
Hold Me Tight (Levi Ackerman x OC)

Every day of Levi's life has been cold. Despite the scorching summers, the sunny springs and despite being the president of a rich company, Levi is incapable of feeling warmth. He is numb to it all...that is, until he meets Kai. Charming yet seemingly innocent, Kai's touch is the first heat that Levi's felt in a lifetime. Levi hires him as his secretary but there's more to Kai than meets the eye.

Dragon_Keeper · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Make A Bet

Kai finally released a small sigh once having been silent for some time now.

At first, he had thought that President Levi had been lying about the fact that President Mike of the Survey Corps company was pursuing him.

But now that Kai was looking at the gift of flowers, the blond male knew that his boss had been telling the truth.

It seems that, for some unknown reason, the President of another company was pursuing Secretary Kai.

The blond male was slightly bothered that two men were trying to make their move on him.

Kai's P.O.V

First Mr. Ackerman asks me to sleep with him.

Now, Mr. Zacharias is sending me gifts to "win" me over.

I'm not being prejudice or anything, but are all men around me gay?

Just what exactly have I done to gain their attention?

I quickly shook away those thoughts since now was not the time to be thinking about this.

My mind was set on an entirely different matter so I can't let 'obstacles' like this to get in my way.

"Shall I have these sent to your office?", Eren asked and I looked at him to find him grinning widely.

I'm sure he was enjoying this and there was also something else about his behaviour that had been bothering me since yesterday but I decided not to dig into the matter.

"No.", I responded which made him pause, "You can take it home since I don't want it.", I said.

"What? Really?!", Eren asked in surprise, "But this thing is expensive and the sender-", I cut him off before he continued.

"Sorry but I have no interest in gifts like these.", I said.

Gifts like flowers (and jewelleries when I'm dressed like a woman) aren't exactly my thing.

"And another thing.", I continued, "Don't mention this to our boss.", I said.

The last thing I need right now is for Mr. Ackerman to find out that I had received a gift from Mr. Zacharias.

I headed back to my office while trying to think of a way to stop Mr. Zacharias's advances.

3rd Person's P.O.V

Little did Kai know that Mike's gifts weren't going to stop there.

For the next following days, Mike had sent a range of different flowers and with each gift, Kai had handed them straight to Eren.

Secretary Kai was slightly bewildered at how persistent this man was.

The continuous gifts of expensive flowers were burdening Kai but the fact that the older man was still persistent, made the short male feel troubled.

'At this point, he should have given up.', Kai internally sighed to himself.

Secretary Kai had already sent back a message to President Mike that he didn't want these gifts, but the tall male only responded back by doubling the size of the flowers.


A meeting had taken place at another company, so President Levi, Kai and Eren were now walking back to the car.

They walked past a flower shop and Eren ended up making a comment which caught President Levi's attention.

"Kai, don't those flowers look like the ones you received yesterday?", Eren said.

The blond male glanced at the tall male while Levi was seen to turn back towards his bodyguard and his secretary.

'Eren, you're really an idiot sometimes.', Kai paused as he made eye contact with Levi.

"Who sent you flowers?", President asked coldly.

Eren stiffened as he realised that he had let slip of the matter which his friend had specifically told him not to mention in front of their boss.

Even though Kai's secret was revealed, the blond male's expression stayed composed.

"It wasn't anything special.", the blond male said as he didn't want to tell his boss the truth.

"Who sent you flowers?", Levi wasn't going to let this matter go so easily, especially when it involved his secretary.

Kai was unfazed by the tone of his boss but the blond male did feel a shiver run down his spine once noticing the pair of steel grey eyes which held a piercing gaze in his direction.

"President Zacharias.", the blond male had no way of escaping the question nor his boss's gaze.

Levi clenched his jaw for a mere second and this went unnoticed by Kai who was preoccupied in coming up with reasons to change the subject.

Without a word, the raven haired male had turned around and was already heading back towards the car.

Eren glanced at Kai with an apologetic expression before quickly following behind their boss.

Meanwhile, the blond male released his breath, not having realised that he had been holding his breath the whole time Levi's gaze had been on him.

'Just what exactly is up with this guy?', Kai was unsure why the raven haired male had looked at him with such a gaze.

The blond male had felt as though he had been caught by a predator and was left unable to move for a couple of seconds.

Kai could still feel his heart rapidly thumping in his chest and the blond male tried to think of other thoughts to calm his heartbeats.


Some time later...

The blond male had thought that the matter about the flowers had been forgotten.

Kai had thought wrong...

Having finished describing to the President about one of the current projects that the company was working on, Secretary Kai was about to head back to his own office to sort a few matters regarding the proposal form.

"So what have you done with the flowers?", Levi suddenly asked.

Kai had been taken off guard by the sudden question but his expression didn't show this.

"The flowers?", the blond male decided to play it dumb.

"The flowers you got from that fucking giant.", Levi referred to Mike as a 'giant', because that man was close to 2 metres in height so of course, he's considered as a giant.

'Ouch.', Kai didn't think that his boss would refer to a President of another company in such a manner.

"I gave them all to Eren.", Kai responded calmly.

President Levi paused once hearing this and his foul mood seemed to have disappeared.

But a frown soon appeared on Levi's face as he now wondered why those flowers were given to Eren.

All those flowers which had been sent were expensive, so if you were to give them away, you'd most likely give it to someone who you're close to.

The raven haired male was irritated at the idea of Eren receiving those expensive gifts from Kai.

'What makes that brat so special?', Levi thought with a small frown.

"Why?", the President asked.

"Well, I heard Eren saying that he has a few potted plants so I thought he'd be able to look after the flowers.", Kai said.

"Why can't you look after them?", Levi asked.

Levi didn't like the idea of Kai receiving gifts from Mike, but the raven haired male also disliked the way Kai is so close with Eren that he'd give away those expensive flowers to the tall male.

"I don't really like flowers.", Kai said bluntly.

This made the raven haired male pause yet again.

"I'd have to change the water everyday, then after a week or so, I'd have to watch them die.", Kai said, "President Zacharias gave me enough flowers that could probably fill a whole garden. I don't have time to look after that many flowers and it's not something that I'm interested in either.", he said, "So Eren was the best option since he loves plants.", the blond male said.

Kai appreciated the beauty of the flowers but that was all.

When Secretary Kai was finally given permission to leave President Levi's office, the raven haired male glanced at the piece of paper that he had hidden under the files which sat in front of him.

Levi had asked Eren for the list of the different flowers that Mike had sent Kai, then the raven haired male began making another list of flowers which Kai hadn't received.

Having gotten jealous of Mike who was trying to make a move on Kai, Levi was going to send flowers to his secretary but now that he found out that Kai dislikes flowers, the raven haired male scrunched up the piece of paper and then threw it away.

'T'ch, Kai doesn't even like your gifts.', Levi was pleased that Kai didn't like Mike's gifts because this meant the tall male has no way of getting any closer to his secretary, 'I should find that Zach guy first and get the name of Kai's boyfriend.', the President thought to himself.

The raven haired male's pride was still dented at the fact that Kai said that Levi is not his type.

'So that horse face is your type?', Levi was more than just bewildered at having lost to a man whose face resembled a horse, 'As if I'm going to lose to that piece of shit.', the raven haired male thought to himself.

While Levi had thought that Mike will not be able to get any closer to Kai because the flowers were a fail, the raven haired male was so wrong...

Two days later...

Mike suddenly made his appearance and this annoyed Levi more than ever.

"What do you want?", Levi glared at Mike.

The raven haired male was glad that his secretary hadn't arrived at the entrance of the company building yet, so Levi was going to use this opportunity to chase away the tall male before Kai arrives.

"I'm not here for a meeting, I'm here to see Kai.", Mike said with a smile on his face.

The mere thought of seeing Kai, made the tall male feel more than happy.

The fact that Mike addressed Kai by his first name, pissed Levi off.

A dark aura surrounded President Levi as the pair of steel grey eyes shot daggers at the tall male.

"My secretary is busy.", Levi made sure to put extra emphasis on the first word.

This didn't go unnoticed by Mike, whose eyes which were previously filled with happiness now turned serious.

"Don't tell me you force Secretary Kai to work without a lunch break?", jealousy could be heard in Mike's voice as the tall male didn't like the way Levi had addressed Kai with 'my'.

Eren had been standing beside Levi, as he was supposed to take the raven haired male to the restaurant which Kai had reserved.

But now that the bodyguard saw this situation, he wasn't sure whether he should intervene or not.

Standing beside President Mike, was Reiner.

Reiner had thought that they were going to head to lunch because he had made a reservation for his boss who had requested a specific restaurant, but Secretary Reiner didn't think that the older male wanted to make a stop at The Underground City company.

Just then, Secretary Kai was seen heading towards the entrance of the company building with Zach and several other male colleagues.

The group were about to head for their lunch break, but they all paused once seeing both Presidents blocking the entrance.

Soon enough, Mike's and Levi's eyes landed on Kai.

Once all the attention was directed towards Secretary Kai, the short male didn't say anything nor did he move an inch.

'Ah shit. What is it this time?', Kai thought with an internal sigh.

Seeing both President Levi and President Mike in the same place together was not a good sign, and their piercing gazes only proved this further.

"Secretary Kai.", Levi said.

"Kai.", Mike said.

Both males had spoken in sync and they then turned towards each other to glare at one another.

Meanwhile, Kai continued to stay silent as he wasn't sure what the current situation was.

"Kai, would you like to have lunch together?", Mike asked as he approached the blond male.

Even though this wasn't the first time he was meeting Kai, Mike could feel his heartbeats increasing as if it were the first time.

"My apologies sir, but I've already made plans with my colleagues.", Kai pointed back to Zach and the other male colleagues who stood behind him.

"I see.", disappointment was visible in Mike's expression as his eyes soon directed towards the group of men who stood behind Kai.

President Zacharias was giving them a certain 'look', which was a silent way of telling them to get lost.

Kai noticed this and the short male was very quick to come to the defence of his colleagues who were getting intimidated by President Zacharias.

"Sir, I'm sure you've got a busy schedule today so please don't let me take up anymore of your time.", Kai said.

During all of this, Levi stood to the side and watched the whole thing in silence.

It was Kai's lunch break so it's not as if the raven haired male could ask his secretary to do extra work.

And it's not as if Levi could ask Kai to come and have lunch with him either, because the last time hadn't ended well.

So all President Levi could do right now, is watch in silence and hope that his secretary wouldn't go with Mike.

However, it seems that Mike wasn't so keen on leaving because he wanted to spend more time with Kai.

"How about we make a bet?", Mike suddenly proposed.

Levi's eyes narrowed, not knowing what was going to come next, while Kai looked at the tall male in a questioning manner.

"If I win then I'd like you to have lunch with me and if you win, you are free to spend your lunch break as you please.", Mike said.

Kai could disagree to this bet if he wanted to because it's not as if Mike was his boss or anything, but the short male was well aware of the gazes that were directed towards him, so if Kai were to turn down the bet, then this would give Mike a bad image.

Not wanting to ruin the relationship the Underground City has with the Survey Corps, Secretary Kai had no choice but to go along with what President Zacharias wanted.

"And on the basis of what outcome will this bet be on?", Kai asked without hesitation.

Levi wasn't so pleased with his secretary's response while Mike had a delighted smile on his face.

"Of course, it'll be a basketball match.", Mike said.

President Levi frowned slightly once he heard this, while Zach and the other males who stood behind Kai, had confused expressions plastered on their faces.

This time Kai glanced over at Reiner who had been standing behind Mike in silence.

"Very well.", Kai turned his attention back to President Mike.

"Good.", Mike said with a warm smile on his face, "There's a basketball court nearby, let's have the match there.", he said before he began to approach Levi.

Kai turned his attention back towards Reiner once Mike had walked away.

"He had asked about your interests and I said that you used to play basketball.", Reiner explained to the short male.

"I take it that you'll be staying to watch.", Mike told Levi and a faint smirk appeared on the tall male's face once seeing Levi's face twitch in annoyance, "So could I borrow your bodyguard to keep track of the points?", he asked.

"T'ch, why can't you use your own secretary?", Levi snapped back.

"That's because my secretary will be a little busy.", Mike responded.

Levi raised his eyebrow in a questioning manner and watched as the tall male glanced back to where Secretary Kai was standing.

"Kai, I'll give you the upper-hand so you can have Reiner on your team.", Mike said.

Because Mike was so tall, he decided to give an advantage to Kai who was very short compared to him.

And this was also one of Mike's ways to flirt with Kai because he didn't want to be mean towards the short male whom he was attracted to.

Once hearing this, Kai glanced back at Reiner.

"I may have forgotten to mention the part about your skills.", Reiner said.

This earned an amused smile from Kai, and soon enough, Reiner began to smile softly.


Some time later...

They had arrived at the basketball court and a small crowd had gathered to watch.

Several employees from The Underground City had come to watch the match because it was between the attractive Kai who was loved by all employees and President Zacharias of The Survey Corps company.

President Levi Ackerman was also among the crowd, wondering why Mike had requested such an unfair game when it was clear the tall male had the advantage.

The raven haired male didn't want Kai to have a meal with Mike but since the bet was already made, Levi wasn't sure if his secretary could win against a height of 196 cm.

Standing inside the court were 6 individuals: President Levi, President Mike, Secretary Kai, Secretary Reiner, Eren and Zach.

Levi and Eren stood to one side of the court while Zach stood by another corner.

Standing outside of the court, were all the onlookers who wanted to see how the match was going to take place.

"Will you be alright?", Zach asked Kai who was removing his tie.

As far as Zach could tell, President Mike had the advantage in height even if Kai was playing with Reiner.

Both Kai and Reiner, could not compete to Mike's height so Zach was worried that his friend would lose this match.

Zach has a friendly relationship with Kai, although the tall male with jet black hair would find his heart racing at the sight of the short male's smile.

The tall male would remind himself that they were just friends, but he'd then find himself wanting to spend more time with Kai.

These unexplainable emotions confused Zach, but the one thing that the tall male was sure of is that he didn't want President Mike to make a move on Kai.

It was clear to Zach that President Zacharias was here with other intentions, and Zach could already feel jealousy bubbling up in his chest.

"Don't worry.", there was an amused smile on Kai's face as he handed his tie to Zach, "I got this.", the blond male soon removed his suit jacket and also handed this for his friend to hold.

Meanwhile, Mike who had set aside his suit jacket and his tie, found himself pausing as his eyes fell on Kai.

'Damn.', Mike's eyes landed on Kai's ass and the tall male began to feel his heart rapidly thumping in his ribcage.

But it wasn't just Mike who was checking out Kai's ass, because Levi's and Reiner's eyes also landed on Secretary Kai.

Reiner quickly looked away while feeling a burning heat rise to his cheeks.

Meanwhile, Levi's steel grey eyes had landed on Kai and the raven haired male began to feel his throat go dry while hearing his heartbeats echoing in his ears.

'Fuck. This brat.', Levi swallowed his saliva while trying to suppress the bodily reaction that was taking place in his pants.

The only two people who seemed to be oblivious to what was going on, was Eren who was busy getting the point system set up on an A4 notebook, and Kai himself.

The blond male was actually oblivious to the gazes he was receiving.


Without any further delay, the basketball match began.

Reiner managed to steal the ball from Mike and had passed it to Kai.

As the short male ran towards the hoop while bouncing the basketball against the concrete ground, Mike was quick to block Kai's path.

Everyone had thought that Mike would win this, but that's not what happened at all...

All Mike had done was blink for a second, and within the next second, Kai had already run past the tall male without his acknowledgement.

It was at such a lightning-fast speed that Mike was left standing there frozen in shock.

And the following second, Kai was seen to jump and perfectly shoot the basketball into the hoop.

The court was silent for what may have been a whole minute or so, before the crowd erupted into cheers and claps.

Mike finally snapped out of his shock and he turned around to look at Kai.

The short male had the basketball in his hand and he threw it over towards Mike.

"Sir, you're not regretting your decision, are you?", Kai asked with a faint smirk on his face.

During high school, Kai had been part of the basketball team along with Reiner, Jean and other male classmates.

Back then, people had also underestimated Kai's ability because the blond male was short in height.

However, everyone had soon found out that Kai's lightning speed and precise aim, made him one of the top players in the team.

Reiner had purposefully left out that information when telling his boss that Kai has an interest in basketball.

Secretary Reiner had been unaware that Mike had sent flowers to Kai until he received word from one of his colleagues at the company.

Although Reiner saw Kai as a mere friend and an old classmate, he had felt protective over Kai and didn't want his boss to get anywhere near his friend.

Reiner kept convincing himself that it was because of his boss's past relationships, and Reiner was denying the fact that he felt more than just 'friendship' affection towards Kai.

So right now, Reiner was going to do his best to make sure that Kai wins the bet.

Meanwhile, Mike wasn't the only one who was surprised by Kai's skills, because even Levi's stoic expression had faltered for a fraction of a second.

President Levi, too, would have missed Kai's lightning-fast speed if not for the fact that the raven haired male had been watching his secretary closely.

The raven haired male's lips slightly twitched up in a faint smirk while amusement filled his eyes.

'Secretary Kai, you are quite the surprise.', the pair of steel grey eyes didn't leave Kai's form for even a second.

Because this was a match with a total of 5 rounds, there was now 4 rounds remaining as Kai had won the first.

Mike, who had previously been in shock, decided to take this game a little seriously...although, he didn't expect for Kai to be so good at basketball.

For the next following rounds, Kai beat Mike like there was no tomorrow and it was as if the whole crowd was in support of the short male who played so well.

Kai felt the rush of adrenaline running through his veins and this made the blond male recall his high school days.

There was a happy smile on the blond male's face as he watched Mike struggle to keep up with his speed.

By the fourth round, Kai had won all of them while President Mike was panting out of breath as beads of sweat rolled down his face.

He supported his hands on his knees as the tall male tried to catch his breath back.

Mike had felt like a little puppy, chasing after the basketball which was in Kai's hands.

Even though the tall male was a very fit individual, Mike wasn't exactly good at basketball and he definitely could not keep up with Kai's speed.

"Hey...isn't that foul play?", Mike panted out of breath as he spoke to Eren.

Not only did Kai have lightning-fast speed, but Mike was also distracted by the shorter male's ass.

Mike would find his eyes scanning over Kai's tempting body and then he'd lose all train of thoughts within the next second.

Not only did Kai have an attractive face, but the blond male also had a very attractive body.

This made Mike yearn for Kai.

"Nope.", Eren said while not realising what was going through Mike's mind.

By the 5th and final round, it was game over for Mike who now laid on his back on the concrete ground, completely worn out from the game.

Kai had won the game and hence the bet.

"Reiner, good game.", Kai said.

Both males gave each other high-fives as they walked past one another.

"You too.", Reiner said with a small smile on his face.

He felt happy for having played basketball with Kai again like they used to back in high school.

Kai retrieved his suit jacket and tie from Zach.

A pair of footsteps soon approached Mike, and the tall male opened his eyes to find Kai standing beside him.

President Mike instantly sat up and as he looked up at the short male from where he was sitting.

Kai held out a water bottle which Zach had given him not too long ago.

Mike took the water bottle off Kai's hand.

"A deal's a deal, so I'll be taking my leave now.", Kai said.

"Let's have a better game next time.", Mike was set in improving his skills so that he could impress Kai.

"We'll see.", Kai said with an amused smile on his face.

Secretary Kai soon walked off with Zach following behind him.

There was a soft smile on Mike's face as he watched Kai leave, because he took the short male's words as a sign that he has a chance with him.

Meanwhile, Levi who had watched the whole match and who had watched the small exchange between his secretary and the tall male, was not so pleased.

While there had been amusement in the pair of steel grey eyes while watching the game, Levi had felt a little dejected within a few minutes.

He had watched the way Kai smiled when playing basketball and President Levi felt jealousy bubbling up in his chest at the way his secretary easily showed his smile to everyone but him.

As an overwhelming feeling of possessiveness filled Levi's heart, the raven haired male had now set his mind to get closer to Kai before anyone else tries to make their move on the blond male.

Kai was unaware that a battle for his heart was going to take place very soon.