


"What the heck are you doing?I told you that I can't reciprocate this feelings, my heart belongs to someone else,I'm sorry. "He told her,and turned to start walking when his eyes met with Rihanna wet eyes.

"Rihanna.. I... " he stuttered, but she ran out immediately.

And he quickly followed her from behind.

While Melanie just stood there picking on her nails in shock, trying to get what just happened.



Rihanna barged inside the mansion, and threw her bag on the couch,she then sat on the couch, crying heavily.

She was crying her eyes out.

"Oh Rihanna, you're back?."Layla asked as she descended down the stairs.

She walked to her and held her shoulder.

"Why're you crying?. "Layla asked and Rihanna pulled her into a hug.

"My heart is aching, the pains seems to be much. " Rihanna Whimpered in tears.

"I don't get it?. "Layla asked.

"He doesn't love me, I saw him kissing another girl! Mom, it seriously hurt. "Rihanna muttered,and sniffed.

Her mom clothes were now soak in tears.

"I don't get it, are you crying because of a guy,who doesn't deserve your tears?. "Layla asked.

"But it hurts, I thought he loves me but I was wrong,coz he can never ever love me! What was I expecting from a playboy like him."Rihanna cried out, and clutched her mom dress tightly.

"It's okay, dear. " Layla said stroking her hair.

"Everything is fine!. "She patted her hair gently, as Rihanna kept crying.

"Mom what is this feeling that suddenly started engrossing within me.. I don't just get why I'm hurt inside! I shouldn't be crying but has soon as I recalled the kissing scene my heart ache? Why?. " Rihanna asked and sniffed while Layla just smiled.



Ryder and Shane seems to be eating, but Braxton just kept playing with is food.

Line of tears could be seen in his eyes.

"Why this sad expression, since you came in you haven't said a word to any of us? And why're you crying?. "Ryder asked Braxton who doesn't seem to be paying any attention.

"Did someone die or something?. " Shane asked and Braxton looked at him.

"No one is dying but just that she's hurt, she ran out in tears."Braxton replied dryly.

"Who?. "Ryder questioned, his gaze were now on him.

"Rihanna! She saw when Melanie kissed me."Braxton said.

"Wait! And you kissed her back?."

"No I didn't, Melanie happened to confessed her feelings to me, but I didn't know what came over her! She kissed me, and immediately she did that I pushed her off, but I don't know why Rihanna ran out when she saw the scene! I mean,I should be the one who should get annoyed that Giovanni kissed her, coz she didn't pushed him off! But she's hurt coz she saw me kissing Melanie and it made me look like the bad one now. "Braxton sighed and ruffled his hair.

"Wait all this happened and you didn't even bother to tell us, your friends.? Ryder asked.

"Everything happened so fast, am sorry?. " Braxton apologized.

"You need to apologized to her. "Shane muttered

"And why should I?. " Braxton asked.

"Coz you made her cried, she's hurt because of you.? Shane said.

"You guys are making it seems like I'm the bad one, she made me cry also! She should be the one to apologized to me for making Giovanni kissed her. "Braxton scoffed.

"And is your mind happy? You came here in tears coz she's hurt,you made her cry Braxton.You just need to bring down this silly ego of yours and apologized to her, else Shane and I won't talk to you for days, and we mean it."Ryder mumbled to him.

"Are you two beings Serious now?. " Braxton asked.

"You made her cry, so you need to apologize to her. "Shane said.

"But I wasn't the one who kissed Melanie she kissed me herself. " Braxton said trying to make them understand.

"That's what you need to make her know,you need to explained this to her and make her understand. "Ryder muttered and Braxton looked at him.



Melanie ruffled her hair in anger,, she was angry because Braxton rejected her, he turn her down.

For the first time in her life she's heartbroken, crying coz of a guy.

He was her first love,the moment she set her eyes on him.

This wild feeling started grewing inside her, anytime she sees him her heart kept racing like a milestone,and the man she loves just rejected her coz of Rihanna.

"What does he even sees in her. " She angrily yelled, and grabbed a iron then she threw it on the mirror in front of her.

The mirror smashed into pieces.

She can't let her first love go just like that, she can't let him walk away with another lady.

If she can't have him then no one else will have him.

Not even Rihanna."She swore to herself and started crying again.

Hot tears were rolling down freely from her eyes.

The pains was just too much for her.

Was it her fault that her heart chose him, is it a crime for loving someone that won't even reciprocate her feelings.

She won't give up on her first love.




"Rihanna! Rihanna."Braxton called but she ignored him completely.

She was walking through the hallway with her friends.

"Braxton is calling out your name!!. "Presley told her and she rolled her eyes.

"So!!?. " She asked.

"Are you avoiding him..? Presley questioned.

"It seems so."Poppy replied and Rihanna looked at her two friends.

"Yes I'm avoiding him, I don't want to talk to him or to see his annoying face."Rihanna muttered just then Melanie face showed up in front of her.

"Rihanna.. I..

"Can you please tell her not to talk to me."Rihanna said.

"I'm sorry. "Melanie quickly said.

"Why're you apologizing? You have done nothing wrong, so you don't have to apologize to me. " Rihanna muttered and started walking, while Presley and Poppy followed her.

As soon as they left Melanie smirked and wiped off the small tears in her eyes.

"Do you think you deserve my apology?. "She asked and laughed loudly slowly the laughter turn to a evil one.

Meanwhile, Presley pulled Rihanna towards her.

"What's with your behavior, first it was Braxton and now Melanie?. " Presley asked.

"I just need to be left alone for now, once I come around I'll explain things to you guys, but not know,I'm sorry. "Rihanna said and start to walk to the rooftop.



Rihanna was quietly sitting on the bench looking at the stars in the sky.

She just like doing it often, mostly to forget all her pains.

"Rihanna.. "She heard his voice, those voice that do make her heart beat, his sweet melodious voice.

She turned back and made to leave but Braxton was quick to held her hand, he then pulled her towards him.

"Why're you avoiding me?. " he asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Am I? I didn't even notice it. "She said camly but it sounds that she's irritated by his presence.

"I know my presence might irritate you, but you have to listen to me. " Braxton muttered and she looked at him.

"And why should I?. "She asked with a frown.

"Coz I want to make things clear to you, listen! I didn't kiss Melanie in fact she kissed me herself, reason I don't know why. " Braxton said.

"And why are you telling me all this, I don't care who you kissed or hang out with, I do not care, besides it's non of my business."She snapped.

"Why're you acting like I'm the only one who shared a kiss with someone, you also kissed Giovanni. "He said and Rihanna looked at him.

"Yes we shared a kiss and why do you care, I can go with who ever I want to, kiss who ever I want to,choose who ever I want you, I don't see that has your business?."Rihanna said.

"It's my business coz I love you. " Braxton yelled, before he could realized what he has just spilled out.

"Wait what!!!...

"Yes, I'm madly in love with you Rihanna.....