
Honkai Impact: Invictus.

A man who lived without direction in his life. No dreams, no aspirations. Day after day, just living aimlessly bored to death in his mind. What if I could just live like one of those busybody protags. Troublesome, but, at least I would truly live. Hi guys, I just really love the characters of HI3 and I think mihoyo did them dirty lmao. I'll try to make a sort of happy ending, because, this is depression impact.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Diễn sinh trò chơi
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
272 Chs

Chapter 136: Counter Offensive

At the convoy. Shub and Salome were surrounded by honkai beasts. "Damn it, where's support!? We're getting swarmed over here and Salome isn't in a fighting condition." Shub was getting angry as she fought off the horde by herself with minimal fire support.

Suddenly, a chariot got sliced in half and the vice-commander of the valkyrie order arrived. "Good work Niggurath, your job is done. The overseer has ordered all B-ranks and above to sortie. A war council will be held in the afternoon tomorrow for our battle against the 2nd herrscher." Cheng Lixue arrived and Shub thought she was a life saver.

A rhythmic gunfire resounded and they looked at the side. Surprising them greatly with who was there. "Yo! Don't forget about me. I'm still alive you know?" Patricia mowed down the honkai beasts with her gatling guns and greeted her friends.

"Pat... Pat! You're still alive!" Shub ran to her and hugged her tight. "Heh, sure am. Hey guys, let the survivors go back to HQ. I'll introduce someone to you. I think you'll be surprised." Patricia gestured them to follow her once the evac team arrives.

Once they've taken care of the honkai beasts, they followed Patricia to a tent in the middle of nowhere. Making Cheng frown. "Is this a prank Pat. If it is, then it is not funny at all. We have to be swift, we are going to have a war council for the 2nd eruption." Cheng squinted her eyes at Patricia and she smiled widely.

"Hehe~ I wish it was, but it's much better. Come on." Pat entered the tent and the three looked at each other, they thought a little break won't hurt. Especially because Salome was still weak.

"Sup Pat. You've really brought your friends here huh? Well, it's fine really. Hello everyone, Einheri at your service." Ein greeted the new comers and Shub dropped her lance immediately and her jaw almost went unhinged.

"Kyah! It's Ein-sama! Can I please have your autograph!? I'm a huge fan!" Shub went uncomfortably close and showed her back and lance so he could sign them.

Ein naturally signed and patted her head. "You're quite energetic aren't cha? Well, being cheerful is good especially at these kinds of times."

Shub touched her hair and looked like she would cry. "I'm never going to wash my head ever again."

The others looked at her funny and Cheng noticed her master. "Master Phoenix..." She immediately ran to Hua and hugged her tight as she hasn't seen her for months.

"Cheng, it seems you're in good health. I hope you've mastered the edge of Taixuan." Hua caressed her hair and the other members of Snowwolf were shocked that the stoic and strict as hell Cheng was acting like a kid.

"Yes, I've finally completed my blade mantra. It is all thanks to you." Cheng hid her complete powers and could be the 2nd paladin already. She received information from her master that trusting Schicksal was foolish.

"Aww, little Cheng has grown up so much~ it has been a long time. Time flows by so fast, blink and you'll miss it." Elysia commented and Snowwolf were enamored by the seductive woman.

"Maestro Vill-v? Ummm, can you please sign my weapon. This is a design of yours, I'll greatly appreciate it if you do." Salome fidgeted and floated her weapons to Vill-v.

"Ahhh, that? I just thought it would be quite fun seeing people have orbiting weapons around them. But every valkyrie failed to use it, I guess you're capable if you survived this long using it." Vill-v signed and Salome didn't know if she was praised or not.

"That's high praise coming from her. So take it in a good way." SAKURA commented from nowhere and they were surprised, thinking of where she came from. As her being an operative of COCOON, she could hide in plain sight.

"Well, how about you guys go back to HQ now. We will be returning this guy to Anti-Entropy." Ein put his hand on the floor and Joachim appeared, completely fine and dandy. Just sleeping comfortably.

"The sovereign of anti-entropy!? Shouldn't we turn him in? He's the boss of the enemy you know?" Shub raised a point and Ein shook his head.

"He's a swell guy you know? How about I tell you just what Schicksal's purpose is?" He smirked and told them what their organization's ultimate goal was. And they all frowned heavily upon learning it.

"So that's why your squad only handles honkai beast missions. I never thought the overseer was a jackass." Shub commented and the others nodded.

"I guess the war council tomorrow would be a distraction? And our mightiest valkyrie is also now rogue. She also took Cecilia with her and technically, I am now the commander of the order." Cheng concluded and everybody nodded once again.

"Yeah, so how about you ditch Schicksal? Theresa would be building a school at the far east and Schicksal would have limited power on it. We will also support it, come to this side. We have food and drinks you know?" Kallen enticed them and they looked at her funny.

"Ahh, you haven't tried it yet have you? Such a shame that you have missed it for your entire lives. Let me help you with that." Kallen took 4 cookies from her supply and shoved it in their mouths.

The Snowwolf squad immediately moaned in delight and felt like they were being drugged. Hallucinating about cookies floating around them as their pupils dilated like they were coked.

They looked at each other and nodded immediately. "Where do we sign up?" Cheng was the representative and thought being with her master that was her only family left was optimal. Not that she really liked the cookie.

"Wait, we need your other friend too." Fuxi disappeared and had a light blue haired girl on her shoulders when she reappeared. (Pic)

"Kira? So you were deployed as well?" Salome looked at the girl that was also an A-ranker. She got recruited into Schicksal as a mistake as she thought it was an idol recruitment. But she idolized Cecilia and Adelheid so she stayed.

"Hehe~ heya girls! It's been a long time. Not until that heathen Siegfried impregnated Cecilia. He's the enemy of whole humankind!" Shigure Kira was the one who spread rumors about Siegfried in Schicksal. Dragging his reputation to the mud that he targets the young valkyries like a predator in pure spite.

Ein sighed and tapped her forehead. Giving her information on what would happen. "Well, there it is. I want you girls to just follow orders of Schicksal for now. Sirin is by herself and her honkai beast is with us safe and sound. So you will be mostly dealing with the honkai beasts, while Adelheid will be battling Sirin." Ein pointed at the quiet Bella in the corner and squad snowwolf got a little antsy with an enemy there that could kill them easily except Cheng.

"Meet our pet, she's a cute little thing isn't she? Who's a good girl? Bella is!" Ein scratched her chin and surprisingly, Bella purred. But she quickly shook her head and blushed heavily from her shameful display.

"He's legendary alright. I can feel the honkai energy coming from that girl. And I think she'll beat any A-ranker that comes her way." Patricia commented and Salome hid, remembering her life flashing before her eyes.

"Okay, from now on. I'll call you guys the spice girls. Pretty good name for an idol group no? And you all are quite spicy, able to break a man in two with your bare hands. And look at those legs, I'm confident they can pop a head easily, though mine is sturdier." Ein nodded sagely and wiggled his brows. The group gave a cramped smile at their new squad name and his surprisingly perverted comments, unbefitting his legendary status in Schicksal.

"Ehhh, are you a pervert Ein-sama!? It seems you're just like Siegfried. A menace to all the young valkyries! I will protect my friends from your evil hands!" Shigure pointed her finger at him and his girls chuckled.

"You know what? How about I give you this and let you meet with the number 1 idol in the world?" Ein gave her a golden vinyl record and it was Eden's limited edition music, complete with a signed picture of her along with a message from the golden diva.

"This... This is Eden-sama's limited edition track record!!! Only 100 copies were sold and it is millions of dollars in the market right now... But nobody in their right mind would sell it, I've tried buying it for years!" She then looked around and saw Eden smiling at her with a glass of wine in hand.

Shigure almost fainted, but she managed to shake hands with Ein. "They're all yours. Please take care of my friends." She then kneeled right in front of Eden and shaked her hands carefully like it's the most important thing in the world.

"She sold us off instantly. Such terrifying negotiation skills." Cheng smiled wryly and they laughed at Shigure's antics.

"Okay. Go back for now, Fuxi here would deal with Sirin if things go south. So have no fear, Odin and friends are here." He did a jojo pose and everybody went back to HQ.


Lieserl and Siegfried were decrypting info about Selene by connecting Siegfried into the Soulium database while she operated the device for it.

"Okay, Mr. Siegfried, I'll be analyzing the database using you as the buffer. As obviously, you cannot be the one operating the device." Lieserl activated the machine once Siegfried put on the helmet that would let him access the database.

Siegfried saw a simple story. The story of the final battle in the moon. Humanity's strongest warriors, the flame chasers went to the moon to fight the last battle.

Selene, the satellite that Dr. MEI made with Vill-v turned the honkai energy of the herrscher into useless heat. But it was not enough.

They then activated it at 300% power, overriding the safety limits of their final weapon. And the Selene took away a part of her and sealed it in the moonlight throne. And after that, things became hectic and the database was corrupted.

But he saw a white haired man, wielding the judgement of Shamash. The most destructive divine key ever made. And at the history of the Kaslanas, 23 sires have perished upon using the blade.

Siegfried saw Kevin Kaslana using the 0th power and was awed at the firestorm it unleashed. Capable of burning entire cities to ashes with a single swing. *A memento made from her form. The sword of retribution that would burn the honkai to ashes.*

Before he could see more, Einstein cut off the connection and he was back to the real world. "That's enough Mr. Siegfried. We have gathered enough intel for us to make Selene. Good work." Lieserl was gestured for him to take off the helmet, but Siegfried felt like something is calling on him.

"Dr. Einstein, can you take me back to the frame where I saw the white haired man? I believe there's something there that I missed." Siegfried felt a connection with Kevin and Lieserl nodded.

He tried reaching out to Kevin and suddenly, his arm was grasped tightly by the man. "You've finally found me, my progeny. You are here for one reason and one reason only. Our war against the honkai has started anew and they are winning."

Siegfried was confused and could only stare dumbly at him. "I am here to tell you our genetic lineage. The true power of the Kaslana warriors." The memory of Kevin stabbed him in the chest and grasped inside him.

"Those powers will make you more than human. Even the herrschers would be no match against you. Do not forget our oath young progeny."

*Every Kaslana bold, must live by their oath. Purge the honkai and smash the false gods. Your sires sleep in the fields as humanity's brave shields. By the judgement of Shamash, Kaslanas die and never yield.*

"His EEG readings are becoming extremely unstable, I must disconnect him before it gets worse." Lieserl was about to take off the device off him, but Siegfried shattered it and his eyes turned inhuman. He then roared as he panted on the ground, on his knees.


Shub trained in HQ as she thought she couldn't disappoint Ein-sama. "I could use all the training I can get. This would be a battle for humanity." She clenched her fist and awaited the orders for the counter-offensive.

At the floating island HQ of Schicksal Tilie appeared in front of a stage and would give a speech for the offensive.

"Schicksal Valkyries! I regret to inform you that the demon has once again declared war on humanity. It took millions of lives and destroyed our cities." She acted and it was befitting for a centuries old human.

"We've spent centuries fighting this enemy, but it has come back to plague us! With the false belief that it would make the human race kneel in fear."

"It has made a great error! Schicksal does not kneel! Since the founding of our order 500 years ago, we have upheld our belief of protecting our homes from this foul demon!"

"You are the greatest warriors of humanity. Fashioned by the strongest weapons made by our race! We will fight in the skies, in the seas, in every inch of land we find them in."

"We will fight them to the very end! And I Ottilie Apocalypse shall lead us to victory! Together, we will retake the cities to the east of Europe. And commander Cheng Lixue will use her water's edge to protect every inch of human land in the southern seas!" She declared and the valkyries cheered.

"Very inspiring Ottilie Apocalypse. But you do not want to save the human race, you've disappointed us." Hua watched her little speech and waited for Cheng to come to the prince of haste.

The valkyrie order will now launch their offensive against the 2nd herrscher.


Thanks for reading everyone, after this. The final battle in Siberia would proceed and I will fit it into one chapter. Anyways, ciao.