
Hollywood High

crystaldumashie15 · Teen
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9 Chs

Cyrus Abraham

Name: Cyrus Abraham

Age and year: 17 7th year

Gender: Male

power/ specialty : healing humans and animals

Sexuality: straight

Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff

Personality: He's an overly happy and kind guy. He was definitely naïve through most of his time through Hogwarts but has matured a good amount. He loves animals whether magic or not, and he's a hard worker. He tries his best to do whatever he can to help others and tries to have those people pass on the positivity.

Patronus: Nebelung Cat

Likes: A majority of animals both magical and not, helping others, hugs, and just nice people.

Dislikes: Snakes, seeing others in pain, and himself

Hobbies: Taking care of animals, reading, helping others, and learning new things

Skills: He's very good at understanding both people and animals, and his spells are powerful with his powers .

Favorite subject: Care of Magical Creatures

Backstory( in a few sentences): Cyrus grew up on a farm that bread livestock of both normal and magical creatures. He learned a lot about magical creatures before even going to school . When he was 8 he was going to feed a hippogriff that had gotten sick, he accidentally got trapped in it's stable through falling in from the loft and he was attacked due to it. He ended up with a large slash across his chest and one across his face all of which scarred. Eventually he came to Hollywood high and he managed to go through 7 years getting good grades in everything but also getting top of his class in Care for Magical creatures most of the time.