

AUTHOR: ROXYIE, Caution,the game about to be selected is deadly. TaKe CaRe. (The happenings and areas in the novel are fake and all made up! ) Do you ever think of acquiring too much? What's the cause? What's the results? Do you ever get caught up in a dilemma? How do you go about it? What's the solution? Choosing between twin like objects, which one will you pick? The assignment? The mission? Jealousy and envy. Convey one's character. When one's character is doomed,so is the person. An exposé on a perfect family that everyone in the city is talking about. An illigetimate child. Abandoned. The goal. The goal is to uncover something unseemly about their background and ruin their reputation. Feeling bad about it? Already? But if this is the price for success in your business. Decided? Deciding that you are willing to pay it. Besides, the public deserves the truth, right? Okay.

Roxyie · Thành thị
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51 Chs


Her best friend was right, she had spent too much time trying to act like Isla Amelia that she had forgotten to act like her normal self who usually spent her days outdoors.

Her life mainly revolved around her mission that she was currently accomplishing.

She was left with nothing else but her money since her family was far away.

At the sixth drink, Rylee Athena could feel the effect of the gin in the drinks, her legs felt lighter and her head started spinning like a merry go round in an amusement park.

She could still remember what had been happening to her and felt that her mission to drink and forget all her worries was not yet accomplished so she simply ordered another drink.

The bartender looked at Rylee Athena in a suspicious manner yet he unwillingly placed another glass on the encounter as he traveled his gaze on her.

"Are you sure?" He inquired.

"Jeez, can you just give me another glass ful of martini." Rylee Athena said seeming already annoyed.

She could hear him scoff and she unconsciously sighed.

He poured the gin and added some ice on it, then he shook the bottle and finally, Rylee Athena's drink was ready.

Rylee Athena stretched out her hand, took the glass and took a sip of the drink and her sight got blurry, she did not like the taste of alcohol much, it made her nauseous quickly but according to the reviews online, it was the best way to relieve stress other than sitting on her bed and listening to sad songs while she ate junk food.

She felt a desperate need to pee, a sign that the alcohol had hit too hard.

As soon as she stood up from her chair, she lost her balance , her head was spinning and she could barely take a step before her feet slided away.

And out of the blues, two big and warm hands held her by her waist and prevented her from falling.

Rylee Athena tilted her head up to look at her saviour only to see that it was the annoying young man.

"Sleeping beauty is drunk."

Rylee Athena did not know why but all of a sudden his joke of calling her sleeping beauty as she laughed out loud as a result.

"I want to pee." Rylee Athena said to the young man.

"You should take off your heels then," the young man pointed at Rylee Athena's white d'orsay high pumps reminding her of one of the suffering she had to endure day and night.

Rylee Athena lifted her legs as the young man held her , she removed her left pumps first and then the left one second.

She kicked them away and she screamed as she stared at her d'orsay high pumps sliding away.

"F*ck you!" Rylee Athena screamed.

The young man giggled, "you are just so wasted."

He commented on Rylee Athena's current condition that it made Rylee Athena think of her life as a joke.

One minute she was laughing out loud like a crazy woman and the next she was wrapping her arms around him.

"Who do you work for?" The young man inquired as Rylee Athena felt the reflux of acid growing through her throat.

Rylee Athena's head was aching like hell.

Before anything bad could happen, Rylee Athena hurriedly ran to the washrooms.

The young man followed her, he held her hair up as she did her business.

She then flushed the toilet, rinsed her mouth and hands.

Rylee Athena felt a lot better after the young man handed her a glass ful of honey water.

Her head was still aching but at minimal.

"I am sorry for troubling you." Rylee Athena said as she stared at her reflection on the mirror, she really looked awful, almost like a patient in an hospital.

He had her white d'orsay high pumps in his hands.

He handed them to her and she wore them.

"Thanks for your help, I will head home now." Rylee Athena said.

"Home?" The young man asked as he arched one of his eyebrows.

The dark haired man then shook his head, "You are drunk, I will drive you home yourself."

Her head hurt too much for her to complain and reject the idea.

"Oh shit!" She whispered and rolled her eyes.

She then pinched the skin on her forehead.

"I can't go home, it's already late and I am not with one of his friends." Rylee Athena said as she thought of heading to her best friend's house but she would have probably scolded her for being drunk.

Rylee Athena heard the young man giggle, she probably was a joke to him.

"I will book a room in a hotel. Please drive me to any nearby hotel." She said as she took few steps towards the door.

He nodded and although she did not know him, She felt secured compared to when she was with Ali Maddox.

She sat on the back of her car.

The car was probably the most cost-effective vehicle in the market.

It was a very luxurious car brand by it's looks.

No fool could not understand why.

Not many people could have thought of owning or even owned such an expensive car.

"Who are you?" Rylee Athena got back to her senses and thought that she had seemed so impolite especially because she had not asked him his name after he had helped her.

Her gaze travelled on the interior and the comfortable black leather seats.

He stretched out his hand and Rylee Athena saw his expensive gold watch, from the reference in the shopping mall, the watch was the most expensive watch.

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself when we had met earlier." He flashed a white shining smile.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Darien Boone."

"Why does the name sound so unfamiliar to me?" Rylee Athena asked herself.

Normally people would have at least heard the names of their saviors somewhere but her case was different.

He turned and leaned his head on the window and glanced at Rylee Athena's necklace from the mirror.

"The necklace is quite beautiful on you."

"Thank you, my friend gifted it to me today." Rylee Athena replied seeming proud.

The car stopped and when Rylee Athena turned around to look through the window, she was a huge villa surrounded by a huge garden and a huge pool.

It had a fountain in the middle of the front garden, she could see it through the gate.

The automatic gate slid open and Darien Boone drove the car in.

There were rows of rolls-Royce Phantom, other glamorous and expensive vehicles were parked in the garage.

The young man got off and opened the door for her but she shook her head, "I can book a hotel instead." She said figuring that the villa was his.

"I have a guest bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. You won't even see my shadow around the house." He replied, he was holding the door open as he stretched out his hand to her.

Darien Boone walked into the house and opened the door to the villa.

Rylee Athena was speechless at the view of the house, it looked even huger than it seemed from the outside.

It was decorated in modern style with a huge collection of a digital LED television, a wine rack and so many things that he probably had not even been touched.

As he walked forward, Rylee Athena noticed that his clothes were all from expensive brands.

He opened the closet and slide out some dresses.

"You can have an old shirt of mine for the night."

Rylee Athena sat at the edge of the big, comfortable bed and sighed.

He sat near her.

"Thank you." She said hoping that he would have left her alone but he did not stand up.

"The bathroom is on the upper floor so in case you feel like throwing up, go there."

He carefully explained to Rylee Athena who nodded in response.

He finally stood up and turned around right when he was going to walk over the door.

"May I know your name?"

"My name is Rylee Athena."

"Why are you still wearing your shades?" He inquired.

"Nothing." Rylee Athena finally took them off and placed them on the bedside table.

After that, he stood up and left.


The sun can be seen rising behind the hills. The valley beneath was covered in fog and mist which slowly subsided once the Sun appeared on the horizon.

The unique thing about this sunrise is the sun-rays which can be distinctly seen.

At first there it had appeared to be a tiny ball at the horizon.

It slowly came out of the shadow of clouds, increasing in size.

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