
Hold Me Tight (Levi Ackerman x OC)

Every day of Levi's life has been cold. Despite the scorching summers, the sunny springs and despite being the president of a rich company, Levi is incapable of feeling warmth. He is numb to it all...that is, until he meets Kai. Charming yet seemingly innocent, Kai's touch is the first heat that Levi's felt in a lifetime. Levi hires him as his secretary but there's more to Kai than meets the eye.

Dragon_Keeper · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

An Admirer

Kai's P.O.V

"Because you're not my type.", I said bluntly.

I mean I only joined this company because this was the quickest way to meet my first target...but to think my boss is actually a weirdo.

I internally sighed to myself.

Out of all the people I could have bumped into yesterday night, it just had to be the President.

If it was either Eren or Zach, I could have made up a lie, but the moment I saw my boss, all my excuses had vanished into thin air.

And before you get any ideas...

No, those products were not for my use.

And they certainly were not for my friend's use either.

(This was the guy I was with yesterday. His name is Jean Kirstein and he's an old friend of mine. I've known Jean since high school and we've kept in contact even after going our separate way.)

I don't have any kind of intimate relationship with that guy, Jean is merely a friend.

And besides, that guy doesn't even know that I'm actually a woman and we've known each other for around 13 years.

Now you may find this odd, but the thing that you should know is that I haven't begun to cross-dress just because I entered this company.

I've started cross-dressing long before that, however, that story is for another time.


Jean is Mikasa's boyfriend, although they seem to have an on and off relationship.

It isn't my place to pry into their private matters so I don't really talk about or even mention this with Mikasa, unless she's the one who brings up the topic.

As for the reason why I had bought those products last night...well, there's a reason for that but you'll have to wait for a bit.

Regardless of whether my boss had seen me with those two products in my hand...

Regardless of the fact that he now thinks that Jean is my boyfriend...

Why is my boss still hung up on the fact that I didn't want to sleep with him?

I looked at the President before pausing altogether.

My boss's expression reminded me of a wounded kitten and this made me think that I may have gone too far with my words.

'Uh oh.', I thought.

I was worried that he was going to yell at me but I didn't see anything wrong with what I said because I technically did ask for permission.

'Was I too harsh?', I thought to myself.

Mr. Ackerman sat there without moving and I began to wonder whether I had broken the man.

Well perhaps, I may have stepped on his pride but still...

The knock at the door made me internally sigh in relief and I looked at Eren who walked in while being completely oblivious to the boss's expression.

My friend began rambling about something related to work and I glanced over at the President.

Seeing as this was my golden opportunity to escape, I quickly slipped out of the room while letting my friend be the bait for the shark who sat behind the desk.

Once reaching my office, I released a small sigh.

'I think I've definitely gotten myself tangled up with a weirdo.', I thought to myself.

I've worked for Mr. Ackerman for just over 9 months, yet I could have never imagined that my boss was someone like this.

Except for work, we've never had any other interactions, however, things seemed to have taken a strange turn around two months ago.

'Hopefully, I can quickly finish up with my revenge before things escalate any further.', I thought to myself.


A few days later...

Ever since Kai had bluntly rejected the President because Levi is not his type, the raven haired male's confidence had been greatly damaged.

For the next three days, Levi had been mulling over the reasons as to why he did not meet Kai's "type".

Since Levi's ego was at a high level, the raven haired male was unable to come up with reasons as to why he got rejected, and so, the President tried to figure out how the "horse-faced" male from that night seemed to have caught Kai's interest.

In Levi's opinion, he believes that Kai is way out of that man's league and that his secretary could choose a better man than that horse face.

Because there was very little he knew about that man from the other night, Levi had no choice but turn to someone who was close to Kai.

"Oi brat.", Levi looked at his bodyguard who stood in his office.

Eren was standing in Levi's office because they were going to head off to a meeting that's taking place at the Survey Corps company building.

The raven haired male only ever arranges meetings with the Survey Corps around once every year, because both companies have good alliances so it wasn't necessary to meet often.

Right now both Levi and Eren were waiting for Kai to bring over the files needed for the meeting, before they set off to the other company

Secretary Kai has heard of the Survey Corps but the blond male has never actually dealt anything related to that company since he had begun working here.

Kai will be accompanying President Levi to the meeting at the Survey Corps since the secretary was present in almost all meetings unless those meetings take place during meal times.

While the blond male sorted out all the files, Levi and Eren waited for Kai to return so that they can leave together.

During this time, Levi decided to find out more about Kai's boyfriend because this has been on the raven haired male's mind ever since that night.

"Yes, sir.", Eren responded quickly.

"What's Secretary Kai's type?", Levi asked.

"Pardon?", Eren asked in confusion as he was unable to understand what the question meant.

"What's Secretary Kai's choice in partners?", Levi asked, "You always talk to him so you must know about his relationships.", he said.

Although Eren now understood the question, the tall male wasn't sure where this topic had come from but even so, he still responded.

"Kai hasn't mentioned anything about relationships.", Eren said before frowning slightly as he tapped his chin while deep in thought, "As far as I'm aware, Kai is still single.", the tall male said.

"T'ch.", Levi clicked his tongue as he looked away, "Useless.", he muttered under his breath since he had thought that Eren would know about Kai's boyfriend, "Who else is close to Secretary Kai?", if Eren wasn't of much help, then Levi would have to ask someone else.

"Zach talks to Kai a lot.", Eren said, "But sir, why are you curious if Kai is in a relationship or not?", he asked.

[See Chapter 4 for the character introduction of Zach.]

"Because that brat was with someone a few nights ago.", Levi snapped back.

'Zachariah Collins.', President Levi knew this male as one of the departmental managers in his company, 'I need to speak with him.', he thought to himself.

Levi wanted to know what was the name of Kai's boyfriend, because once knowing this, the raven haired male would find it easy to do a full background check on that horse face.

Unfortunately, President Levi had no details on that man so he had hoped that Eren would be of help but the tall male didn't know anything either.

"What? Really?!", there was a genuine surprise in Eren's voice because the tall male hadn't heard his friend mention that he was dating someone.

"Brat, you better not mention this discussion to Secretary Kai.", Levi said sternly as he wanted to investigate this quietly.

"Of course sir.", Eren said quickly as he did not want to get on his boss's bad side although he felt guilty for keeping this from his friend.

'Perhaps I can tell Kai secretly and make him promise not to bring this up to Boss.', Eren thought to himself.

There was a knock at the door and Kai had returned with the files.

President Levi stood up and was already putting on his coat as he headed to the door.

The pair of steel grey eyes briefly landed on Kai but the blond male's attention was on Eren because the tall male had a nervous smile on his face.

While Kai wondered what was up with his friend, Levi's eyes hadn't moved away from his secretary.

The raven haired male could feel irritation bubbling up in his chest at the way Kai showed a worried expression towards Eren but never showed any sort of expressions whenever he was around Levi.

Levi wanted to know what made everyone so special that Kai can be at ease so easily, yet has his guard up around the President.

The raven haired male walked off without a word while Eren and Kai followed behind their boss in silence.

"What's up with you?", Kai whispered quietly as he lightly nudged Eren's arm.

"Nothing.", Eren quickly responded.

The elevator ride from the 9th floor to the ground floor was silent as all 3 males were preoccupied in their own thoughts.


Some time later...

This was Kai's first time inside the Survey Corps company building and the blond male briefly glanced at his surroundings since this was a new environment.

They were guided to the meeting room but all the while, the female employees and the male employees were seen glancing over at the blond male who walked beside President Levi.

All the employees here knew President Levi Ackerman of The Underground City since the raven haired male's company was famous and the male himself was an attractive CEO.

They also recognised Eren as President Levi's bodyguard since the tall male has been working for the raven haired male for a very long time.

However, none of them recognised Kai because the blond male has never made his appearance here.

The employees were well aware that President Levi hires for a new secretary every month, but they had also heard the rumour that one male had broken this record.

Everyone couldn't help but gaze at Kai because the blond male had such an aura about him and not to mention the fact that he has a very attractive face.

Both the female and male employees could be seen blushing at the sight of Kai but the blond male was oblivious to all of this because he was focused on something else.

They reached the meeting room and while Eren was stationed to stand outside the door, Kai walked into the room behind President Levi.

There was still time before the meeting started, so Levi asked Kai to bring him a cup of black tea.

The blond male left the room and headed to the nearest break room which was down the corridor.

Secretary Kai was boiling water in the kettle when someone walked into the break room.

The blond male instantly recognised this individual and it seems that this individual also recognised Kai.

This individual was a very tall male, measuring a height of 188 cm. He has short blond hair, hazel eyes and a defined facial structure.

The male's large height, broad shoulders and serious expression gave off an intimidating presence, however, the smile on the male's face softened his features.

"Kai?", there was surprise in the tall male's voice.

"Reiner, what are you doing here?", Kai asked.

Reiner Braun, a 24-year-old, was a friend of Kai's.

"I work here.", Reiner replied.

"Really?", now Kai's voice held surprise.

But it seems that Reiner doesn't know about Kai's real identity either.

"What about you?", the tall male asked, "I'm pretty sure you don't work here.", he said.

"Ah, I'm here for a meeting.", Kai pointed back in the direction of the meeting room, "With President Ackerman.", he said.

"Wait, your President Ackerman's secretary?", Reiner asked in shock.

"Yeah...", Kai tilted his head while he stared at the tall male, "Why?", he asked.

Reiner's expression faltered for a second and he quickly cleared his throat while suppressing the heat which was about to rise to his cheeks.

"Well, there's been rumours here about his secretary who broke the one-month record and everyone's been wondering what kind of person his secretary is.", Reiner said, "Now that I know it's you, I shouldn't have been surprised.", he said with a soft smile.

"As if I'd chicken out after one month.", Kai said with a faint smirk on his face.

Secretary Kai was well aware about the rumours at The Underground City company, but he hadn't thought that these rumours would circulate at other companies too.

"Since it's you, then that would be something unheard of.", Reiner said with amusement.

The tall male paused for a second before speaking up.

"It's been a while since I saw you, the last time was at-", Reiner stopped himself from continuing.

The pair of amber eyes flashed with an unexplainable emotion and Reiner was quick to notice this, although it wasn't as if Kai had intentionally tried to suppress his expressions.

Knowing that he had stepped onto a sensitive topic, Reiner felt regretful because his eyes soon filled with guilt.

"Well, it's good to see you.", Reiner quickly corrected himself.

Kai gave a forced smile to the tall male.

"Anyways, are you making tea for yourself?", the tall male changed the subject since he didn't want to upset his friend's feelings.

"I wish.", Kai returned back to his original mood as he pushed aside the thoughts that had been on the back of his mind, "It's for the President.", he said.

"So you're running errands too?", Reiner said as he walked over to the cupboard and grabbed a mug from one of the shelves.

"Too?", Kai repeated his friend's words, "Who do you have to make tea for?", he asked.

"For the President.", Reiner said with a small sigh.

"Mr. Ackerman?", Kai asked in confusion.

The tall male chuckled lightly as he shook his head.

"No, one of the Presidents of this company.", Reiner said.

The Survey Corps company is run by 2 CEOs.

President Erwin Smith and President Mike Zacharias ran the company together.

While Erwin had the ideas, Mike had the money so both males opened up the company together and were now one of the top companies in the country.

"I've never actually asked you this, but what's your position in this company?", Kai asked.

"President Zacharias's secretary.", Reiner replied.

"Pfft-", Kai couldn't help but stifle his laughter once finding that his friend was a secretary just like him, "Then I guess I'll see you in the meeting room in a few minutes.", once pouring a cup of black tea for his boss, the blond male was already heading to the door, "There's still some water left in the kettle so help yourself.", Kai glanced back at Reiner and gave him a smile before leaving the room.

This time Reiner couldn't stop the blush which rose to his cheeks and the tall male just stood there with a bright red hue which coloured his cheeks and his ears.

'Ah, I've got to stop this.', Reiner quickly shook his head as he tried to snap out of his thoughts.

With a pounding heartbeat, Reiner began making a cup of tea for his boss now.

When Kai finally returned to the meeting room, President Levi looked at his secretary who now placed his cup of tea in front of him.

"T'ch, you took your time brat.", Levi said.

"My apologies sir, I just met someone on the way.", Kai said as he took a seat beside his boss while getting his notes out for the meeting.

Once hearing this, Levi couldn't help but glance over at Kai who was too focused on his notes to notice the gaze that was on him.

The first person that had come to the raven haired male's mind once Kai mentioned this, was the horse face from several nights ago.

'Does Kai's boyfriend perhaps work here?', Levi thought to himself.

An hour or so later...

The meeting ended without a problem and one by one, the individuals in the room began to leave quietly.

While President Erwin was talking to President Levi, Kai was busy packing up all the papers and files.

A pair of footsteps approached the blond male and Kai glanced up at the individual who had walked over.

"Kai, do you want to grab a drink sometime this week?", Reiner asked.

"Sure.", Kai responded with a small smile, "When are you free?", he asked.

"I should be free Wednesday...", Reiner said.

While the two males spoke to each other, Mike, who had been talking with Erwin and Levi, soon caught sight of his secretary speaking to someone.

Mike had employed Reiner as his secretary around two years or so ago, and the tall male found that the blond male is a very efficient individual.

The only downside or perhaps the only negative thing that Mike could say about Reiner is the fact that the blond male's serious expression and intimidating presence puts people off from approaching.

From what President Mike has seen, Reiner isn't a sociable individual and he barely interacts with anyone at the company unless it's related to work.

Now that Reiner had willingly approached someone, this had piqued Mike's interest and the President wondered what kind of person had caught his secretary's attention.

Soon enough, Kai watched as an arm was swung over Reiner's shoulder and an even taller male was seen standing beside his friend.

Mike Zacharias, a 28-year-old who measured a height of 196 cm.

This well-built up man had dirty blond hair with his bangs parted down the middle.

"Reiner, who's your friend?", Mike asked with a friendly smile on his face.

Mike was aware that the short male standing in front of them is Levi's secretary, but the tall male never got a name.

However, this wasn't his concern at the moment.

Now that he was standing in front of Levi's secretary, Mike had felt his breath get caught at the back of his throat because he had been taken back by the shorter male's beauty.

Smooth blond hair that poured out like liquid gold, skin as white as snow, a straight nose and a pair of petal-like lips.

Then there was the pair of amber eyes which held a light shade of a yellow copper tint and were hooded by thick eyelashes.

Mike has never seen a beautiful face like this before and the tall male's expression had faltered for a mere second but he managed to compose himself.

President Zacharias had once explicitly admitted during an interview that he was bisexual.

Whether it was a man or a woman, if Mike was interested, he'd flirt endlessly with them.

Once the tall male is set on someone, he would not bat an eyelash at any other individual who shows an interest to him.

You could say that Mike is somewhat of a serious person when it comes to relationships, however, since he was known for having been through several relationships, the tall male had earned the reputation of a playboy.

Mike would never cheat on his partner and surprisingly, his relationships had always come to an end because the other party asked to break up.

His partners didn't like the way Mike is able to 'sniff' people then be able to tell what they're thinking and feeling.

And so because of this, they'd break off the relationship with the tall male.

This was the first time that Mike was so captivated by someone but the tall male didn't make a move since he assumed that this is Reiner's lover.

Mike would never stoop so low and hit on someone else's lover, however, the tall male could not deny the attraction he felt towards the short male.

"This is Kai Wright.", Reiner introduced his friend, "He's a friend of mine from high school.", he said.

Hearing his secretary address the short male as his 'friend', Mike felt more than happy.

President Zacharias literally pushed Reiner out of the way and now stood in front of Kai.

"Mike Zacharias. A pleasure to meet you.", Mike held out his hand with a warm smile on his face.

Kai was, of course, unfazed by the tall male's smile.

"The pleasure is all mine.", Kai said with a smile as he outstretched his hand and shook the tall male's hand.

Unfortunately, this time Mike's expression wavered because of Kai's smile and the tall male found that his cheeks were scorching hot.

In his past relationships, Mike had just felt a sense of attraction towards his ex-partners, however, this time the tall male could feel himself getting flustered just because of a simple smile.

While Kai released Mike's hand, the tall male could still hear his heartbeats echoing in his ears and he could still feel the lingering heat in his palm.

'What's this?', it was something Mike had never felt before.

"Oi brat, we're leaving.", President Levi said.

"Yes, sir.", Kai glanced back at his boss.

The short blond male then turned back towards the two tall males.

"Take care, sir.", Kai gave a small bow to Mike before turning to Reiner, "See you later.", he gave a smile to his friend before following behind his boss who was already leaving the room.

While Reiner went to collect his papers and files from the meeting, Mike's eyes followed Kai's form until the short male had left the room.

President Zacharias soon approached his secretary.

"So tell me about your friend.", Mike told Reiner, "What are Kai's interests?", he asked.

Mike took his secretary along with him, leaving Erwin by himself.

Erwin Smith is a 28-year-old who measured a height of 188 cm.

His short blond hair was kept neatly parted to the left side and he had one of the calmest and collected expressions. Although his icy blue eyes were one of his most striking features.

President Smith rolled his eyes at his friend's behaviour, knowing what was coming next.

But Erwin had also noticed the way Levi had glared in Mike's direction.

'I think I'm about to see something interesting.', Erwin thought with a faint smile on his face.

Erwin, Mike and Levi had known each other from high school and they had stayed close friends although the raven haired male wasn't exactly the most sociable in the group.

It was the first time that Erwin had seen Levi make that kind of expression and so, his gut feeling was telling him that it has something to do with a certain secretary.

'I wonder if Hanji knows.', Erwin stood up and went to make a phone call back in his own office.


Some time later...

President Levi had returned back to his company and it was clear from his expression that he wasn't in a good mood.

Eren had gone off to take care of something, leaving Kai alone with their boss.

They were standing in the elevator in silence and the blond male didn't want to be the first person to speak up because he knew that his boss was in a foul mood.

Levi was in a terrible mood after seeing the interaction between Kai and Mike.

The raven haired male knew full well about Mike's past relationships and he was also aware that once the tall male is attracted to someone, he would pursue after them.

Not only did Levi notice the way Mike looked at Kai, but the raven haired male felt pissed off because Kai had smiled at the tall male.

'So you can show that kind of expression to everyone but me?', not once had Levi seen Kai smile at him and it's been over 9 months now.

Yet today, the blond male had shown his smile to Mike and Mike's secretary.

'Maybe Kai is a man-magnet.', Levi thought to himself since his secretary seems to be attracting a lot of men without even doing anything.

"Brat, don't get so close to Mike.", Levi finally spoke up.

Secretary Kai glanced over at his boss.

"It's only a matter of time before that guy starts sending you gifts to win you over.", Levi said.

Kai paused as he heard those words.

Of course, the blond male was oblivious to the effect he has on both men and women.

But right now, Kai was thinking that Levi was only saying this as one of his many attempts to try and bed him, so the blond male wasn't falling for this trick.

"Sir, I am not some sort of prized object to just win over with gifts.", Kai didn't like the way Levi had worded his sentence.

If Kai was dressed as a woman right now, this would have been very sexist, because those words could be taken in another way.

It was as if Levi was implying that you can win over a woman by just buying her gifts, although that wasn't what the raven haired male had in mind.

President Levi was concerned and just a 'little' pissed at the idea that Mike would be making his move on Kai.

However, it wasn't as if anyone knew that Kai is actually a woman so Kai had no choice but to hold back his temper.

Secretary Kai may be hiding his identity but he doesn't allow things like these to pass by easily, so the blond male carefully chose a polite manner to respond back to his boss's words.

Levi was slightly offended once hearing his secretary say this because the raven haired male had never said it with the suggestion that Kai was just an object.

President Levi also felt a little disheartened that Kai had such a bad impression of him but the raven haired male didn't utter a word.

In situations like these, Levi doesn't know how to resolve a misunderstanding because he always speaks in a blunt manner.

Although when it came to business, the raven haired male was a professional with words, yet it was in personal situations like this that left Levi silent.

The rest of the elevator journey to the 9th floor was silent as Levi tried to think of a way to sort out the misunderstanding because this wasn't the first time that Kai has told Levi off.

The first time had been at the restaurant when Levi had told his secretary about his condition but Kai hadn't believed him and thought that the raven haired male was making it all up just so he could sleep with him.

Now that Kai was assuming that Levi was implying that he is some sort of object, the raven haired male really wanted to fix this misunderstanding.

Levi didn't know why he cared so much about what Kai thought of him and he also couldn't understand why he didn't want to leave a bad impression with the blond male.

This was the first time that Levi cared about what someone thought of him.

The lift doors opened and just when Kai was about to head to his own office, the raven haired male quickly spoke up.

"Secretary Kai.", the President called back the blond male.

Kai turned back to look at the raven haired male.

"No amounts of gifts or money can compare to your worth.", Levi said.

Kai's expression faltered for a mere second but this went unnoticed by the raven haired male.

This was the first time that someone had ever said this to Kai, and the blond male could feel his heart squeeze in content.

"I just thought it'd be inappropriate for you to receive gifts from another man when you're already in a relationship.", Levi said.

The President wasn't going to admit to the blond male that he didn't want Kai to accept gifts from other males so he used the excuse of Kai's boyfriend as a reason to not accept gifts from others.

With that Levi walked off to his office, leaving Kai to his own thoughts in the corridor.


The next day...

Kai had completely forgotten about what the President had said and it wasn't until Eren had called the blond male downstairs to the reception that Kai recalled Levi's words.

A delivery had been made to The Underground City so Eren and his security team, of course, had it scanned to check that there were no dangerous items in it.

Once having checked that it was safe, Eren made a phone call to Kai because the delivery was for the blond male himself.

Secretary Kai arrived downstairs and joined his friend who waited by the scanners.

"There's a delivery for me?", Kai asked in slight surprise since he has never used the company as his personal delivery address.

The blond male wasn't expecting for a delivery so he had found it strange when Eren had called while saying that something had arrived under his name.

"Actually, I was surprised too.", Eren said as he led his friend to where the delivery had been kept aside, "Because this isn't something that gets delivered often.", he said.

Kai was now even more curious as to what had arrived.

Once reaching the place where the deliveries are kept aside after scanning, the blond male paused altogether.

"Kai, I think you might have an admirer.", Eren pointed to the item that had been delivered.

Set aside on a counter was an enormous basket of red roses.

The basket was probably the same size as an average-sized dining table and now Kai stood there staring at it.

To think that someone had sent such an expensive thing to Secretary Kai.

The blond male had an unreadable expression on his face as he didn't know what to make of this gift.

'Ah, is this what President Levi meant?', at first, Kai hadn't believed his boss when he had said that President Zacharias would be sending gifts to win him over.

But now it seems that the raven haired male had been right all along.

What Kai didn't know was what he was supposed to do right now?

First, it was President Levi and now it was President Mike.

'Just what am I supposed to do with this guy now?', Kai was left completely speechless because he had no idea why he was attracting one man after the next, 'All I wanted to do was get revenge.', he thought to himself.

It looks like poor Kai will be getting more than what he had bargained for...