
Homunculus Rebirth

Ernest Quelt, the alchemist known for his unparalleled knowledge within the world of alchemy has perished Yet he never met his end by protecting his comrades nor there were struggles with their most recent expedition, it was none other than his comrades The very people he trusted the most would soon betray him for no other reason than his growth Unfortunately, life wasn't unfair. With his last breaths, he gaze at the tube filled with his life's work The artificial being labeled as the 'Homunculus' his creation comparable to that of a human being But what lies beyond this perfect vessel harbors the power of the catastrophic beast that once wreaked havoc on his world

Sleeping_Giant · Kỳ huyễn
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67 Chs

It was all a part of my plan

10 years ago

[Eins Frickson LVL ???

Race: Human

Age: 23

Titles: Underworld leader, Black market salesman, Relentless crow of the night

Background: ???

Specialty: Merchant]

"I don't know what's gotten into your noggin, seriously Ernest you want to make an experiment? And just to repeat what you just said so I didn't misunderstand, you wanted it to be confidential from the government? Sigh... Don't tell me you invited me to a fast-food restaurant just to talk about this," Eins who's hiding from the world after his recent crimes and wanted for merely a dozen or so misdeeds

This man was arrested a dozen times yet he kept on disappearing the next day he arrived in his cellar. Such a wanted person was summoned by a man whose a year younger than this dangerous man. A person who's casually eating whilst he's getting scolded for his selfish request of asking this person for a meal

[Ernest Quelt LVL ???

Race: Human

Age: 22

Titles: Young prodigy, Alchemical genius, Master of refining, Leading contributor to the guardians

Background: A tragic yet talented guardian who lost his family 17 years ago

Specialty: Alchemy]

"I didn't call you here to invite you on a date since you've requested the lifelike fake skin I wanted to ask you for that favor. You know what I mean by that right? It's time for you to do your part, I have my reasons why I wanted to keep the homunculus project a secret. If you do this favor and give me a place inside the crime world to conduct these experiments. Then maybe I might create another identity for you to hide, oh god! Have you tried this? The sauce is pretty good," As much as Ernest wanted to be a person that helps everyone, he can't ever turn a blind eye

For him being a pillar that'll protect his people was something out of a child's dream, it was both innocent and filled with ignorance. But for someone like him, that wanted that dream to come to a reality, he embraced the darkness within the light. If it was an act that'll result in success, he wouldn't mind being acquainted with a criminal

'Homunculus I've heard about the myths and stories about that word before this world became a fantasy. It was a myth that alchemists or scientists from the past try to combine different body parts into a human vessel. Whilst the body has a soul, it wouldn't leave the body as long as it's fully intact, most likely what we call a comatosed state,'

'If the bodies are severely injured, they'll be placed in a tube filled with a preservation fluid that'll prevent them from dying. After that's all done, they'll do immoral acts which will result in a human variant that's more like a monster. But we're talking about the alchemical prodigy, this man has created a ton of miracles one being the creation of regenerative potions. That's only possible with a high-grade artifact or relic that'll be obtained from a monster. And he made a potion with lower-level grade herbs, I need to choose the best way to execute our deal,'

Eins handed over a key from his pocket, from its shape and decoration it was a high-level key for one of his secret vaults. Which was said to store most of the treasures he amassed over the years he had stolen from the world government. That very key was given to Ernest a person who's spoken of as a god-sent genius amongst others

"That vault key will guide you to a certain place inside the underworld or which everyone calls the crime world. This vault contains every single alchemical material and monster drops for your experiment. In exchange, you'll become my ally, im not asking you to be a villain or something, just promise me that you'll save my life when the time comes," After he gave him the key, Eins disappears without a single sound

After he finishes his dinner, he came to the underworld in search of the vault that'll become his hidden laboratory. A place where he could conduct his research without the prying eyes of the guardians in his sight. But most of his projects would either die, be contaminated, or turn into a monster. By far the worst chance was his project would sometimes explode. This trial and error, made him learn as he progresses with his project, and soon he made a breakthrough

'One test subject died due to lack of nutrients, and the other deteriorated since it wasn't protected. Seeing this for myself, I realize the need for a protective shell, and I need that place to be warm to drive away any bacteria. Most importantly the grade of the monster body parts needs to be well matched with their strength,'

'Apart from that, it needs to have no growth limitations... Come to think of it most of the highest quality I made are made from triple s monster drops. But that's not enough, unless... No... It's impossible if I were to use these catastrophe-grade monster drops I've collected then maybe. These items were said to not possess any kind of growth limitations, but it'll cost me a lot... No! An alchemist must take a few or more risks, if I gave up on this chance then it'll never work,'

With his brand-new idea, he searches for his inventory of the catastrophe-grade artifacts he acquired over the years. From one of the most feared monsters that ever came to the world. Instead of turning them into a weapon, he used them as his final materials for the last homunculus project before he returns to the outside world

[System: Processing has been completed]

For once he didn't see any kind of irregularities in the test tube, it wasn't being invaded by the element or any bacteria. It was warm and surging with a tremendous amount of energy and even if it was for a second, he was able to hear a beat. A sound that came from his experiments and it grows louder by the day which only proves that it was a success

[System: Audio recording is now available]

"It's been a day since my homunculus project made its first success I called this test subject a "Second chance". It shows an incredible ability out of the ordinary, once a part of its body has been separated. It will show signs of sentience and quick growth accompanied by mutation, signs of intense hunger," Ernest looks at the vial when his experiment began to consume his given nutrients

"It will begin eating anything that's within its surroundings, one of the possibilities is that in the near future. This will become a self-sustaining life form that's able to separate its body and use it as its hunting dog. But that's merely speculation, as far as I can tell this creation of mine will become a force to be reckoned with," Ernest smiles as he left the vault upon having a successful result


[Unique ability: The fangs of the hydra have appeared in the most required time. The guardian's teeth have been changed to the fangs belonging to the hydra, making you produce your very own poison. Apart from your bodily fluids originating from your mouth. The guardian can convert his blood to a potent and intoxicating poison that belongs to the hydra]

As soon as his left arm was severed from his body, Neon quickly focuses his mind and manifested a bone to extend. Shooting out of his injuries and piercing through the abnormals body, enough for the poison to infest its body

"Graahhh!!!" The abnormal screamed whilst it asked for the aid of its minions that were being mutilated by an unknown beast. The monster had the same scales as the one standing in its way, along with its figure resembling a hand. With a bunch of mouths infested by a dozen or so devouring leeches that pounce on the abnormals minions

[System: A unique ability from the guardian's race called the [Homunculus] has been triggered

Lesser homunculus: Any part of the main boy will enlarge its proportion and become an insatiable variant. It will begin eating everything in its way making it stronger than ever. But as soon, as it detects the main body being threatened, it will respond and protect it by any means necessary]

[System: The Devouring leaches hunger has been satisfied, The Devouring leaches hunger has been satisfied, The Devouring leaches hunger has been satisfied...

Outcome: The guardian has gained 21 on attack, 18 on health, 15 on defense, 12 on speed, and finally 25 on mana]

[System: The monsters killed by the lesser homunculus are seen as an indirect kill made by the guardian

Outcome: You killed a monster, and the collected experience will now be given, placing every obtained experience point

Processing: Congratulations you leveled up from 29 - 30 you finally unlocked a new function called class. You can now pick a class that you desire, every injury has been repaired. The guardian's arm is regenerated, and you're the very first player to achieve level 30 that only took about 3 whole weeks]

[System: Your achievements are beyond the expectations of the system, you'll be rewarded with a new title. You'll be given a new skill along with an increase of 10 in every stat you currently unlocked]

"Thanks for making it easier for me," At his back stands a monster that was born from his dismembered arm that's consuming the minions of the abnormal. Without any outside interference the vines he previously summoned entrapped the two in a restricted space. Not one of its minions manages to enter for the lesser homunculus we're hunting them as they live and breathe

"There's no way!!! You... You planned all of this didn't you!!!?" Neon grinned after he sees his opponent being overwhelmed by his strategy. If he were to play in the hands of his enemy he would undoubtedly have perished not so long ago. Because of that, he plotted for the moment it would try to attack him as a means to end his life

"Do you think im dimwitted enough to fight you without any sort of preparations...? I admit your power may as be impressive, but I didn't survive in this world for 27 years with this kind of skill. Power only increases one's survivability, it doesn't matter how strong a being is. The question you're supposed to ask is whether they're cunning and tactical. The age when brute strength dominated the world has long been overdue," In response, he prepared the required items such as his spell, his position, and the minions following its command

All of that planning for him to get the upper hand and isolate the two from the outside world that was stuck until Neon's death. The only means of escape was to use their power to vanquish their foe. This made it possible for Neon to have a fair match as he progresses with his well-calculated plan