

AUTHOR: ROXYIE, Caution,the game about to be selected is deadly. TaKe CaRe. (The happenings and areas in the novel are fake and all made up! ) Do you ever think of acquiring too much? What's the cause? What's the results? Do you ever get caught up in a dilemma? How do you go about it? What's the solution? Choosing between twin like objects, which one will you pick? The assignment? The mission? Jealousy and envy. Convey one's character. When one's character is doomed,so is the person. An exposé on a perfect family that everyone in the city is talking about. An illigetimate child. Abandoned. The goal. The goal is to uncover something unseemly about their background and ruin their reputation. Feeling bad about it? Already? But if this is the price for success in your business. Decided? Deciding that you are willing to pay it. Besides, the public deserves the truth, right? Okay.

Roxyie · Urban
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51 Chs


Few cooks walked out of the kitchen and asked Rylee Athena what she wanted to drink and she asked them for a hot latte.

She took a few bites from the scrambled eggs and drank the orange juice while she waited for her latte.

"Did you sleep well?" Darien Boone asked Rylee Athena who nodded her head in response then she placed her hand on her forehead.

"I feel so relaxed right now?" She said as she stared at her reflection on the table.

"Will you go to work today?" He inquired as Rylee Athena offered a smile to the maid servant who handed her the drink.

"I have to although I do not feel like it." Rylee Athena answered in a sad manner.

"Oh..." He said and took a sip of his americano before he placed the cup on the table.

Rylee Athena put her clothes which had been dry cleaned back on and left with her car to Ali Maddox's mansion.

She took a deep breath and started the car, she turned the radio on loud enough to silent her thoughts.

She drove until she reached the front of the gate, she opened it from her remote control and as slowly as she could, got it opened.

She parked the car in the garage when she noticed that Ali Maddox's car was still parked meaning that he had not yet left for work.

At each step she took foward the entrance, her chest tightened a bit more as she knew very well that what awaited her inside was not a simple 'good morning'.

Ali Maddox looked back at her.

"Where were you?" He asked as he took a sip out of his Americano and placed the cup on the table.

Although he was not looking at her, Rylee Athena could almost imagine his facial expression.

"I went to Natalia Quinn's house and slept there." She answered as she stared at her legs, they were sore from wearing the high heels.

"I want to stay alone for a while." Rylee Athena murmured.

"I guess you have to talk. The clients are ready to sign the contract." Ali Maddox said making Rylee Athena feel already worn out when she had not even met the clients.

"I'll come back later after I have restred." She glowered at him, exhausted.

"I want to stay alone for a while." Rylee Athena empathized every single word to be heard clearly.

Ali Maddox opened his mouth, probably to talk back but then he closed it and took another sip of his Americano.

"Fine." He finally said.

"But you have only two hours and after that I will be waiting for you."

Rylee Athena nodded, guessed he had figured it out from her voice that she was tired and needed a break.

"What happened to your legs?" He asked as he stared at her legs.

Rylee Athena held one of her legs up and said afterwards, "'it's due to wearing high heels."

"You can wear freely from today onwards, but keep to the Isla Amelia's style of wearing." He said.

She headed to the second floor.

Ali Maddox watched her walk away and when she finally disappeared from his sight and he heard the door being slammed.

He headed to his laptop and as soon as she started, he typed in the name 'The Graham family's daughters' on Google to see if there were any updates on her his possible doubts.

As soon as he typed her name right and before he could press the enter button and search for the news, his phone started to ring.

He stopped and placed the laptop on the table and checked his phone and then he pressed his forefinger on the green button and glided his finger across the screen.

Ali Maddox cupped the phone on his left ear and spoke.

"Hello? Assistant Theo Kenji?"

"Hello, Vice president Ali Maddox. We have found out that Isla Amelia's father is actually initiating a plan to cooperate with you in the upcoming project and is coming over to sign the contract next Friday." His Assistant informed him.

"Okay, I'll send someone to figure out about his secret plans. Good job!" Ali Maddox said and complemented his Assistant.

"Cancel all plans that I and Rylee Athena have today, I want to take a day off."

He then hung up and deleted the characters he had typed, closed his laptop and went to his bedroom to take a nap.

He himself was tired and that was why he had understood that Rylee Athena was tired.

Dappled sun shone through the trees, creating mysterious shadows.

The blue sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle breeze.

The blazing midday sun shone relentlessly on the hikers.

The roads shimmered in the heat of the midday sun. The sunlit skyscrapers pierced the hot, blue sky.

The afternoon sun bathed the buildings in its warm light.

Tiny specks of dust seemed to dance in the shaft of afternoon sunlight that slanted through the window.

Rylee Athena soon woke up from her nap and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

She walked to the fridge while in the kitchen.

She gazed around in look for the knife and when she finally saw it, she took it and started cutting the zucchini into smaller cubes.

She proceeded to cut some peppers, carrots then she added all the vegetables into a big pan.

She put some water to boil and then turned around, and looked around the kitchen, as she heard the noise of the oil freezing the vegetables and bubbles of water starting to form, she smiled.

She had missed cooking.

She wrapped the vegetables and sprinkled some salt on them and some other spices.

She then stepped closer to the pan and threw the rice in the boiling water.

She drained the rice and then poured coconut milk on the vegetables, she afterwards added the curry in it, and it started to melt slowly.

The cream assumed a yellow colour and a delicious smell came from it.

After preparing the two dishes, she dressed the dining table and went upstairs to Ali Maddox's room to call him.

She knocked briefly on the door, and afterwards pushed the door ajar and walked in then shut the door the moment she was in.

Ali Maddox was asleep on his bed, she drew the curtains aside and sun light filled the room.

She then walked over to his bed, he had very distinct figures.

He had whisked, equinox black hair that danced in the slight breeze.

It was a casual jumble sometimes but mostly neat and flowing.

His crescent-of-moon eyebrows were thin and narrow.

He carried an imperious nose well and his angular cheekbones carved down towards a flinty jaw.

He had a gym honed physique and muscles wrought from iron.

He had Atlas shoulders above a six-pack.

Rylee Athena got to know why Isla Amelia had fallen in love with him of all the handsome men who surrounded her.

She drew back the loose strands of hair that was on his face and sat on the bed.

Rylee Athena patted him for a while and he soon opened his eyes.

His mariner-blue eyes were orb round and darted constantly after he opened his eyes, a-gleam with delight and the vigour of youth.

They were soft, Irish eyes and swam with joy. They shone brightly, like two sapphires dipped in milky pools.

"Come downstairs and have lunch, I have already cooked it. Come and eat it while it's still hot." She told him in a gentle manner.

Ali Maddox stretched himself before sitting down on the bed, he had been pretty worn out.

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