
Chapter 6 Sad kingdom

Two weeks later

Hope, and violet looked at mark he had a started to eat he noticed them looked at him he looked at them and smiled "what's wrong big sis and mommy?" He said hope and violet looked at each other then back at mark "mark I think it's time you know this?" Hope said mark looked at them confused "know what?" Mark said violet gulped "Mark you aren't my.... son." Said violet mark looked at her confused and upset "what do you mean..." "do you mean I'm not a related to anyone and I'm not a prince here that why everyone's means to me before a bit?" Mark said violet shook her head "no you are a prince of regalia and Argus it's just you aren't.... my son." Said violet began to trembled mark looked even more upset and confused "stop lying!" Mark said.

hope looked down "it isn't a lie unfortunately." Said hope moved her hand down to her stomach no body but nobody had noticed except violet mark looked at them upset but not at all confused "t-then who's my mom?" Said mark began to trembled and cry hope looked up she tried to smiled at him but she couldn't "I'm your mom Mark." Hope said mark jumped a bit he shook his head he got out of his seat trembling he dropped to the floor "n-no your lying your lying your lying." Said Mark he continued to shake his head hope cried a bit but she hadn't shown it "I wish I was lying..... but I'm not." Said hope got out of her seat she walked around the table and started to walk towards Mark he had kept moving back and crying until he had hit a wall.

She finally was next to him she sat down and sat next to him mark looked over to her tears running down his face hope looked down at him trembling at his face remembering a word her dad said "just stop that stupid weak child looks so much like a little girl it disgust me and he acts weak princes should be strong." Ivan had said hope hated it but he knew somewhat he was correct mark had looked like a girl but hope ignored it every since he had said it but she couldn't ignore it anymore.

She had to face each and everyone one of her fears "then who's my dad?" Mark said hope froze she wasn't ready to answer that question "when your older I'll tell you j-just not now." Hope said mark shakes his head "does he miss me?" Said mark looked over at the table "N..... No your dad was very hate filled I don't think he misses you you see by the time I had you he wasn't quite ready to be a Dad so when you were born he left." Hope said mark looked over at her he sighed "oh..." mark looked at the artwork that was of his birth painting it was him and hope, Hope hadn't looked very happy.

She had looked quite upset in the painting "Did you ever... truly want me?" Said Mark he looked down sighing hope looked at him still "to be honest no when you were born I hated you I blame you for everything not being able to leave this place and go to the village and not being able to hang out with my friend even now... I hate you just a tiny bit." Hope said mark looked up at her shocked she had a face of cruelty and sorrow he had no clue he took away her life his tear fell "I'm sorry..... I-I don't need your help now you can go to your friends." Mark said hope looked down at him she smiled half heartily "oh boy stop lying your just a child you'll always need my help and don't worry.... you've already ruined my life and it wasn't because I had to take care of you more it was because of other reasons." Hope said.

Violet and mark felt guilty violet looked at hope, Hope laughed "I was being sarcastic I could already tell that my friendships wouldn't last your birth just opened my eyes more you never ruined my life you made it better you made it worth living." Said hope continued to laughed Mark smiled at her a bit hope pointed at the pointing he was looking at "that pointing was because they told us to look sad I wasn't sad at all I was just in pain from giving birth to such a big baby!" Said hope laughed Mark felt a bit embarrassed "but don't worry at the end it was worth it I'm happy and I hope your happy." Hope said mark smiled he hugged Hope hugged back mark left the embrace as he still felt guilty.

Mark got up he walked away hope sighed she looked over to her mom "well that went well mom." Hope said violet nodded "yeah but likely he'll still need a few days to settle." Violet said hope sighed she nodded hope got up and walked back to her room the room was a large and dark she sighed and walked over to her bed she Laid down she looked at the ceiling she sighed.