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goro goro no mi turns the one who eats it into a lightning human, he should be completely immune to anything but nature chakra infused attacks(maýbe depends on the author), the weakness mentioned is that they become weak in seawater. garp, its a little hard to say cross universe but i dont see him losing against either madara or hashirama im pretty sure he would knock their heads off with little trouble.
sure but 2 of them are basically useless, and its the lowest level skill available. for the chance to glance into reality from the afterlife? how much is that worth?
ok but since he canb pick anything, why not go for renewal taekwondo
levels in a game? is this a modern world?
one genin, two genin. genins is not a thing.
the henge is just an illusion you layer over yourself, you dont actually transform. a rabbit is not happening its too small what happens to the rest of his body?
what kind of filler crap is this?
own kid dude.
how is the invisibility charm going to move a stone? i'm sure you meant the levitation charm.