

Fathia_Adekunle · Võ hiệp
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He walked to the table and pick the cigarette, he was about lighting it when he remember the promised he made to Rihanna.

❁Why do you smoke? Don't you know that I hate guy's who smoke. "She said.

"You hate guy who smoke?. " he asked and she nod.

"Then, am making a promise to you that I would stop smoking. "Braxton muttered❁

He recalled and ruffled his hair, throwing the cigarette away.


The kissed lasted for like minutes before Rihanna finally broke it.

"Do you love me?. "Giovanni suddenly asked,and Rihanna widened her eyes.

"Who told you that?. " Rihanna questioned.

"Trista did, she told me that she heard you talking to your friends that you love me,but you're scared to tell me, so she asked me to kiss you so that I can confirmed whether you truly love me. "Giovanni muttered making Rihanna staggered.

"So was that why you kissed me?."She asked, and he nod.

"I kissed you because she agreed to go on a date with me! Am sorry. " Giovanni said.

"And you think she'd agree to go on a date with you? Why do you allowed yourself to be used by Trista! Giovanni, Trista despised you, she never agree to kissed you when we both made the challenge that very day,Why now? , how sure are you that she would go on a date with you? . "He asked.

"She said it herself that she'd go on a date with me, yunno that having Trista have always been my dream, and this dream is finally coming True. " Giovanni said.

"Think about it,you're the last person that Trista would ever agree to date and yunno that."Rihanna said.


"You think she loves you right?. " Rihanna asked and he nod.


"Trista! Trista, Wait up!!. "Giovanni called and she halted.

"Yes! What did you want?? Trista asked and wrapped her arms on her waist.

"Have kissed Rihanna, just like you asked me too. " Giovanni said and she released a scoffed.

"So!!?. "

"So!!What time should we meet on our date?.''He asked and Trista smirked.

"And you think I'd go on a date with you? A mere scholarship students who don't have anything to offer me, don't you know that standing here with you irks me.. I lied to you that I'd go on a date with you just so you could kissed Rihanna and you did that, so I don't have any f**king business with you again."Trista muttered and someone slapped her hard on her face.

She held her cheek and raise her head to see who just slapped her.

It was Rihanna.

"For playing with his feelings and this is for...."Rihanna gave her another slapped on her second cheek making Trista staggered."Lying to him that I love him."Rihanna yelled at her.

"How dare you slapped me..? "Trista asked and raise her hand to slapped Rihanna but before her hand could land on her cheek, Rihanna gave her a hard slapped sending her sprawling on the floor.

Blood ooze out from her nose.

"I once warned you before, don't ever mess with me or any of my friends again,Trista."Rihanna mumbled to her.

She looked at Giovanni who has tears in his eyes.

"Let's go, coz this fool here don't deserve your tears. " Rihanna said and held his hand.

"She used use!!coz of her selfish reasons, let's go. "Rihanna added and they both left.

Just after they left,Trista started laughing like a maniac.

"Did she just slapped me?.." She asked herself, touching her cheek which was slowly turning into bruise.

"Rihannnnnna."She screamed in pains.



Ryder and Presley entered the cinema show, with a bowl of popcorn and soda in their hands.

"What film would you like to watch?. "Ryder asked.

"Why don't we go with your choice?. "

"No, today is for you alone, why don't you choose. "Ryder said.

"Well, since you don't wanna choose! Let's go with horror movie. " Presley smirked.

"Why Horror?. "Ryder asked.

"Coz it's my choice. " She smiled.

Ryder wasn't a fan of horror movie, today is surely going to be the end of him. "He thought inwardly.

They both walked to the row and took their sit,And the movie started immediately.

But Ryder didn't stare at the movies playing, instead his gaze was focus on Presley.

Who kept smiling, laughing and as she did so! She was munching on her popcorn.

Her smile looks so beautiful and why is he just realizing that. " he thought.

Presley suddenly stare at him and frowned.

"You're not watching?. "She asked.

"I'm." He simply replied.

"Then don't stare at me and watch. "He said and like that they began watching the horror movie which Ryder hates the most.

While they were watching the movie, he would still glances at her.

"Hun.. The movie was interesting right.?. Presley asked as they came out from the cinema.

What was interesting in the movie! Nothing!! in fact ,it made him cry for the first time.

And how would he tell her that his attention were not focused on the movie they were watching, but on her.

"Very interesting. " Ryder lied and she scoffed.

"Let's get to this some other times. "Presley smiled and Ryder blinked.

Was he hearing correctly or was he beginning to develop a hearing problem.

What did you just say?. " Ryder asked.

"Let's get to this some other times, it was fun."Presley muttered.

"Sure." He smiled.

"Look there's someone in your back. "Ryder suddenly said and she turned to see who it was.

She was shock to felt his warm and soft lips on her cheek.

"Wait! What, you trick me?. " She yelled at him.

"This movie isn't complete without a kiss."Ryder smirked and she chuckled secretly.

"Come I'd give you a ride, back home. " Ryder said and held her hand, together they walked to his car.

And he drove out from the building.


"Haven't you still find anything about her.?."Deacon asked the private investigator.

"We're trying out best sir. " The investigator replied.

"You need to try harder, why am I paying you then? I mean check the whole city, every houses, and college for the girl with the birth mark on the neck, is that too hard to asked.? Deacon asked.

"You said you saw her in the mall.? The private investigator asked.

Meanwhile, Trista car halted in front of the mansion, she got down from her car and met Vanessa in the living room.

"Dear, what happened to your face..?. "Vanessa asked.

"And how is that your business?." Trista asked,tears could be seen on her face.

"What are you saying, you're hurt so it's my business to take care of you coz I'm your mother. "Vanessa said.

"Who gave you the right to be my mother? You can never ever in this lifetime be my mother coz I hate you!!. " Trista shouted and Vanessa froze.

"I gave birth to you!!. "Vanessa muttered and Trista scoffed.


"So!That gave me the absolute right to be called your mom. "Vanessa said.

"You're my mom to the public not to me and besides if I keep exchanging words to you I won't get to see my father,so get out from my way. " Trista mumbled and Vanessa stare at her with shock.

Trista started taking slow strides to her father room.

"Yes!I didn't get the chance to see her face but I'm damn sure about the birth mark, coz that mark is also on Vanessa neck. "Deacon muttered.

"Did you try checking the CCTV Camera.?The investigator asked.

"That didn't even cross my mind, but anyways get me the footage has soon as you can,and also if you perhaps find her, notify me about the family she's living with. " he said

"Ok sir."The investigator whispered and the call got disconnected.

At that moment Trista barged in.

"Dad!. "Trista walked to him and ran to hug him.

"Who did this to my princess?. " Deacon asked irritatingly.

He's tired of pretending to her that he truly cared about her.

"It's Rihanna, Dad. "Trista cried out.

"That same Rihanna?. " Deacon asked and she nod.

"I want you to kill her this time around! Don't spare her, just take her life. "Trista said.

"That's what I'll do, don't cry again, princess. " he muttered and brought her face closer before kissing her on the forehead.

Vanessa who have been eavesdropping, gasped in shock, she was breathing evily.

What was this weird feeling that suddenly developed inside her.

Is it the fact that she heard her husband and daughter talking of taking a person life, or is it the fact that she was the only one who can save Rihanna from Deacon and Trista evil plan.

She doesn't knew the answer to that!!!.

She needs to informed Rihanna about it! But she doesn't have her number or knows where she stay.




The Prof was busy explaining a topic to them, but Rihanna wasn't listening at her all.

Her gaze were on Braxton, their gaze suddenly met and Rihanna wave at him but he rolled his eyes and look at the Prof totally ignoring her presence.

Is he avoiding me??. "She thought.

"Rihanna, what's the matter?. " Melanie asked.

"Nothing!!. "She said.

"But it doesn't seems like it, and why are your gaze focused on Braxton?. " Melanie asked.

"I think he's ignoring me!! He's avoiding me. "Rihanna whispered and Melanie smirked.

"He'd surely come around. " Melanie muttered and looked at Braxton.

Today she'd surely confess her feelings to him.

This is the right time now that he's ignoring Rihanna. "She smiled to herself.



As soon as Melanie saw Braxton coming, she quickly hit her leg on something, Spraining her ankle in the process.

"Ouch." Melanie winced in pain and fell flat on the floor.

"Hey, what happened? !!. "Braxton rushed to her and asked.

"I think I sprain my ankle. " Melanie said and Braxton scoffed.

He made to walk but Melanie quickly held his hand.

"You can't leave me here alone. "Melanie whispered and he looked at her.

"I can't walk right now, but you can at least carry me, to that empty class over there, I think I want to be left alone. " Melanie added and he sigh, he then carry her in a bridal style, walking towards the empty class she pointed.

He dropped her on the chair, and dust off his body.

"I want to tell you something, actually have been keeping it for along time,but I don't think I'd be able to hold it anymore. "Melanie said,making Braxton to halt on his step, actually he has turned to leave when she spoke up.

He then turn to her.

"I.. Actually I'm in love with you, but trust me I don't know how? When? Where? This feelings grew but all I know his that I love you Braxton." Melanie confessed waiting patiently for his answer.

"I'm sorry, I don't love you. "Braxton replied.

"Why? Is it because of Rihanna? Please love me back.. I'.. " She stop when she saw Rihanna walking through the hallway.

Even though she sprained her ankle she managed to stood up, she brought Braxton face closer and claimed his lips immediately.

Immediately the scene happens Braxton pushed her off.

"What the heck are you doing?I told you that I can't reciprocate this feelings, my heart belongs to someone else,I'm sorry. "He told her,and turned to start walking when his eyes met with Rihanna wet eyes.

"Rihanna.. I... " he stuttered, but she ran out immediately.

And he quickly followed her from behind.

While Melanie just stood there picking on her nails in shock, trying to get what just happened.