is the author. I have bad news. As you know that I have been missing the past month but I have a reason for that.

I have been busy because of a financial problem. I have been scammed, bad. One of my relatives had his Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter accounts hacked, asking for money from a friend's list on that account.

He is a close friend and relative to me, so I did not double-check when he was asking for money when he told me that his mother was in a car accident.

He asks me to pay for the front payment, and when the insurance comes, he will pay me back.

I panic because his mother is so kind to me; I quickly send the money and do not even look at the name of the receiver. I only noticed it when I had already sent the money (20 Mil Rupiah or around 1.3 K USD), and now I'm in need of money.

I know that I'm stupid, and I admit it.

I would be very grateful if you guys have any spare chance you can donate.

You can visit my Ko-Fi page to donate and read some of the unpublished chapters (Which have the same amount as my P@treon).


Fangrovecreators' thoughts