
Hollywood High

crystaldumashie15 · Thanh xuân
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9 Chs

Khushi Patel

✽ **Name:** *Khushi Patel*

✽ **Sobriquet:** *Sushi*

✽ **Age:** *not comfortable*

✽ **Pronouns:** *[she/her - Khushi] [they/them - Sushi] [he/him - Khush]*

✽ **Birthday:** *9/11*

✽ **Zodiac:** *Virgo*

✽ **Sexuality:** *Gender Fluid, Bisexual*

✽ **Timezone:** *EST/EDT*

✽ **House:** *Slytherin 🐍*

✽ **Patronus:** *Mastiff*

✽ **Wand:** *Alder wood with a dragon heartstring core, 12 ½" and slightly springy flexibility*

✽ **Favorite Characters:** *Tonks, Sirius, Harry, Weasley Family, Hermione, Luna, Deadric*

✽ **Favorite Spell:** *~~Avada kadevra~~ Sectumsempra*

✽ **Likes:** *the beach, my hobbies, music, dancing, making friends, rainy days, reading, inventing, warm hugs, cold hands on a warm face (vise versa), smooth stones, rocks, and pebbles (comfort rocks), sand, grass, sleeping on the grass, cold concrete and roads, soft fur, my music, woodland creatures, flora and fauna, lakes and oceans, small picnics by the pond, reading a book in a relaxing hammock, myself ❤️*

✽ **Dislikes:** *unnecessary noises/messes/drama, last-minute things, being interrupted, ignored, cut off, people who make things more difficult than they should be, people who make me uncomfortable, rules, people who twist my words and promises, unnecessary and unwanted opinions, ignorant and arrogant people, the feeling of failure and disappointment, people who have the pure audacity to test me*

✽ **Hobbies:** *Musical instruments, Inventing, Skating, Horse riding, raiding kitchens, getting high on suga*