
Homelander-The First Avenger

Homelander reincarnates in MCU.

BlankW · Phim ảnh
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Homelander warped up the operation, before heading back to Shield Headquarters alone.


Homelander flew at a speed unmatched, looking at the bearing New York City. The economic and financial center of the United States.

Each time he looked at this city from the sky, it always brought some broken glimpses from his last life. But the city in his memory was more advanced.

Making him wonder about his previous life. But most of the time it was just a passing thought. He was satisfied with his current life.


He landed on the steel ground, quickly heading towards the intelligence center.

Shield agents stopped and saluted him, Homelander had already advanced through the clearance levels, reaching Omega level because of his great powers and the deep trust Alexander Pierce had in him.

He was basically only below Alexander Pierce in the hierarchy of Shield.

Homelander leaned on the recliner, taking a sip of wine.


"Come in."

A voluptuous female agent came in, presenting him with a bunch of papers.

"This was all we could find regarding that organization. They have very few leaks, unfortunately."

"That will be more than enough, I appreciate the effort, Marlowe."

Homelander said, taking the files in his hand.

The person in front of him was his personal lackey in Shield. He liked her since she knew her place as a human, and knew how inferior she was compared to someone like him. And sometimes he could also use her as his stress reliever.

Focusing his attention on the information, this world was indeed fascinating. Countless mysteries are buried in the history books, with mystical organizations hidden from the eye of ordinary men.

The shield was one of them, and so was the organization contained in the intelligence he was going through.


From the knowledge, he gathered about Kamar-Taj. He knew that it was an organization that sheltered Masters of the Mystic Arts.

They housed forbidden spells and sorcerers that were capable of dangerous feet.

Most dangerous of them was a sorcerer that referred to herself as the Ancient one, her powers unfathomable.

"Indeed, this organization is too dangerous for the world to be left alone ."

Homelander declared righteously, after going through the information.

The mystical knowledge that Kamar-Taj held really ignited his greedy nature.

Homelander's eyes darkened thinking about how ordinary people could learn to use mystic arts with that knowledge.

Are these humans worthy of such powers?

"With great power comes great responsibility, unfortunately not everyone is fit to bear that responsibility."

Homelander said with a look of understanding painted on his face. Marlowe nodded on the sideline.

Homelander indeed despised Kamar-Taj for possessing that much power but he also knew that he needed to prepare more before he could take them on.

He was especially apprehensive of the Ancient One because despite Shield's best efforts they could not find much about her.

"Look into other sources of mystic arts aside from Kamar-Taj and report me on it as soon as you find something."

Homeland ordered, before heading towards his private lodging.

He stood in front of the sidewall of his bedroom, tapping in a circular pattern on the wall.


A gap the size of a basketball opened, revealing a square-shaped space.

In it was a square-shaped blue cube, it was the Tesseract!

Even Alexander Pierce didn't know that his 'godson' had this precious item in his possession. If he did, he most likely wouldn't have allowed him to have this much authority in Shield.

In fact, Homelander had devised a whole heist to get hold of the Tesseract but that's a tale for another time.

All in all, officially Tesseract is considered 'lost' by Shield.

Homelander carefully picked up the cube, feeling the cosmic energy in it.

He closed his eyes, slowly absorbing the raw cosmic energy.

He could feel everything about him getting stronger, his senses, his body, and even his heat vision.

He only stopped absorbing when he felt a feeling of fullness. He could feel that if he continued, his entire being might burst.

That was why he could only absorb once every month.

This absorbing process has been his monthly routine for the past few years.

Maybe because of its relation to his birth, but Homelander always had an easy time controlling the cosmic power from the Tesseract.

He had decided not to think much of it since it should be expected that he was special, different from others.


Just as he was about to put the Tesseract back, his Nokia 3310 started to ring.

He looked at the number before picking it up.

[Sir, our search team has found and identified a living body, its identity being Steve Roger, codename Captain America.]

This is a Alternative MCU, though most major plots would stay the same but there will be minor differences.

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