
Latest stats: Up to Partial Honkai Form


Strength: Class G (10^6-10^9 metric tons)

-The weight of the whole human population, the heaviest of man made structures.

Speed: Massively Hypersonic (35-350 km/s)

-Capable of moving at speeds faster than some high speed cameras can track, includes move, reaction, and combat speed.

Intelligence: Genius

-Has immense knowledge at different branches of science. Capable of executing complex strategies under pressure and calculating future events with enough data.

Durability: Superhuman

-Capable of taking hits that will destroy continents sparingly.

Stamina: Superhuman

-Capable of persevering through endless intense movement and combat. Doesn't need to sleep and eat.

Honkai energy resistance+

-Tolerance type skill that can resist the effects of Honkai energy, (nigh immune) to i.e. corruption, mutation, etc.